Tiimari Group's cooperation negotiations ended. Efficiency measures bring about EUR 2 million annual savings

Tiimari Plc	Stock Exchange Release 15 March 2010 at 13.00 
ABOUT EUR 2 MILLION ANNUAL SAVINGS                                              

Tiimari Group has completed the cooperation negotiations initiated in January.  
The negotiations affected all personnel of Tiimari Retail Ltd. in Finland and   
Gallerix Finland Ltd. The end result of the cooperation negotiations affects a  
smaller part of the personnel than expected due to other efficiency measures    
found during the negotiation process.                                           

In Tiimari Retail Ltd. negotiations were held to increase efficiency in shop    
operations by 7-9 %. Via several different measures the working hour efficiency 
improves during 2010 according to targets set, but the working hour reductions  
related to the cooperation negotiations will be less than 4 % of the total      
working hours. Currently, one is aware of 5 shops that will be closed during    
2010. These shops are located in the capital region and Päijät-Häme region.     
Total personnel reductions at Tiimari Retail Ltd. will be 18 of which eight are 
employed at the head office. Negotiations of a maximum of four week lay-offs    
were held at the Tiimari central warehouse where it was decided to go ahead     
initially with two weeks gradual lay-offs.                                      

In Gallerix Finland Ltd. negotiations were held to cease operations in Finland. 
As a result of the negotiations, all operations, all three shops will be closed.
The two shops located in the capital region will be closed 31st March 2010 and  
the shop in Lahti will be closed later on. Gallerix personnel reductions will be

With the efficiency measures in our domestic operations we will achieve         
estimated about EUR 2 million annual savings, of which two thirds will be       
realised during this year. The reduction in the shop network in Finland will    
lead to increased operative profitability and gradual increase in cash flow     
during the next two years. “The decision taken will improve our profitability as
well as strengthen the competitiveness of the company in the long run”, states  
CEO Hannu Krook.                                                                

Hannu Krook                                                                     
Tiimari Plc                                                                     

Further information: CEO Hannu Krook                                            
tel. + 358 (0)3 812911, e-mail hannu.krook@tiimari.fi                           

Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                               
important news media                                                            

Tiimari Plc is a listed company. The group consists of two retail shop concepts:
Tiimari and Gallerix. These two concepts do business in five countries within   
the Baltic Sea region and there are altogether nearly 300 shops. Both concepts  
belong to the forerunners of their market segment.