Lemminkäinen Corporation's directed share issues to institutional investors and to the minority shareholders of subsidiaries



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The Board of Directors of Lemminkäinen Corporation (hereinafter "Lemminkäinen"
or "Company") has decided on 17 March 2010 on two separate share issues so that
the total number of new shares to be issued is 2,623,514 shares, representing
about 13.35 per cent of all the issued and outstanding shares in the Company
after the share issues. The subscription price of the shares is EUR 23.25 per
share. The new shares will be recorded in the Trade Register and will be
eligible for public trading on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd ("Helsinki Stock
Exchange") on or about 23 March 2010. The main terms of the share issues are
described below. 

Directed share issue to institutional investors 

The Company offers, in derogation of the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription
right, a maximum of 1,700,000 new shares in the Company for subscription by
institutional investors approved by the Board of Directors ("Institutional
Issue"). The share issue is being made to support the Company's strategy and to
strengthen the Company's balance sheet and financial position. In addition the
share issue facilitates an expansion in the Company's ownership base, which
promotes the liquidity of the Company's share. The decision to issue new shares
is based on the authorisation given at the Extraordinary General Meeting held
on 12 November 2009. 

The subscription price of the new shares is EUR 23.25 per share. The
subscription price of the shares is based on recent share price development and
the price level dictated by demand from investors. The Company will receive a
total of EUR 39,525,000 from the Institutional Issue and the full amount will
be booked to the invested unrestricted equity reserve. All the shares offered
in the Institutional Issue have been subscribed. 

The new shares issued in connection with the Institutional Issue will confer
shareholder rights after they have been recorded in the Trade Registry. The new
shares will be recorded in the book-entry accounts of the subscribers and a
public listing for the shares on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd will be sought when
the shares are recorded in the Trade Register on or about 23 March 2010. 

Directed share issue to the minority shareholders of Lemminkäinen Corporation's
subsidiaries Tekmanni Oy and Lemminkäinen Talo Oy 

The Board of Directors has also decided on a share issue in which the Company
offers, in derogation of the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right, a
maximum of 923,514 new shares in the Company for subscription against receipt
of consideration in the form of shares by the minority shareholders of
Lemminkäinen Corporation's subsidiaries Tekmanni Oy and Lemminkäinen Talo Oy
("Share Exchange"). The Share Exchange is part of the streamlining of
Lemminkäinen Group's ownership structure. The Group's ownership structure is
being streamlined through share exchanges so that the minority shareholders
relinquish their shareholdings in the subsidiaries of Tekmanni Oy and
Lemminkäinen Talo Oy firstly in return for shares in Tekmanni Oy and
Lemminkäinen Talo Oy, which will be immediately exchanged for shares in
Lemminkäinen Corporation. The decision to issue new shares in Lemminkäinen
Corporation is based on the authorisation given at the Extraordinary General
Meeting held on 12 November 2009. 

The share subscription price in Lemminkäinen's directed issue to the minority
shareholders of the Company's subsidiaries is EUR 23.25, which is the same as
in the Institutional Issue. The subscription price will be booked in full to
the Company's invested unrestricted equity reserve. All the shares offered in
the Share Exchange have been subscribed. 

The new shares issued in connection with the Share Exchange will confer
shareholder rights after they have been recorded in the Trade Registry. The new
shares will be recorded in the book-entry accounts of the subscribers and their
admission to the main list of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd will be sought when the
shares are recorded in the Trade Register on or about 23 March 2010. 

81,339 shares issued in connection with the Share Exchange are subject to a
disposal restriction which will end at the latest in connection with the
confirmation of the financial statements for the 2012 accounting period of
certain subsidiaries of the Company. If certain financial criteria pertaining
to certain subsidiaries of the Company are not fulfilled, at most 81,339 shares
issued in connection with the Share Exchange will be returned to the Company in
2013 at the latest. 

As a consequence of the share issues the total number of shares in the Company
will rise from 17,021,250 shares at present to 19,644,764 shares. 

Aventum Ltd is acting as the Company's financial advisor and manager of the
Institutional Issue 

Helsinki, 17 March 2010


Timo Kohtamäki
President & CEO

Timo Kohtamäki, President & CEO, tel. +358 2071 53263
Robert Öhman, CFO, tel. +358 2071 53515

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Key media

Lemminkäinen Group operates in all areas of the construction sector. The
Group's business sectors are Building Construction, Infrastructure
Construction, Technical Building Services, and Building Products. Net sales in
2009 were approx. EUR 2.0 billion, of which international operations accounted
for about one fifth. The Group employs about 8,600 people. Lemminkäinen
Corporation's share is quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. www.lemminkainen.com 


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