NCC Group pro forma 2009 and financial objectives for 2010

NCC Group pro forma 2009 and financial objectives for 2010

As of January 1, 2010, NCC will apply IFRIC 15 and, accordingly, pro
formacomparative figuresfor 2009 are presented inthis press release. Due
to the introduction ofIFRIC 15, NCC has adjusted its financial
objectives effective 2010.

As of January 1, 2010, NCC will apply IFRIC 15, Agreements for the
Construction of Real Estate. The new accounting policies will mainly
affect NCC's housing operations, since as of 2010 sales of housing
projects will generally not be recognized as profit until the projects
have been transferred to the end customer, in contrast to 2009 and prior
years, when profit was recognized in pace with completion and sale.
NCC's assets and liabilities will also be affected by the introduction
of IFRIC 15. Interest-bearing liabilities will be higher than previously
because ongoing construction of housing in Swedish tenant owner
associations and Finnish housing companies will have to be recognized in
NCC's balance sheet. Accordingly, reported net indebtedness will
increase. In practice, however, the changes will have no impact on NCC's
financial position and risk.
NCC's financial objective for the debt/equity ratio is being increased
from 1.0 to 1.5, which means that net indebtedness must never exceed 1.5
times shareholders' equity at the end of any quarter.The objective for
the return on shareholders' equity remains unchanged at 20 percent after
tax. The objective pertaining to cash flow has been discontinued, due to
the limitations on net indebtedness.
Consolidated pro forma figures for 2009
Income statement

NCC Group                      2009            Change         2009 IFRIC
   SEK M                  Jan.-Dec.          IFRIC 15          Jan.-Dec.
   Net sales                 51 817             4 188             56 005
costs                       -46 544            -3 719            -50 263
Gross profit                  5 273               469              5 742
   Selling and
expenses                     -3 035                               -3 035
   Result from
sales of owner-
properties                       10                                   10
losses, fixed
assets                           -7                                   -7
   Result from
sale of Group
companies                         5                                    5
impeding fee                    -95                                  -95
   Result from
participations in
companies                        -1                                   -1
Operating profit/
loss                          2 150               469              2 619
income                           70                                   70
expense                        -526               -58               -584
Net financial
items                          -456               -58               -514
Profit/loss after
net financial
items                         1 694               411              2 105
   Tax on net
profit/loss for
the year                       -432               -18               -449
Net profit/loss
for the year                  1 262               393              1 656


Balance sheet

NCC Group                       2009            Change        2009 IFRIC
   SEK M                        Dec.          IFRIC 15              Dec.
Fixed assets                                                            
   Goodwill                    1 750                               1 750
   Other intangible
assets                           120                                 120
properties                         0                                   0
properties                       647                                 647
   Machinery and
equipment                      1 910                               1 910
in associated
companies                          9                                   9
   Other long-term
holdings of
securities                       203                                 203
receivables                    1 261                               1 261
   Deferred tax
assets                           117                19               137
Total fixed assets             6 016                19             6 035
Current assets                                          
projects                       2 835                               2 835
   Housing projects            8 363             1 774            10 137
   Materials and
inventories                      514                                 514
   Tax receivables               200                                 200
receivable                     6 355               -15             6 340
   Worked-up, non-
invoiced revenues              1 459              -682               777
   Prepaid expenses
and accrued income               844               138               982
receivables                    1 272               275             1 547
investments                      286                                 286
   Cash and cash
equivalents                    1 831               486             2 317
Total current
assets                        23 959             1 976            25 935
TOTAL ASSETS                  29 976             1 994            31 970
Shareholders´equity              867                                 867
Shareholders´equity            7 667              -197             7 470
interests                         18                                  18
shareholders´equity            7 685              -197             7 488
liabilities                    2 941                31             2 972
   Other long-term
liabilities                      558                                 558
   Deferred tax
liabilities                      710               -69               641
   Provisions for
pensions and
obligations                       18                                  18
   Other provisions            3 023               -91             2 932
Total long-term
liabilities                    7 250              -129             7 121
Current liabilities                                     
liabilities                      391             1 348             1 739
   Accounts payable            3 545                -9             3 536
   Tax liabilities                38                                  38
revenues not
worked-up                      4 516              -267             4 250
   Accrued expenses
and prepaid income             3 539                84             3 623
   Provisions                     59                                  59
   Other current
liabilities                    2 954             1 164             4 118
Total current
liabilities                   15 041             2 320            17 361
Total liabilities             22 291             2 191            24 482
LIABILITIES                   29 976             1 994            31 970
ASSETS PLEDGED                   319                                 319
LIABLITIES                     4 600            -1 041             3 559
Capital employed              11 034             1 182            12 216
Net indebtedness                -754            -1 030            -1 784
Debt/equity ratio,
times                            0,1                                 0,2
ratio, %                          26                                  23

NCC´s financial objectives
As of 2010 NCC has the following financial objectives:

* Return on shareholders' equity after tax must amount to 20 percent.

* Net indebtedness must not exceed 1.5 times shareholders' equity.

NCC's portfolio of development rights (housing development)
As of 2010, NCC will be reporting sales to investors, also known as
package deals, together with housing produced on a proprietary basis.
[Removed graphics] For table see PDF. 
For further information, please contact:
Chief Financial Officer Ann-Sofie Danielsson, phone. +46 (0)70-674 07 20.
Investor Relation manager Johan Bergman, phone +46 (0)8-585 523 53, +46
(0)70-354 80 35.
An information meeting to illuminate the effects of IFRIC15 will be held
at 9:30 a.m. CET on March 17 at Vallgatan 5, Solna, Sweden. The
presentation will be held in Swedish and the presentation material will
be available at after the meeting.
Enclosed documents:
Consolidated pro forma figures for 2009, and per quarter and per
business area (PDF)
Consolidated pro forma figures for 2009, and per quarter and per
business area (Excel)
All of NCC's press releases are available on
NCC is one of the leading construction and property development
companies in the Nordic region. NCC had in 2009 sales of SEK 52 billion,
with 18,000 employees.


IFRIC15___EN.xls 03172077.pdf