Annual general meeting of Intrum Justitia AB

Annual general meeting of Intrum Justitia AB

Summary of the most important decisions taken at the Intrum Justitia AB (publ)
annual general meeting. The annual general meeting, chaired by Lars Lundquist,
was held today in Stockholm, Sweden. 

The annual general meeting approved the board's and managing director's proposal
for dividend of SEK 3.75 per share, with 30 March 2010 as the record date. The
dividend is estimated to be paid out via Euroclear Sweden AB (former VPC AB) on
6 April 2010. 

Election of the board of directors 
The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the nomination
committee's proposal, that the number of board members shall be seven with no
deputy board members. Matts Ekman, Helen Fasth-Gillstedt, Lars Förberg,
Charlotte Strömberg, Fredrik Trägårdh, and Lars Lundquist were re-elected as
board members and Joakim Rubin was elected as new board member. Lars Lundquist
was re-elected chairman of the board. Bo Ingemarson has declined re-election. 

Remuneration to the board of directors 
The annual general meeting adopted the nomination committee's proposal for
unchanged remuneration to the board in accordance with the following: SEK
750,000 shall be paid to the chairman of the board and SEK 300,000 to each of
the other board members (in total SEK 2,550,000). In addition, an unchanged
remuneration amounting to in total SEK 540,000 shall be attributed to committee
work, whereof the chairman of the audit committee shall receive SEK 150,000 and
the other two audit committee members SEK 75,000 each. The remaining SEK 240,000
shall be distributed equally among the altogether six members of the
remuneration and investment committees. 

Principles for remuneration and other terms of employment for key executives 
The annual general meeting resolved to approve the board's proposal for
principles for remuneration and other terms of employment for key executives.
The total remuneration is based upon four main components; base salary,
short-term variable salary programmes, long-term variable salary programmes and

Nomination Committee 2010/2011
The annual general meeting resolved in accordance with the proposal of the
nomination committee, entailing in summary that the chairman of the board shall
convene the five largest shareholders of the company based on the number of
votes held at the end of August, who shall then have the right to appoint one
member each to the nomination committee. The committee shall be chaired by one
of its members. Not more than two of the committee's members may be members of
the company's board. Information regarding the composition of the nomination
committee shall be presented on the company's website not later than six months
before the annual general meeting in 2011. 

Adoption of the profit and loss statements and balance sheets 2009 and discharge
from liability 
The profit and loss statements and balance sheets for 2009 were adopted and the
board and the managing director were discharged from liability for the
administration of the company during the year 2009.

Authorisation for the acquisition and sale of the company's own shares for the
performance-based share program for 2008 
The annual general meeting approved the board's proposal regarding authorisation
for the board to decide on the acquisition and sale on the exchange of the
company's own shares for the performance-based share program for 2008. A maximum
of 250,000 shares may be acquired and sold on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm; the
company's holding of own shares may however at any time not exceed 250,000

A detailed description of the decisions made at the annual general meeting is
available on the company's website.

Lars Wollung, CEO and President
Tel: +46 8 546 102 00

Fanny Wallér, Chief Communications Officer
Tel: + 46 8 546 102 08
Mobile: + 46 70 692 77 79

Intrum Justitia is Europe's leading Credit Management Services (CMS) group and
offers services designed to measurably improve clients' cash flows and long-term
profitability. Intrum Justitia was founded in 1923, has around 3,400 employees
in 22 markets and revenues of approximately SEK 4.1 billion in 2009. Intrum
Justitia AB is listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm since 2002. For further
information, please visit

