
Due to changes in management structure of SIA „AV & D”, which is AS „Latvijas
balzams” related company, the Chairman of AS „Latvijas balzams” Management
Board, Mr. Kārlis Andersons, took up the position of the Chairman of SIA „AV &
D” Management Board, and AS „Latvijas balzams” chief financial officer Ms.
Gunita Kronberga continues discharging her duties as a member of SIA “AV & D”
Management Board. 
The Chairman of AS „Latvijas balzams” Supervisory Board, Mr. Val Mendeleev took
up the position of the Chairman of SIA „AV & D” Supervisory Board; Mr. Vitolds
Kokars, the member of AS „Latvijas balzams” revision committee, is also a
member of SIA “AV & D” Supervisory Board. 

Further information: 
Inta Belova 
phone.: +371 67011715