vestjyskBANK issues floating-rate bonds

7 April 2010                                                                    

vestjyskBANK issues floating-rate bonds                                         

On 8 April 2010 vestjyskBANK will issue new senior capital in the form of DKK   
denominated floating-rate bonds. The issue will have a nominal value of DKK     
1,400,000,000 and has been acquired in advance by one or more institutional     

The bonds will be issued at par and redeemed at par at maturity on 8 April 2013,
unless they have been redeemed early.                                           

The issue is guaranteed by the Financial Stability Company on behalf of the     
Danish state.                                                                   

The bonds will be admitted for trading on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen as from 8 April 
2010. The bonds will have the following ISIN: DK0030237961.                     

Information has been published through NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen                    

For any questions relating to the above mentioned bond issue, please contact    
Jørn Ole Jakobsgaard on tel. no. +45 96 63 20 63.                               


Frank Kristensen                                                                
Chief Executive Officer


obl.lan dkk marts uk.pdf