About amendments to the Issue prospectus of AS “Latvijas Krājbanka”

AS "Latvijas Krājbanka" (hereinafter referred to as the Krājbanka) informs,
that on 18 June 2010 the Financial and Capital Market Commission resolved to
register the amendments to the Issue prospectus of Krājbanka, which were
prepared in accordance with the Krājbanka shareholders` meeting decision “About
the AS “Latvijas Krājbanka” stock capital increase” adopted on 14.06.2010, and
the article 18 of the Financial Instrument Market Law. The amendments to the
Issue prospectus of Krājbanka are available on the web site of Krājbanka
www.lkb.lv, and shall form an integral part of the Issue prospectus,
registered by the Financial and Capital Market Commission on 07.05.2010. 
Those shareholders, who have already subscribed for the new issue shares prior
to publication of the present amendments to the Issue prospectus of Krājbanka
shall have a right to cancel the subscription application by submitting to
Krājbanka a written application not later than 22 June 2010. 
It was already informed that pursuant to the ordinary shareholders` meeting
decision “About the AS “Latvijas Krājbanka” stock capital increase”, adopted on
26.03.2010, and to the Financial and Capital Market Commission Council decision
No. 130 “About the permission for the AS “Latvijas Krājbanka” to express the
public offer of the shares”, adopted on 07.05.2010, Krājbanka has issued and
now distributes 6'500'000 ordinary bearer shares with voting right. The second
stage of the subscription ended on 18 June 2010. Krājbanka will inform about
the results of the second stage of the subscription, on the beginning and the
end date of the third stage, as well as on the offered amount of the Shares on
its web site www.lkb.lv in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the
Issue prospectus. 

Kristīne Ozolniece
AS “Latvijas Krājbanka”
The expert of public relations
Phone: 67068031
Mobile: 25912461
E-mail: kristine.ozolniece@lkb.lv