The share capital of the following share will be reduced in NASDAQ OMX systems
with effect from 8 September 2010. 

At the ordinary general meeting in Alm. Brand Formue it was adopted to reduce
the share capital by by reducing the face value per share. The unlisted A share
capital will be reduced by DKK 26,505,000 from DKK 29,450,000 to DKK 2,945,000. 

ISIN	DK0010300276
Name:	Alm. Brand Formue B
Volume before change:	2,805,500 shares each bearing a face value of DKK 100
(DKK 280,550,000) 
Change:	DKK 252,495,000
Volume after change:	2,805,500 shares each bearing a face value of DKK 10 (DKK
Face value:	DKK 10
Short name:	ALMBF B
Orderbook ID:	22625

For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33
93 33 66