Shareholdings report

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
Nikolaj Plads 6
DK-1007 Copenhagen K

7 September 2010
Release No. 21

Shareholdings report
In accordance with Section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act - under
which we are obliged to inform about trading in the NKT share by board members,
group executive directors and their related parties - we hereby inform that we
have received notification regarding acquisitions of NKT shares as follows: 

Name: Christian Kjær
Position: Chairman of the Board of Directors
Issuer and Securities code: NKT Holding A/S, DK0010287663
Type of transaction: Acquisition of shares
Date of transaction: 3 September 2010
Place of transaction: NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
Number of securities: 6.300
Purchase price (DKK): 1,532,727

Please contact the undersigned on telephone number +45 4348 2000 if you have
questions concerning the above. 

Yours faithfully
NKT Holding A/S
Michael Hedegaard Lyng
Group Executive Director, CFO

