Harvest Power Announces Superheroes Program to Celebrate and Accelerate Organics Recycling Initiatives

Knowledge-Sharing Initiative Fills Resources Void for Community Source Separated Organics Projects

WALTHAM, MA--(Marketwire - September 14, 2010) -  Harvest Power, a developer of renewable energy and compost facilities for next-generation organics recycling, today introduced the Harvest Power Superheroes program and resource library, a knowledge-sharing initiative to encourage source separated organics (SSO) programs in communities throughout North America. The Harvest program both recognizes exceptional individuals who have driven successful SSO initiatives in their communities and provides valuable templates, tips and instructional materials to help other leaders launch organics recycling projects in their communities.

SSO programs divert organic materials (primarily yard debris and food scraps) from landfills and incinerators to composting facilities where they can be transformed into nutrient-rich compost and renewable energy. If adopted nationwide, organic waste recycling could prevent significant levels of greenhouse gas emissions from reaching landfills and power millions of American homes.

"In our conversations with communities about turning organic waste into compost and renewable energy, we've found that despite the importance of organics recycling, there's a real dearth of information about how to get these programs off the ground," said Paul Sellew, founder and CEO of Harvest Power. "We're aiming to fill that void by sharing tips and lessons learned from pioneers who have launched successful programs and offering practical resources to help other community leaders follow in their footsteps."

Harvest Superhero Holly Elmore, founder and CEO of Elemental Impact in Atlanta, led efforts to make restaurants and event centers in the city part of "Zero Waste Zones." In just over a year, participating businesses diverted 2,052 tons of food residuals from landfills -- producing an emissions savings over a ten-year period equivalent to 1,629 tons of carbon or 78 tons of methane gas.

When asked about organics recycling programs spreading across the country, Elmore said, "We can do it, and if we tell the story then people will listen. Composting is our golden opportunity -- it eliminates methane gas produced in landfills and is nature's key to healthy soil."

Harvest will publish additional Superhero profiles in the coming months, each with specific details on how different SSO programs found success. Case studies will feature a variety of program types, including schools, business and residential SSO projects that range from small town programs to county-wide initiatives. Complementing these real life stories, Harvest has a created a toolkit to arm interested community leaders with resources and materials to jumpstart their own programs.

Resources available through Harvest's Superhero resource library include:

  • Petition templates for documenting citizen interest in organics recycling
  • Map of current SSO programs in North America
  • Sample Yes/No instruction charts on separation to distribute to citizens
  • Helpful links to other useful sites for more information on SSO
  • Sample presentation to introduce SSO to city council
  • Survey template for determining community interest and willing participants
  • Program timelines and reports from cities where SSO has been implemented

The Superheroes profiles and resources can be accessed at http://blog.harvestpower.com/superhero-toolkit/. To suggest an SSO program leader to be featured or additional resources, please email superhero@harvestpower.com.

About Harvest Power
Through innovative technologies and unparalleled industry experience, Harvest is ushering in a new era of organics recycling. We develop, build, own and operate state-of-the-art facilities that produce renewable energy and compost from discarded organic materials. We deploy best-in-class technologies for composting, biogas production and biomass gasification. We provide the capital for our projects and top-tier talent to finance, engineer, construct and operate the facilities. By harnessing the energy and nutrients of organic materials, we enable communities to increase their energy independence, reduce their environmental impact and harvest valuable resources.

Contact Information:

Laureen McGowan Sanderson