TALENTUM OYJ	       PRESS RELEASE   15 SEPTEMBER 2010 at 11.00 am


Talentum Oyj has acquired the complete share capital of IIR Finland Oy. The
sellers in the agreement comprise of six private persons who are part of the
management and who will continue their employment in IIR. The acquisition price
will not be publicised. 

IIR Finland Oy is a leading provider of events, training and seminars for
business management and experts in Finland. IIR has operated in Finland for
over 20 years. The company arranges approximately 200 events a year focusing on
industry and technology, sales and marketing, business management and HR as
well as financial administration and financing. Additionally, IIR Finland has a
49.9 per cent holding of Professio Oy, a healthcare training company. IIR
Finland employs some 40 people and has annual net sales amounting to
approximately EUR 4.5 million. 

IIR Finland continues to operate as Talentum's fully owned subsidiary.
Talentum's event business in Finland and its training activities, with the
exception of Talentum's legal training, will be transferred to operate under
the company. 

“We wanted to develop our business, and cooperation with a media company
enables us to transform the business at once. I believe that this acquisition
will provide the Finnish market with a unique player. By combining IIR's
special competence and comprehensive databases with Talentum's database, strong
brands and good target groups, we can increase our training activities to serve
the versatile needs of our customers even better,” says Johan Ehrström, IIR's
Chairman of the Board. 
“Talentum has for a long time been the leading provider of legal training in
Finland. In the past few years, we have expanded our event and seminar offering
into other areas, and we expect the demand to increase. IIR brings special
event business competence to Talentum and increases Talentum's current training
activities to new areas. Our strategic goal is to diversify the Group's income
structure, and this acquisition supports this goal,” says CEO Juha Blomster. 

Talentum Oyj
Juha Blomster
Chief Executive Officer

Additional information:
Talentum, Juha Blomster, Chief Executive Officer, telephone +358 40 342 4444
IIR Finland, Johan Ehrström, Chairman of the Board, telephone +358 40 504 4488

Principal media

IIR Finland is a leading company providing topical seminars and training for
business management in Finland and a B-2-B media. The company began its
operations in Finland in 1989, and it currently employs approximately some 40
experts. Over the years, more than 100,000 decision-makers and opinion leaders
have developed their company's operations and themselves in IIR's events. Areas
of operation comprise financing and investment, ICT, law and taxation, strategy
and management, marketing, financial administration, HR, production and R&D,
public sector and health care. 

Talentum is a publisher and producer of information for professionals, aiming
to be the largest and most profitable player in its field in the Nordic
countries and other selected markets. The Talentum Group employs some 800
people in Finland, Sweden, Norway, the Baltic countries and Russia. Talentum's
Finnish media are Talouselämä, Arvopaperi, Fakta, Tekniikka&Talous, MikroPC,
Tietoviikko, Markkinointi&Mainonta, Metallitekniikka, Energia and Mediuutiset,
while in Sweden it publishes Ny Teknik, Affärsvärlden, Byggvärlden, Dagens
Media, Lag&Avtal and Arbetarskydd. Talentum HR produces information, seminars
and publications for professionals in HR in Sweden. Sverige Bygger in Sweden
and Norge Bygges in Norway produce construction business information. Talentum
is also the leading publisher of a wide range of legal and professional
literature and an instructor in the legal field. Talentum Oyj is listed on
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy.