DanTruck A/S - preliminary communication about removal

|                                      |         Copenhagen, 21 September 2010 |

DanTruck A/S - preliminary communication about removal                          

DanTruck A/S is expected to be removed from trading and official listing on     
NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S as per 27 September 2010. Thus, the last day of       
trading the company's shares on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen is expected to be the 24  
September 2010, where DanTruck is holding an extraordinary general meeting at   

According to section 2.9 in Rules for issuers of shares, the exchange may in    
accordance with § 25 of the Danish Securities Trading Act order removal from    

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen has decided to remove DanTruck A/S from trading and       
official listing, provided that the proposal to write down of the company's     
share capital to DKK 0 is adopted.                                              

Overall it is the Exchange's assessment that the removal of the company's shares
may take place without this being of detriment harm to the interests of the     
investors or the proper functioning of the market.                              

The removal is a consequence of the fact                                        
that the company's equity is lost,                                              
that the company's share capital is expected to be reduced to DKK 0 at its      
general meeting on 24 September 2010.                                           
that the subsequent subscription of new shares is in shares, which will not be  
admitted to trading and official listing on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen.              

| ISIN:                                 | DK0010182138                         |
| Name:                                 | DanTruck                             |
| Listed capital (of DKK 15.75):        | 2,221,867 shares (DKK 34,994,405.25) |
| CBR No.:                              | 50384012                             |
| GICS:                                 | 20106010                             |
| Short name:                           | DANTR                                |
| Orderbook ID:                         | 3450                                 |

For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 
93 33 66


dantruck - forelbig om sletning-uk.pdf