Artelon® Cosmetic study confirms product application - publication accepted by Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research

Artelon® Cosmetic study confirms product application - publication
accepted by Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research

Västra Frölunda, Sweden, September 28 2010

A post-market study has been conducted by the Brånemark Clinic in
Gothenburg on Artelon® Cosmetic for soft tissue augmentation in the
upper jaw. The study confirms that patients with tissue defects can be
treated successfully with Artelon® Cosmetic.

Dr. Bertil Friberg, who conducted the study at the Brånemark Clinic,
states: "Artelon® is an interesting material for dental applications. In
this particular study we demonstrate that Artelon® Cosmetic integrates
well with body tissue and volume augmentation is maintained over time."

Hans Rosén comments: "The results of the study are very encouraging.
Artimplant's operating focus is orthopedics and consequently we have
decided not to expand our own sales in the dental area. We are therefore
investigating other business alternatives for Artelon® Cosmetic."

For further information, please contact: Hans Rosén, CEO, phone 46
(0)31-746 56 00, 46 (0)708 58 34 70, (

Lars-Johan Cederbrant, CFO, phone 46 (0)31-746 56 54, 46 (0)703 01 68
54, (lars-johan.cederbrant@artimplant.c

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