Nominating Committee for Annual General Meeting on 3 May, 2011.

Nominating Committee for Annual General Meeting on 3 May, 2011.

At Seco Tools´s Annual General Meeting on 4 May 2010, it was resolved
that the company shall have a Nominating Committee consisting of the
Board Chairman (who acts as convener) and one representative for each of
the four principal shareholders. At the time of the formation of the
Nominating Committee, the ownership conditions shall determine which
shareholders are the principal shareholders based on the information
received from Euroclear Sweden AB on the last banking day in August
2010. The composition of the Nominating Committee shall be made public
as soon as the members have been appointed. The Nominating Committee
shall be chaired by the member representing the largest shareholder and
its members shall serve for the period until the appointment of a new
Nominating Committee.

 The responsibilities of the Nominating Committee are to put forward
recommendations regarding election of the Chairman of the Annual General
Meeting, the number of members to serve on the Board of Directors,
compensation to Board members and auditors, candidates for election of
Board members and the Board Chairman and proposals for appointment of a
Nominating Committee ahead of the 2012 Annual General Meeting and its

The Nominating Committee has now been appointed and consists of Lars
Pettersson, Sandvik AB, Jan Andersson, Swedbank Robur Fonder, Ramsay J
Brufer, Alecta Pensionsförsäkring, Johan Ståhl, Lannebo Fonder and
Anders Ilstam, Board Chairman. Lars Pettersson has been appointed
chairman of the Nominating Committee.

Shareholders who wish to submit recommendations to the Nominating
Committee for the 2011 Annual General Meeting via the company can do so
by mail addressed to Seco Tools AB, Att: Britt-Marie Conradsson, SE-737
82 Fagersta, Sweden, or by e-mail addressed to 

Information about the Annual General Meeting and the Nominating
Committee is available on the company's website: ( 


Fagersta, 30 September, 2010 


Anders Ilstam
Board Chairman and Convener of the Nominating Committee

For additional information contact Anders Ilstam, Board Chairman,
telephone +46 (0)70-630 76 02. 

Previously published information can be found under the heading "About
Seco/Investor Relations" on Seco Tools' website
( ( Seco Tools AB's
corporate registration number is 556071-1060 and the company's address
is Seco Tools AB, SE-737 82 Fagersta, Sweden. The telephone number to
the Group head office is +46 (0)223-400 00.

