Green Wind Energy - Transferral to the observation list

Copenhagen, 1 October 2010

Green Wind Energy - Transferral to the observation list

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen has transferred the below company to the observation list 

ISIN         Name 

DK0060159994 Green Wind Energy

Green Wind Energy has been transferred to the observation list due to the fact  
that the company has postponed the publication of their annual report 2009/10
from 30 September 2010 to 15 October 2010. 
For further information, please see the announcement published by the company on
the 30 September 2010.                                                          

For further information, please contact: Pernille Gram, Surveillance, tel. +45  
33 93 33 66


green wind energy overfrt obs-list - 1. oktober 2010 uk.pdf