Regarding the resolution of the Board of AB Ukio bankas to include new issue shares to the listing

The Board of AB Ukio bankas in its meeting held on 30 September 2010 made the
statement to include 50 million units newly signed shares with the nominal
value of 1 (one) LTL per share to the listing and to conjunct with quoted
shares of the bank. AB Ukio bankas will submit share issue prospectus to The
Securities Commission of the Republic of Lithuania in the nearest future. After
the approval of prospectus by the Securities Commission, AB Ukio bankas will
apply to Central Securities Depository of Lithuania to conjunct 50 million
units newly signed shares with the nominal value of 1 (one) LTL per share with
245 824 000 units registered shares with the nominal value of 1 (one) LTL per
share and ISIN number LT0000102352 quoted at NASDAQ OMX Vilnius Main list. 

The authorizations to provide additional information are vested in Marius
Arlauskas, Head of Financial Institutions and Fund Raising Department, +370 37
301 332. 

Chairman - Chief Executive Officer Gintaras Ugianskis, 01 10 2010.