Regarding Agenda and Proposed Draft Resolutions of Extraordinary Shareholders Meetings of Joint-stock Company LIETUVOS ENERGIJA and LITGRID Turtas AB, which after Spin-off will Start its Activity

At the initiative and by resolution of the Management Board of the joint-stock
company LIETUVOS ENERGIJA (company code 220551550, registered address
Elektrinės g. 21, Elektrėnai), extraordinary general shareholders meetings of
the joint-stock company LIETUVOS ENERGIJA and LITGRID Turtas AB, which after
spin-off will start its activity are convened on October 28, 2010. 

The shareholders meeting of the Company will be held at the address Elektrinės
g. 21, Elektrėnai, the Republic of Lithuania. Starting time of the meeting -
10:00 AM, October 28, 2010. Starting time of shareholders registration: 9:00
AM, October 28, 2010. Finishing time of shareholders registration: 9:55 AM,
October 28, 2010. 

The shareholders meeting of LITGRID Turtas will be held at the address
Elektrinės g. 21, Elektrėnai, the Republic of Lithuania. Starting time of the
meeting - 11:00 AM, October 28, 2010. Starting time of shareholders
registration: 10:45 AM, October 28, 2010. Finishing time of shareholders
registration: 10:55 AM, October 28, 2010. 

The established date for the headcount of the shareholders of the extraordinary
general shareholders meetings is October 21, 2010. Only such persons shall have
a right to participate and vote at the extraordinary general shareholders
meetings, who by the end of the day of headcount of the shareholders of the
extraordinary general shareholders meetings are shareholders of the joint-stock

The rights accounting day of the extraordinary general shareholders meeting
shall be November 12, 2010. The property rights of the shareholders, enforced
in Items 1-4 of Part 1 of Article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on
Joint-stock Companies, shall be held by such persons who by the end of the
rights accounting day of the meeting are shareholders of the Company. 

The agenda of the meeting of the Company and the proposed draft resolutions are
as follows: 

1. Regarding spin-off of Lietuvos Energija AB.

The following draft resolution is proposed:

„1. Following the Law on the Joint-stock Companies of the Republic of
Lithuania, Article 17, Part 1, and Spin-off Conditions, to separate from
Lietuvos Energija AB a part of its activity, including the activities of
transmission system operator and electricity market operator, performed
directly by Lietuvos Energija AB and indirectly via its subsidiary companies as
well as a part of information technologies activities and other activities in
the field of electricity sector, related to the activity of transmission system
operator, and on the basis of assets, rights and duties, assigned to this
spun-off part, to establish a single company of the same legal status - LITGRID
Turtas AB which after spin-off will perform activity transferred to it. 

2. To approve spin-off conditions of Lietuvos Energija AB, following which,
through separation of a part of activity of Lietuvos Energija AB, under
conditions defined in the spin-off conditions,  LITGRID Turtas AB, a new
company of the same legal status, is established, which after spin-off will
perform activity transferred to it, and to which after spin-off, under
procedure established in the conditions, will be transferred a part of assets,
rights and duties of Lietuvos Energija AB, related to the part to be spun-off

3. To approve the revised articles of association of Lietuvos Energija AB,
which will continue its activity after spin-off (attached). To authorize Mr.
Aloyzas Koryzna, Chief Executive Officer of Lietuvos Energija AB, to sign the
revised Articles of Association of Lietuvos Energija AB. 

4. To approve articles of association of LITGRID Turtas AB, which after
spin-off will start its operation (attached). To authorize Mr. Vidmantas
Grušas, Chief Executive Officer of LITGRID AB, to sign articles of association
of LITGRID Turtas AB. 

5. To authorize the Chief Executive Officer of Lietuvos Energija AB, under
procedure established by legal acts, to publicly announce, submit to the
notary, Register of Legal Entities and shareholders the spin-off conditions of
Lietuvos Energija AB and other necessary information and documents, as well as
to perform, under procedure established by legal acts, all necessary actions
regarding the registration of changed articles of association of Lietuvos
Energija AB and regarding registration of LITGRID Turtas AB in the Register of
Legal Entities, also to perform all other actions, related to the
implementation of this decision and spin-off of Lietuvos Energija AB, by
endowing the Chief Executive Officer of Lietuvos Energija AB with a right to
re-authorize other persons for the performance of actions indicated in this
resolution at full scope. 

The agenda of the meeting and the proposed draft resolutions of LITGRID Turtas
AB are as follows: 

1. Regarding election of the Management Board of LITGRID Turtas AB.

The following draft resolution is proposed:

„1. To appoint the below-listed persons for a 4 (four) year term to the
position of members of the Management Board of LITGRID Turtas AB, which after
spin-off will start activity: 

1.1.	 Romas Švedas, personal code [not to be disclosed], address of residence
[not to be disclosed]; 
1.2.	 Violeta Greičiuvienė, personal code [not to be disclosed], address of
residence [not to be disclosed]; 
1.3.	 Renatas Šumskis, personal code [not to be disclosed], address of
residence [not to be disclosed]; 
1.4.	Vidmantas Grušas, personal code [not to be disclosed], address of
residence [not to be disclosed]; 

2. LITGRID Turtas AB, which after spin-off will start its activity, to appoint
Mr. Virgilijus Poderys, for a 4 (four) year term to the position of a member of
the Management Board, personal code [not to be disclosed], address of residence
[not to be disclosed], by defining that this resolution regarding appointment
of Virgilijus Poderys to the position of a member of the Management Board,
becomes effective on December 8, 2010.“ 

A shareholder or its authorized person shall have a right to vote in advance in
writing by filling a general voting ballot. If the shareholder, holding a right
of vote or its duly authorized representative demands so in writing, the
Company shall prepare and not later than 10 days prior to the extraordinary
general shareholders meetings shall send a general voting ballot by registered
mail or shall present it in person and confirm the receipt by signature. The
general voting ballot is also available at the website of the Company, folder “Investuotojams“ The filled and signed general voting
ballot and the document, confirming the right of vote may be presented to the
Company by registered mail or handed over directly at the premises of the
company with the address Elektrinės g. 21, Elektrėnai, not later than by the
end of the office hours (16:30) of October 27, 2010. 

The company retains the right not to register the advance vote of the
shareholder or its authorized person, if its presented general voting ballot is
not compliant with requirements, set forth in Parts 3 and 4, Article 30 of the
Law on Joint-stock Companies of the Republic of Lithuania, its presentation is
overdue or it is filled in the manner whereby ascertaining of the actual will
of the shareholder is impossible. 

The persons at the extraordinary general shareholders meetings shall have a
right to vote by power of attorney. The power of attorney is deemed a written
document, issued by one person (issuer of power of attorney) to another person
(the recipient of power of attorney) to represent the issuer of power of
attorney while contacting third persons. The power of attorney on behalf of a
physical person to perform actions, related to legal persons, except for cases
prescribed by law, allowing issuance of the power of attorney in another form,
shall be signed by the notary.  The authorized persons shall have a document,
confirming the identity of the person and the power of attorney, approved as
prescribed by law, which shall be presented not later than by the finishing
time of the shareholders registration of the extraordinary general shareholders
meetings. The authorized person has the same rights at the convened general
shareholders meetings as would be had by the shareholder who is being

The shareholders, holding a right to participate at the extraordinary general
shareholders meetings, shall have a right to authorize by means of electronic
communications a physical or legal entity to take part or cast vote on their
behalf at the extraordinary general shareholders meetings.  Such authorization
shall not require notary approval. The company shall deem valid the
authorization issued by electronic means only provided that the shareholder
signs it by an electronic signature, generated by a secure signature-generating
software and attested qualified certificate, valid within the Republic of
Lithuania, i.e. the security of the transmitted information is ensured and a
possibility of identification of the shareholder is provided. The shareholder
shall inform in writing the Company about such authorization, issued by
electronic means, by sending such notification by email at not
later than end of office hours (16:30) of October 27, 2010. 

At the extraordinary general shareholders meeting there will be no
participation or voting by electronic means.

Jūratė Kavaliauskaitė, tel. +370 619 62 019


22 annex servitutai i pso.pdf 2 annex spin-off_balance sheets.pdf 14c annex_tic_turto_sarasai.pdf 17 annex lg turtas darbuotojai.pdf 14a annex_tic_turto_sarasai.pdf 12b annex_tetas_turto_sarasai.pdf 16 annex_sviesolaidiniu_liniju_sarasas.pdf 3 annex compilation principles for final spin-off balance sheets.pdf report evaluation of draft spin-off terms.pdf 20 annex sutartys i pso.pdf 12c annex_tetas_turto_sarasai.pdf 9 annex_pso_ atsargu_sarasas_galutinis.pdf 8 annex article of association of ligrid turtas.pdf 14b annex_tic_turto_sarasa.pdf 25 annex studiju sarasas.pdf 1 annex compilation principles for spin-off balance sheets as at 30 june 2010.pdf 6 annex extract of minutes of the extraordinary gms.pdf 10b annex_pso_turto_sarasai.pdf 24 annex sutarys i tetas.pdf spin-off terms.pdf 15b annex_tvi_turto_sarasai.pdf 10a annex_pso_turto_sarasai.pdf 21 annex zemes nuoma i ps6.pdf 15a annex_tvi_turto_sarasai.pdf 11 annex_registruotinas_pso_turtas.pdf board report on the intend spin-off.pdf 5 annex auditors report.pdf 13b annex_etp_turto_sarasa.pdf 23 annex sutartys i etp.pdf 12a annex_tetas_turto_sarasai.pdf 7 annex article of association of lietuvos energija.pdf 19 annex tetas_darbuotojai.pdf 18 annex etp_darbuotojai.pdf 13a annex_etp_turto_sarasai.pdf 4 annex company financial statemants 2010-06-30.pdf