Positive outcome with Artelon® Tissue Reinforcement in foot applications

Positive outcome with Artelon® Tissue Reinforcement in foot applications

Västra Frölunda, Sweden, October 6, 2010

Reported cases, by Dr. Jan Lidström, which involve 20 patients with soft
tissue defects in the foot with up to four years follow-up together with
a biomechanical study, by Dr. Eric Giza, confirm the positive clinical
outcome orthopedic foot surgeons have experienced with Artelon® Tissue
Reinforcement (ATR).

The case reports, which involve 20 patients treated for soft tissue
defects in the foot with ATR was presented by Dr. Jan Lidström at the
7th SICOT Annual International Conference joint meeting with the Swedish
Orthopaedic Association (SOF). ATR was used to reinforce tendon repair
constructs with good clinical outcome. The longest follow-up period was
four years. No adverse events were noted during the observation period.
Dr. Jan Lidström at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Göteborg

 “The cases show very good outcome with ATR in improving clinical
outcome in different foot applications. The product gives me a very
useful clinical option when the patient has poor tissue quality.
Consequently, we have incorporated this procedure into our surgical
practice in these types of cases.”

The biomechanical study on Achilles ruptures was presented by Assistant
Professor Eric Giza at the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society
annual summer meeting. The study, performed at U.C. Davis in Sacramento,
CA, shows that ATR significantly increase the strength of the Achilles
repair construct. Dr. Giza at U.C. Davis says:

“The study results show that by using ATR there is a significant
strength increase in the repair construct compared with sutures alone.
For reconstructive Achilles surgery I find ATR to have optimal handling
characteristics and it is surprisingly easy to suture. There are many
different uses of ATR for complex Achilles tendon reconstructions. So
far I have done approximately 15 cases with excellent outcome.”

Hans Rosén, CEO of Artimplant, comments:

“The positive data confirm our day-to-day clinical experience that ATR
is an established solution for orthopedic foot surgeons when there is a
need for soft tissue reinforcement. In recent years several studies have
been initiated to elucidate and confirm the clinical benefits of ATR. We
can expect more results from this ongoing work.”

For further information, please contact: Hans Rosén, CEO, phone 46
(0)31-746 56 00, 46 (0)708 58 34 70,
hans.rosen@artimplant.com (hans.rosen@artimplant.com)

Lars-Johan Cederbrant, CFO, phone 46 (0)31-746 56 54, 46 (0)703 01 68
lars-johan.cederbrant@artimplant.com (lars-johan.cederbrant@artimplant.c

Further information is available at
www.artimplant.com (http://www.artimplant.com). To subscribe to future
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