Lemminkäinen's Interim Financial Review 1 January to 30 September, 2010: Growth in net sales and order book

LEMMINKÄINEN OYJ		INTERIM FINANCIAL REVIEW  	4.11.2010, AT 9.00 a.m.            

Growth in net sales and order book                                              

- The order book at the end of September was EUR 1,230.0 million (1,096.1), a   
year-on-year increase of 12 per cent.                                           
- Q3 net sales were 7 per cent higher on the corresponding period last year at  
EUR 610.4 million (568.6). January-September net sales were EUR 1,373.6 million 
- Q3 operating profit was EUR 32.9 million (-9.8). January-September operating  
profit was EUR 24.3 million (11.2).                                             

| Key figures, EUR    | 7-9/2010 | 7-9/2009 | 1-9/2010 | 1-9/2009 | 1-12/2009  |
| million*)           |          |          |          |          |            |
| Net sales           | 610.4    | 568.6    | 1,373.6  | 1,440.4  | 1,965.5    |
| of which operations | 198.4    | 174.4    | 416.5    | 392.5    | 527.6      |
| outside Finland     |          |          |          |          |            |
| Operating profit    | 32.9     | -9.8     | 24.3     | 11.2     | 23.2       |
| Operating margin, % | 5.4      | -1.7     | 1.8      | 0.8      | 1.2        |
| Profit before taxes | 26.4     | -16.1    | 7.4      | -14.2    | -10.2      |
| Profit for          | 19.7     | -24.2    | 3.1      | -24.5    | -23.8      |
| accounting period   |          |          |          |          |            |
| Earnings per share  | 1.08     | -1.41    | 0.15     | -1.49    | -1.54      |
| Cash flow from      | 14.7     | 67.1     | -82.2    | -3.5     | 64.2       |
| operating           |          |          |          |          |            |
| activities          |          |          |          |          |            |

| Key figures, EUR million*)             | 30.9.2010 | 30.9.2009  | 31.12.2009 |
| Order book                             | 1,230.0   | 1,096.1    | 1,064.5    |
|   - of which unsold                    | 102.2     | 130.1      | 103.2      |
|  - of which operations outside Finland | 252.3     | 296.6      | 224.4      |
| Equity ratio, %                        | 30.8      | 24.4       | 31.0       |
| Gearing, %                             | 119.7     | 132.1      | 110.2      |
| Liquid funds                           | 52.1      | 121.1      | 74.4       |
| Interest-bearing liabilities           | 453.1     | 508.6      | 399.1      |

*) From 1 January 2010 Lemminkäinen observes the interpretation IFRIC 15 -      
Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate in its reporting. The comparative
figures for 2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the               

Lemminkäinen's President & CEO Timo Kohtamäki is satisfied with the company's   
net sales and order book development: "Since the recession in the construction  
industry, the past quarter was the first time we saw a year-on-year improvement 
in our net sales. Furthermore, our order book has been increasing steadily. At  
the same time, the effects of the financial crisis have really impacted many    
areas of construction only this year. The recovery has been slow, which is      
reflected in our profitability."                                                

Lemminkäinen's housing starts have already risen close to the target level. The 
company's infrastructure construction operations in Finland have proven to be   
competitive, even though the market has contracted and competition has been     
tough. "Unprofitable business in the Baltic states somewhat negated the moderate
result of infrastructure construction operations in Finland. There is also a lot
of capacity in the markets of our other business sectors, which is intensifying 
the competitive situation. Increased costs also weighed on profitability."      

Kohtamäki characterises 2010 as a year of strategic change for Lemminkäinen:    
"Almost exactly a year ago we announced our new strategy, which we have now     
purposefully implemented. In our strategy we decided to focus on such growth    
areas as housing construction in Russia and infrastructure construction in the  
Nordic countries. The results in both of these areas have been good."           

"We have also streamlined and harmonised our structure and business practices.  
We will go into 2011 with a leaner and more efficient operating model."         

Outlook for 2010                                                                

In Finland low interest rates and improved consumer confidence will sustain good
demand for housing. Other building construction will remain at a low level.     
Demand for renovation construction is expected to grow steadily.                

In Russia the housing construction volumes continue to grow stably in 2010.     

In the Nordic countries and Baltic states, total paving volumes will decline    
from the 2009 levels. Major transport projects and the pick-up in mining        
activity will support demand for infrastructure construction.                   

Demand for technical building services and building materials follows the       
building construction cycle, and demand for these products and services is      
expected to pick up gradually with the recovery of residential construction.    

Lemminkäinen reiterates its guidance released on 15 October 2010, according to  
which full-year 2010 pre-tax profit is estimated to be positive but below the   
2009 profitability level. The comparative figures do not include the            
infringement fine imposed by SAC. Full-year 2010 net sales are estimated to be  
at the 2009 level.                                                              

Lemminkäinen estimates that in 2011 its net sales will increase and pre-tax     
profit will clearly improve on 2010.                                            


A Finnish-language briefing for analysts and the media will be held at 10:00    
a.m. on Thursday, 4 November at Lemminkäinen's head office. The street address  
is Salmisaarenaukio 2, Helsinki, Finland. The interim financial review will be  
presented by President & CEO Timo Kohtamäki. Presentation material in English   
will be available on the Company's website at www.lemminkainen.com after the    

LEMMINKÄINEN CORPORATION                                                        
Corporate Communications                                                        

Additional information:                                                         
Timo Kohtamäki, President & CEO, tel. +358 2071 53263                           
Robert Öhman, CFO, tel. +358 2071 53515                                         
Merja Paulamäki, Investor Relations, tel. +358 2071 53367                       

Interim Financial Review 1 January to 30 September 2010                         
Tabulated Section of the Interim Financial Review                               

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                                             
Key media                                                                       

INTERIM FINANCIAL REVIEW 1 January to 30 September 2010                         

OPERATING ENVIRONMENT                                                           

Markets in Finland                                                              

Housing construction continued to be brisk, but non-residential building        
construction remained at a low level. Demand for housing was increased by low   
interest rates and continuing urban migration. The number of new commercial and 
office building starts remained low. In particular, there is plenty of vacant   
office space available. Industrial investments in Finland remained at a low     

The infrastructure construction season started exceptionally late due to the    
long winter. The start of the season was busy in Finland and the other Nordic   
countries. A reasonable number of infrastructure construction projects were in  
progress, but total volumes were down on the previous year. The reasons for this
were reduced government appropriations for basic highway maintenance and the    
weak state of municipal finances, which reduced investments and the volume of   
street maintenance work. On-going traffic tunnel projects in the Helsinki       
Metropolitan Area as well as increased mining activity provided work for rock   
engineering contractors.                                                        

The slowdown in construction and last year's low level of new building          
construction starts continued to be reflected in demand for technical building  
services, as they take place in the final phase of construction projects. The   
competitive situation in technical building services continued to be tough.     

In building products, demand for prefabricated concrete elements in particular  
increased with the pick-up in residential construction. Demand for urban        
environment products was good, too. The competitive situation in roofing and    
urban environment contracting was tough.                                        

Markets outside Finland                                                         

In Norway and Denmark demand for paving work was reasonable but weaker than last
year, and competition among paving contractors intensified. In Sweden,          
especially the significant tunnel contracts in the Stockholm area provided work 
for infrastructure builders.                                                    

In the Baltic states the construction market continued to be hard and           
competition was tough.                                                          

In Russia, housing sales continued to be brisker than in 2009. The Russian      
economy is expected to recover in step with the rest of the world.              

NET SALES                                                                       

| Net sales by        | 7-9/2010  | 7-9/2009 | 1-9/2010 | 1-9/2009 | 1-12/2009 |
| business sector,    |           |          |          |          |           |
| EUR million         |           |          |          |          |           |
| Building            | 214.5     | 180.1    | 552.4    | 602.4    | 868.7     |
| Construction*)      |           |          |          |          |           |
| Infrastructure      | 314.6     | 304.3    | 591.9    | 594.4    | 768.0     |
| Construction**)     |           |          |          |          |           |
| Technical Building  | 55.1      | 52.6     | 165.1    | 168.6    | 233.8     |
| Services            |           |          |          |          |           |
| Building            | 50.5      | 48.8     | 115.5    | 115.3    | 154.2     |
| Products**)         |           |          |          |          |           |
| Other operations    | -20.3     | -5.9     | -42.6    | -25.0    | -42.2     |
| and Group           |           |          |          |          |           |
| eliminations        |           |          |          |          |           |
| Business sectors,   | 614.5     | 579.9    | 1,382.3  | 1,455.6  | 1,982.6   |
| total               |           |          |          |          |           |
| Unallocated Items   | -4.1      | -11.3    | -8.7     | -15.2    | -17.1     |
| Group total (IFRS)  | 610.4     | 568.6    | 1,373.6  | 1,440.4  | 1,965.5   |
| of which operations | 198.4     | 174.4    | 416.5    | 392.5    | 527.6     |
| outside Finland     |           |          |          |          |           |

*) From 1 January 2010 Lemminkäinen observes the interpretation IFRIC 15 -      
Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate in its reporting. The comparative
figures for 2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the               
**) Forssan Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to Lemminkäinen's Infrastructure 
Construction business sector, was transferred on 1 January 2010 to the Building 
Products business sector. The comparative figures for 2009 have also been       
prepared in accordance with the new organisation.                               

At EUR 610.4 million (568.6), Lemminkäinen's third quarter net sales were 7%    
higher on the corresponding period in 2009. January-September net sales were    
down slightly at EUR 1,373.6 million (1,440.4). The net sales of the Building   
Construction business sector grew in the third quarter, but net sales for the   
review period as a whole were about 8% lower than in the corresponding period   
last year. The net sales of the Infrastructure Construction business sector for 
the first-half of the year fell short of the level achieved a year earlier. The 
shortfall was made good in the third quarter.                                   

Lemminkäinen generated 70% (73) of its net sales in Finland, 19% (17) in other  
Nordic countries, 5% (3) in Russia and 6% (7) in other countries.               

OPERATING PROFIT                                                                

| Operating profit   | 7-9/2010  | 7-9/2009  | 1-9/2010 | 1-9/2009 | 1-12/2009 |
| by business        |           |           |          |          |           |
| sector, EUR        |           |           |          |          |           |
| million            |           |           |          |          |           |
| Building           | 2.7       | 1.2       | 10.6     | 21.7     | 36.4      |
| Construction*)     |           |           |          |          |           |
| Infrastructure     | 28.0      | 33.3      | 17.2     | 27.8     | 22.0      |
| Construction**)    |           |           |          |          |           |
| Technical Building | 1.7       | 3.8       | 3.2      | 9.0      | 12.2      |
| Services           |           |           |          |          |           |
| Building           | 3.2       | 6.1       | 2.9      | 8.6      | 10.4      |
| Products**)        |           |           |          |          |           |
| Other operations   | -3.9      | -56.0     | -11.0    | -58.3    | -61.7     |
| Business sectors,  | 31.8      | -11.5     | 23.0     | 8.9      | 19.4      |
| total              |           |           |          |          |           |
| Unallocated Items  | 1.1       | 1.8       | 1.3      | 2.3      | 3.8       |
| Group total (IFRS) | 32.9      | -9.8      | 24.3     | 11.2     | 23.2      |

| Operating margin   | 7-9/2010  | 7-9/2009  | 1-9/2010 | 1-9/2009 | 1-12/2009 |
| by business        |           |           |          |          |           |
| sector, %          |           |           |          |          |           |
| Building           | 0.4       | 0.7       | 1.9      | 3.6      | 4.2       |
| Construction*)     |           |           |          |          |           |
| Infrastructure     | 6.8       | 10.9      | 2.9      | 4.7      | 2.9       |
| Construction**)    |           |           |          |          |           |
| Technical Building | 0.5       | 7.3       | 1.9      | 5.3      | 5.2       |
| Services           |           |           |          |          |           |
| Building           | 3.0       | 12.5      | 2.5      | 7.5      | 6.8       |
| Products**)        |           |           |          |          |           |
| Group total (IFRS) | 5.4       | -1.7      | 1.8      | 0.8      | 1.2       |

*) From 1 January 2010 Lemminkäinen observes the interpretation IFRIC 15 -      
Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate in its reporting. The comparative
figures for 2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the               
**) Forssan Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to Lemminkäinen's Infrastructure 
Construction business sector, was transferred on 1 January 2010 to the Building 
Products business sector. The comparative figures for 2009 have also been       
prepared in accordance with the new organisation.                               

Lemminkäinen's third quarter operating profit increased on the comparison period
a year ago and was EUR 32.9 million (-9.8). The January-September operating     
profit rose to EUR 24.3 million (11.2). The January-September operating margin  
was 1.8% (0.8). The operating profit for the comparitive period in 2009 included
EUR 54 million of the infringement fine imposed by the SAC.                     

The housing market was brisk during the review period, but increased cost levels
and poorer-than-expected end-user demand for commercial and office buildings    
weakened the profitability of the Building Construction business sector. Even   
though the long winter increased costs especially in the Infrastructure         
Construction business sector, the infrastructure operations in Finland achieved 
reasonable profitability. The total volumes of infrastructure construction in   
the Baltic states fell in the review period, and tough competition weakened the 
profitability of operations in those countries. Intensified competition weakened
margins in the Technical Building Services and Building Construction business   
sectors. Moreover, the profitability of the Building Construction and Technical 
Building Services business sectors was impaired by the recognition of           
non-recurring items stemming from restructuring and business adjustment         

ORDER BOOK                                                                      

| Order book by business sector,    | 30.9.2010   | 30.9.2009    | 31.12.2009  |
| EUR million                       |             |              |             |
| Building Construction*)           | 677.4       | 582.8        | 601.7       |
|   - of which unsold               | 102.2       | 130.1        | 103.2       |
| Infrastructure Construction**)    | 395.9       | 382.1        | 319.2       |
| Technical Building Services       | 118.1       | 90.3         | 106.8       |
| Building Products**)              | 38.7        | 40.9         | 36.8        |
| Group, total                      | 1,230.0     | 1,096.1      | 1,064.5     |
|   - of which international orders | 252.3       | 296.6        | 224.4       |

*) From 1 January 2010 Lemminkäinen observes the interpretation IFRIC 15 -      
Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate in its reporting. The comparative
figures for 2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the               
**) Forssan Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to Lemminkäinen's Infrastructure 
Construction business sector, was transferred on 1 January 2010 to the Building 
Products business sector. The comparative figures for 2009 have also been       
prepared in accordance with the new organisation.                               

Lemminkäinen's order book grew 12% year on year, and at the end of September was
1,230.0 million (1,096.1). The year-on-year growth rates were highest in        
Technical Building Services (31%) and Building Construction (16%). International
business accounted for 21% (27) of the order book.                              

The order book also includes the unrecognised part of the completed housing     

The most notable new orders received during the review period included          
earthworks and concrete construction contracts at the Kevitsa nickel-copper mine
in Sodankylä, Northern Finland. The client is Kevitsa Mining Ab, a subsidiary of
the Canadian mining company First Quantum Minerals Ltd. The total value of the  
construction works is approx. EUR 25 million, and the contracts are expected to 
be completed in autumn 2011.                                                    

In July 2010 Lemminkäinen signed a contract to continue co-operation in the full
renovation of the Kluuvi shopping centre in downtown Helsinki. The project      
management contract is worth approx. EUR 17 million and the works will be       
completed by autumn 2011.                                                       

In Sweden, Lemminkäinen is building a cable tunnel in Mörby, a northern suburb  
of Stockholm. The contract is worth approx. EUR 10 million and it will be       
completed in summer 2013. Lemminkäinen also won the foundation reinforcement    
contract for Stockholm's central railway station. The contract is worth approx. 
EUR 10 million. Lemminkäinen's share of the total project entity will be        
completed in summer 2012.                                                       

During the review period Lemminkäinen and Naumanen Oy signed an agreement       
concerning a share transaction relating to phase I of a retail trade property   
called Kauppapaikka Herman in Kuopio. The agreement covers approximately half of
the property owned by real estate company Kiinteistö Oy Kuopion Leväsentie 2.   
The property is worth approx. EUR 60 million. The shopping centre built by      
Lemminkäinen will be completed in spring 2012.                                  

BALANCE SHEET, CASH FLOW AND FINANCING                                          

One of Lemminkäinen's financial goals is strengthening of the balance sheet.    
Under an authorisation granted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of          
Lemminkäinen Corporation held on 12 November 2009, the Board of Directors       
decided on 17 March 2010 on two separate share issues. The Company offered      
1,700,000 new shares in the Company for subscription by institutional investors 
approved by the Board of Directors. The consideration received from the issuance
of shares to institutional investors totalled EUR 39.5 million, which was booked
to the Company's invested unrestricted equity reserve. The funds raised from the
issue were used for the amortisation of short-term loans.                       

The Board of Directors also decided on a share issue in which the Company       
offered 923,514 new shares in the Company for subscription against receipt of   
consideration in the form of shares by the minority shareholders of Lemminkäinen
Corporation's subsidiaries Lemminkäinen Talotekniikka Oy and Lemminkäinen Talo  
Oy. The subscription price of the shares was EUR 23.25 per share, totalling EUR 
21.5 million.                                                                   

The consolidated balance sheet total at 30 September 2010 was EUR 1,205.7       
million (1,331.5). The return on investment was 5.1% (3.1) and the equity ratio 
30.8% (24.4). Gearing was 119,7% (132.1).                                       

According to the cash flow statement, the cash flow from operating activities in
January-September was EUR -82,2 million (-3.5), the cash flow from investing    
activities EUR -19.4 million (-15.2) and the cash flow from financing activities
EUR 81.2 million (-108.4). The cash flow for the review period includes the     
payment of dividends totalling EUR 2.1 million (18.0). The dividends paid in    
2010 include only dividends paid to the minority interests of subsidiaries. In  
the July-September period the cash flow from operating activities was EUR -14.7 
million (67.1), the cash flow from investing activities EUR -4.8 million (1.1)  
and the cash flow from financing activities EUR 3.9 million (-58.1).            

Working capital declined 8% to EUR 836.0 million (909.1) and net working capital
grew some 10% to EUR 444.1 million (404.0).                                     

Liquid funds at the end of the review period were EUR 52.1 million (121.1).     

The amount of interest-bearing debt at the end of the review period was EUR     
453.1 million (508.6), of which EUR 230.9 million (450.2) was short-term debt   
and EUR 222.2 million (58.4) long-term debt. Interest-bearing net debt was EUR  
401.0 million (387.5). Net financing expenses were EUR 16.9 million (25.4),     
representing 1.2% (1.8) of net sales.                                           

During the review period Lemminkäinen issued a EUR 60 million four-year domestic
bond with an annual coupon of 4.50%. The bond was listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki 
Ltd after the end of the review period. The bond issue refinanced a EUR 60      
million syndicated loan maturing in January 2011. At the same time Lemminkäinen 
broadened its financing base and extended the maturity distribution of its debt 

Lemminkäinen's interest-bearing debt comprised loans from financial institutions
16% (42), commercial paper 27% (10), project loans related to own housing       
production and non-residential construction 7% (16), TyEL (employee pensions    
premium) loans 21% (18), finance leasing liabilities 12% (11), bonds 13% (0) and
other liabilities 4% (3). At the end of the review period Lemminkäinen had an   
unused EUR 150 million line of credit.                                          

BUSINESS SECTORS                                                                

BUILDING CONSTRUCTION                                                           

| Key figures, EUR    | 7-9/2010 | 7-9/2009  | 1-9/2010 | 1-9/2009 | 1-12/2009 |
| million*)           |          |           |          |          |           |
| Net sales           | 214.5    | 180.1     | 552.4    | 602.4    | 868.7     |
| Operating profit**) | 2.7      | 1.2       | 10.6     | 21.7     | 36.4      |
| Operating margin, % | 0.4      | 0.7       | 1.9      | 3.6      | 4.2       |
| Order book at end   |          |           | 677.4    | 582.8    | 601.7     |
| of period           |          |           |          |          |           |
|  - of which unsold  |          |           | 102.2    | 130.1    | 103.2     |

*) From 1 January 2010 Lemminkäinen observes the interpretation IFRIC 15 -      
Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate in its reporting. The comparative
figures for 2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the               
**) From 1 January 2010 financial items are no longer reported                  
sector-specifically in segment reports delivered to management. For this reason 
sector-specific comparative figures are presented only up until the operating   
profit line.                                                                    

The third quarter net sales of the Building Construction business sector rose   
19% year on year to EUR 214.5 million (180.1). January-September net sales were 
EUR 552.4 million (602.4), which was 8% down on the same period last year. The  
business sector generated 75% (82) of its net sales in Finland, 11% (6) in other
Nordic countries, 7% (4) in Russia and 7% (8) in other countries. The business  
sector's January-September operating profit was EUR 10.6 million (21.7).        

The housing market was brisk in the review period, and income from housing      
starts made in the second half of 2009 began to be recognised during the third  
quarter. Increased costs and lower-than-expected end-user demand for commercial 
and office buildings weakened the profitability of building construction in the 
review period. The business sector has initiated measures to improve its        
profitability by enhancing the efficiency of its process management in its own  
real estate and housing production and by streamlining the company structure.   

The business sector's order book developed favourably during the review period  
and at the end of September was EUR 677.4 million (582.8), i.e. 16% higher than 
a year earlier. The share of international business in the order book remained  
at the previous year's level at EUR 111.9 million (119.5).                      

Operations in Finland                                                           

| Lemminkäinen's private-sector     | 1-9/2010    | 1-9/2009     | 1-12/2009   |
| housing production, Finland       |             |              |             |
| Housing starts                    | 675         | 195          | 351         |
| Housing units sold                | 601         | 546          | 771         |
| Completed                         | 152         | 519          | 533         |
| Under construction at end of      | 928         | 263          | 405         |
| period                            |             |              |             |
|   - of which unsold               | 382         | 148          | 193         |
| Unsold completed units at end of  | 148         | 377          | 263         |
| period                            |             |              |             |

Lemminkäinen made in total 1,315 (880) new housing starts in Finland during the 
review period. In addition to its own housing developments, Lemminkäinen made   
640 (685) contracted housing starts during the review period.                   

At the end of the review period Lemminkäinen owned a total of 866,000 m2        
(890,000) of unused building rights in Finland, of which approx. 384,000 m2     
(395,000) were residential building rights. The Company also had binding or     
conditional co-operation and zoning agreements for about 782,000 m² (765,000),  
of which about 281,000 m² (358,000) were residential building rights. The       
balance sheet value of the building plots was EUR 94.2 million (92.0).          

Even though demand for real estate investment picked up in the review period,   
end-user demand for commercial and office premises was slow, and their          
construction volumes continued to be subdued in the review period. Demand for   
commercial and logistics construction was reasonable in the review period.      

The municipalities' interest in life-cycle projects increased markedly in the   
review period, but no decisions on new projects were made. The renovation       
construction market remained stable during the review period. Renovation        
construction accounted for about 19% (17) of Lemminkäinen's building            
construction business in the review period.                                     

Operations outside Finland                                                      

| Lemminkäinen's private-sector     | 1-9/2010    | 1-9/2009     | 1-12/2009   |
| housing production, Russia        |             |              |             |
| Housing starts                    | 184         | 0            | 0           |
| Housing units sold                | 202         | 81           | 133         |
| Completed                         | 498         | 0            | 104         |
| Under construction at end of      | 184         | 323          | 479         |
| period                            |             |              |             |
|   - of which unsold               | 184         | 181          | 367         |
| Unsold completed units at end of  | 196         | 0            | 22          |
| period                            |             |              |             |

In St. Petersburg, Russia, Lemminkäinen completed a housing development of 498  
units in the third quarter of the year. Some 300 of these units had been sold by
the end of September, and sales are expected to continue at a brisk pace.       

Lemminkäinen is building some 180 apartments and 600 m2 of commercial premises  
in a northern district of St. Petersburg. The development is expected to be     
completed in autumn 2011. The company also acquired a building plot on St.      
Petersburg's Vasil Island near the city centre. Construction work on a 540-unit 
apartment building is expected to start during 2011 and to be completed in      
autumn 2013.                                                                    

The value of the inventories that Lemminkäinen had tied up in Russia at the end 
of the review period was EUR 47.9 million (33.0).                               

The most important foreign markets for the Building Construction business sector
are Sweden, China, India and Poland.                                            

INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION                                                     

| Key figures, EUR    | 7-9/2010 | 7-9/2009  | 1-9/2010 | 1-9/2009 | 1-12/2009 |
| million*)           |          |           |          |          |           |
| Net sales           | 314.6    | 304.3     | 591.9    | 594.4    | 768.0     |
| Operating profit**) | 28.0     | 33.3      | 17.2     | 27.8     | 22.0      |
| Operating margin, % | 6.8      | 10.9      | 2.9      | 4.7      | 2.9       |
| Order book at end   |          |           | 395.9    | 382.1    | 319.2     |
| of period           |          |           |          |          |           |

*) Forssan Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to Lemminkäinen's Infrastructure  
Construction business sector, was transferred on 1 January 2010 to the Building 
Products business sector. The comparative figures for 2009 have also been       
prepared in accordance with the new organisation.                               
**) From 1 January 2010 financial items are no longer reported                  
sector-specifically in segment reports delivered to management. For this reason 
sector-specific comparative figures are presented only up until the operating   
profit line.                                                                    

The third quarter net sales of the Infrastructure Construction business sector  
rose slightly year on year to EUR 314.6 million (304.3). January-September net  
sales remained at previous year's level at EUR 591.9 million (594.4). The       
business sector generated 54% (53) of its net sales in Finland, 33% (34) in the 
other Nordic countries, 9% (10) in the Baltic states, and 4% (3) in other       
countries. The operating profit for the review period was EUR 17.2 million      
(27.8). The long winter delayed the start of the infrastructure construction    
season in all markets. Operations were affected especially in Norway, Denmark   
and the Baltic states. In Finland, Lemminkäinen had a good season. Total market 
volume in the Baltic states was lower than a year ago, and intensified          
competition weakened the profitability of infrastructure construction. The      
business sector is improving its operating efficiency and decreasing its cost   
structure, especially in the Baltic states.                                     

The business sector's order book remained at the year-ago level and at the end  
of the review period was EUR 395.9 million (382.1).                             

Operations in Finland                                                           

In spite of constrained municipal finances and cuts in government funding for   
basic highway maintenance, Lemminkäinen's paving season in Finland was          

In rock engineering the review period was brisk due to major tunnel-building    
projects and the pick-up in mining activity. Good demand for geotechnical       
engineering works continued during the review period due to the recovery of     
housing construction, among other factors. Demand for transport infrastructure  
construction continued to be reasonable during the review period, but           
competition was tough.                                                          

In mineral aggregates and crushing contracting the winter was quiet. Towards the
end of the review period the recovery of building construction boosted demand   
for mineral aggregates to a higher level than a year earlier.                   

Operations outside Finland                                                      

Harsh winter conditions brought paving works in Norway and Denmark to a         
standstill. The start of the season was delayed by the long winter, but towards 
the end of the review period the paving season was good, especially in Denmark. 
Tough competition continued in both countries.                                  

In Norway Lemminkäinen acquired a 75% majority stake in Asfalt Remix AS, a      
Norwegian company specialising in the cold milling of asphalt pavement, which   
generated net sales of EUR 8 million in 2009. Also during the review period     
Lemminkäinen also acquired a 90.1% stake in Risa Rock AS, a Norwegian tunnel    
excavation company, which generated net sales of EUR 16 million in 2009.        

In Sweden Lemminkäinen's operations mainly concentrated in with tunnel and      
geotechnical engineering works as well as the excavation of the Kiruna iron ore 

In the Baltic states the harsh winter halted paving works and delayed the start 
of the season. Total volumes of infrastructure construction in the review period
fell from the year-ago level across the area. Furthermore, tough competition    
weakened profitability, and Lemminkäinen's operations in the Baltic states were 

TECHNICAL BUILDING SERVICES                                                     

| Key figures, EUR    | 7-9/2010 | 7-9/2009  | 1-9/2010 | 1-9/2009 | 1-12/2009 |
| million *)          |          |           |          |          |           |
| Net sales           | 55.1     | 52.6      | 165.1    | 168.6    | 233.8     |
| Operating profit*)  | 1.7      | 3.8       | 3.2      | 9.0      | 12.2      |
| Operating margin, % | 0.5      | 7.3       | 1.9      | 5.3      | 5.2       |
| Order book at end   |          |           | 118.1    | 90.3     | 106.8     |
| of period           |          |           |          |          |           |

*) From 1 January 2010 financial items are no longer reported                   
sector-specifically in segment reports delivered to management. For this reason 
sector-specific comparative figures are presented only up until the operating   
profit line.                                                                    

The third quarter net sales of the Technical Building Services business sector  
rose 5% year on year and were EUR 55.1 million (52.6). The January-September net
sales remained at the year-ago level at EUR 165.1 million (168.6). The operating
profit was EUR 3.2 million (9.0). In spite of tougher competition in the sector,
Lemminkäinen maintained its market share during the review period.              
January-September profitability was impaired by intensified competition as well 
as non-recurring items stemming from restructuring and business adjustment      

In new construction the technical building services take place in the final     
phase of construction projects, and increased building construction activity    
shows up in the sector's work load with a lag. Lemminkäinen's Technical Building
Services business sector is increasingly shifting its focus towards renovation  
construction and servicing and maintenance work, which nowadays already account 
for a half of the sector's net sales. Demand for the business sector's          
industrial services remained minimal during the review period.                  

The order book at the end of the review period was up 31% on the year-ago level 
at EUR 118.1 million (90.3).                                                    

BUILDING PRODUCTS                                                               

| Key figures. EUR    | 7-9/2010 | 7-9/2009  | 1-9/2010 | 1-9/2009 | 1-12/2009 |
| million*)           |          |           |          |          |           |
| Net sales           | 50.5     | 48.8      | 115.5    | 115.3    | 154.2     |
| Operating profit**) | 3.2      | 6.1       | 2.9      | 8.6      | 10.4      |
| Operating margin, % | 3.0      | 12.5      | 2.5      | 7.5      | 6.8       |
| Order book at end   |          |           | 38.7     | 40.9     | 36.8      |
| of period           |          |           |          |          |           |

*) Forssan Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to Lemminkäinen's Infrastructure  
Construction business sector, was transferred on 1 January 2010 to the Building 
Products business sector. The comparative figures for 2009 have also been       
prepared in accordance with the new organisation.                               
**) From 1 January 2010 financial items are no longer reported                  
sector-specifically in segment reports delivered to management. For this reason 
sector-specific comparative figures are presented only up until the operating   
profit line.                                                                    

The third quarter net sales of the Building Products business sector rose       
slightly from the year-ago level to EUR 50.5 million (48.8). The                
January-September net sales were EUR 115.5 million (115.3) and the operating    
profit EUR 2.9 million (8.6).                                                   

The long winter delayed the start of the business sector's contracting and      
products sales season. Sales of yard paving stones and roofing products picked  
up towards the end of the review period and slightly exceeded the level of the  
previous year. Demand for pre-cast concrete staircase and façade elements was   
brisk during the review period thanks to the recovery of housing construction.  
The business sector's profitability was weakened by higher raw material prices  
and intensified competition among roofing and urban environment construction    

The order book at the end of the review period was EUR 38.7 million (40.9).     

SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL                                                        

The listed price of Lemminkäinen Corporation's share was EUR 24.20 (13.05) at   
the beginning of the review period and EUR 24.70 (26.50) at the end of the      
review period. The market capitalisation at the end of the review period was EUR
485.2 million (451.1). Altogether 3,166,561 shares (1,237,703) were traded      
during the review period. The total value of the turnover was EUR 78.4 million  
(24.1). At the end of the review period the Company had 5,069 (4,824)           

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Lemminkäinen Corporation, held on 12       
November 2009, decided in accordance with the proposal of the Board of          
Directors, to authorise the Board of Directors to resolve on a share issue      
and/or an issue of special rights entitling to shares referred to in Chapter 10,
Section 1 of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act, in one or several     
instalments, either against payment or without payment. The General Meeting also
authorised the Board of Directors to resolve on the acquisition of the Company's
own shares.                                                                     

On 17 March 2010 the Board of Directors decided on two separate share issues.   
The Company offered 1,700,000 new shares in the Company for subscription by     
private and institutional investors approved by the Board of Directors. The     
Board of Directors also decided on a share issue in which the Company offered   
923,514 new shares in the Company for subscription against receipt of           
consideration in the form of shares by the minority shareholders of Lemminkäinen
Corporation's subsidiaries Lemminkäinen Talotekniikka Oy and Lemminkäinen Talo  
Oy. The subscription price of the shares was EUR 23.25. The new shares were     
recorded in the Trade Registry and listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd on 23 March

After the share issues the Board of Directors was still authorised to issue     
1,576,486 shares and/or special rights entitling to shares. The authorisation   
will remain in force for five (5) years from the date on which it was granted.  
Moreover, the authority granted to the Board of Directors by the Extraordinary  
General Meeting on 12 November 2009 to acquire the Company's own shares has not 
been used, and it will remain in force for 18 months from the date of the       
General Meeting's decision.                                                     

Lemminkäinen's share capital is EUR 34,042,500. The Company has one share series
and after the share issue the total number of issued shares is 19,644,764.      


Gross investments made during the review period amounted to EUR 44.5 million    
(32.4). The investments were mainly replacement investments for infrastructure  
construction, but also included two business acquisitions made in Norway during 
the review period.                                                              


| Personnel, average                | 1-9/2010    | 1-9/2009     | 1-12/2009   |
| Hourly paid employees             | 5,423       | 5,645        | 5,559       |
| Salaried staff                    | 2,916       | 3,116        | 3,067       |
| Personnel, total                  | 8,339       | 8,761        | 8,626       |
| of whom working outside Finland   | 2,398       | 2,685        | 2,607       |
| Personnel at the end of the       | 8,920       | 9,010        | 7,759       |
| review period                     |             |              |             |
| Personnel by business sector,     | 1-9/2010    | 1-9/2009     | 1-12/2009   |
| average                           |             |              |             |
| Building Construction             | 2,246       | 2,414        | 2,356       |
| Infrastructure Construction*)     | 3,212       | 3,453        | 3,395       |
| Technical Building Services       | 1,893       | 1,958        | 1,941       |
| Building Products*)               | 842         | 822          | 820         |
| Parent company                    | 146         | 114          | 114         |
| Total                             | 8,339       | 8,761        | 8,626       |

*) Forssan Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to Lemminkäinen's Infrastructure  
Construction business sector, was transferred on 1 January 2010 to the Building 
Products business sector. The comparative figures for 2009 have also been       
prepared in accordance with the new organisation.                               
The average number of employees in the Group during the review period was 8,339 
(8,761), down 5% on the comparison period. 71% (69) of the personnel worked in  
Finland, 12% (13) in other Nordic countries, 10% (11) in the Baltic states and  
7% (7) in other countries.                                                      

The number of personnel has been adjusted to the prevailing market situation.   

ORGANISATIONAL CHANGES                                                          

One of Lemminkäinen's strategic goals is a move towards one united Lemminkäinen.
This involves, among other things, streamlining the organisation structure, and 
consequently, some 20 of the Group's companies in Finland will be merged during 
2010. The changes will be most notable in the Building Construction and         
Technical Building Services business sectors. In the beginning of 2011, the     
structure of the Building Products business sector will be further streamlined  
by merging the domestic subsidiaries into the business sector's parent company, 
Lemminkäinen Talo Oy.                                                           

Lemminkäinen's internal support services - HR, financial administration, ICT,   
legal affairs and communications & marketing - are also being developed and     
consolidated. The new shared services aim to offer optimal support for          
Lemminkäinen's business goals and growth, and enhance the Group's               
competitiveness   through cost-effective, high-quality and professionally       
delivered services.                                                             


On 16 April 2010 Lemminkäinen Corporation's Annual General Meeting approved the 
Company's final accounts and consolidated financial statements for 2009 and     
granted the members of the Board of Directors and the President & CEO discharge 
from liability. The Annual General Meeting decided in accordance with the Board 
of Directors' proposal that no dividend would be paid for the 2009 accounting   

The following persons were re-elected to serve on the Board of Directors: Berndt
Brunow, Juhani Mäkinen, Mikael Mäkinen, Kristina Pentti-von Walzel, Heikki Räty 
and Teppo Taberman. PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, a firm of authorised public      
accountants, was re-elected to serve as the Company's auditors, with Jan        
Holmberg, APA, acting as chief auditor.                                         

Lemminkäinen Corporation's Board of Directors held an organising meeting on 16  
April 2010. Berndt Brunow continues as the Chairman of the Board of Directors,  
and Juhani Mäkinen as the Vice Chairman.                                        

LEGAL PROCEEDINGS                                                               

In 2009 the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) fined a number of Finnish asphalt
industry companies for violations of the Act on Competition Restrictions.       

At present, 25 municipalities and the Finnish State (Finnish Transport Agency)  
have brought actions for the recovery of damages from Lemminkäinen and other    
asphalt companies in the District Court of Helsinki. The claimants contend that 
restrictions of competition have caused them damages. The capital amount of the 
claims presented against Lemminkäinen is at present about EUR 73 million. The   
claims presented in the statements of claim differ from each other as regards   
their amounts and grounds.                                                      

The decision rendered by the SAC in 2009 as it stands does not mean that        
Lemminkäinen or the other asphalt industry companies actually caused the parties
ordering asphalt works any damages. The SAC's decision does not concern the     
individual contracts that the claimants are citing in support of their claims.  
Neither does the decision concern the pricing of individual contracts, nor has  
the SAC considered the claim that pricing deviating from the market price had   
been used in the contracts.                                                     

Lemminkäinen's initial position is that the claims are without foundation       

The claims will be brought separately before the District Court of Helsinki and 
heard in the order determined by the court. It is likely that district court    
proceedings will continue into 2011.                                            

No provision for future expense has been made in respect of the statements of   
claims submitted so far to the district court by the municipalities and the     
Finnish Road Administration.                                                    

Lemminkäinen will provide further updates on the matter in connection with      
interim financial reviews or, if necessary, as separate releases.               

RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                                         

Lemminkäinen's business risks are divided into six categories: market risks,    
project risks, financing risks, credit loss risks, environmental risks, and     
accidents and damage. The measures necessary to manage the most significant     
identified risks have been specified.                                           

In the near future, market risk poses the most significant threat to            
Lemminkäinen. The international economic downturn is creating uncertainty in key
sectors of Lemminkäinen's operating environment and making it more difficult to 
foresee future changes. As a consequence of this, Lemminkäinen adjusted its     
business operations to the new market demand at the end of 2008 and in 2009.    
Although housing sales have developed favourably, the general economic situation
is still unstable. For this reason new housing starts are being made only if a  
sufficiently high percentage of the units are reserved by buyers in advance.    

Another risk are the aforementioned statements of claim submitted to the        
District Court of Helsinki by certain municipalities and the Finnish Road       

Operating in a number of business sectors with differing cyclical behaviours is 
a cornerstone of Lemminkäinen's strategy. Fluctuating demand for new            
construction in Finland is counterbalanced by infrastructure construction. The  
building repair and maintenance businesses account for a third of the Group's   

The Company's Annual Report and website provide more information on             
Lemminkäinen's risk management.                                                 

OUTLOOK FOR 2010                                                                

In Finland low interest rates and improved consumer confidence will sustain good
demand for housing. Other building construction will remain at a low level.     
Demand for renovation construction is expected to grow steadily.                

In Russia the housing construction volumes continue to grow stably in 2010.     

In the Nordic countries and Baltic states, total paving volumes will decline    
from the 2009 levels. Major transport projects and the pick-up in mining        
activity will support demand for infrastructure construction.                   

Demand for technical building services and building materials follows the       
building construction cycle, and demand for these products and services is      
expected to pick up gradually with the recovery of residential construction.    

Lemminkäinen reiterates its guidance released on 15 October 2010, according to  
which full-year 2010 pre-tax profit is estimated to be positive but below the   
2009 profitability level. The comparative figures do not include the            
infringement fine imposed by SAC. Full-year 2010 net sales are estimated to be  
at the 2009 level.                                                              

Lemminkäinen estimates that in 2011 its net sales will increase and pre-tax     
profit will clearly improve on 2010.                                            

EVENTS AFTER THE REVIEW PERIOD                                                  

After the review period Lemminkäinen acquired full ownership of Suonenjoen      
Sementtituote Oy in Central Finland. The acquisition will strengthen            
Lemminkäinen's pre-cast concrete element production resources. The net sales of 
the acquired company are estimated to be approx. EUR 1.5 million in 2010.       
According to preliminary plans, the company will merge with Lemminkäinen        
Rakennustuotteet Oy in the first quarter of 2011.                               

In accordance with its strategy, Lemminkäinen is transitioning to a more        
centralised operating model in its internal support services. As part of this   
change in the operating model, Lemminkäinen initiated in early October, i.e.    
after the review period, co-determination negotiations concerning a personnel   
reduction of about 100 employees. Any personnel reductions arising from the     
negotiations will be made during 2011.                                          

Helsinki, 4 November 2010                                                       

LEMMINKÄINEN CORPORATION                                                        
Board of Directors                                                              


ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                                           

This interim financial review has been prepared in accordance with the same IFRS
recognition and measurement principles as those applied in the annual financial 
statements for 2009 with the below-mentioned changes. As the tabulated section  
is presented in abridged format, not all of the requirements of the IAS 34      
Interim Financial Reporting Standard have been observed in the preparation of   
the review.                                                                     

The information contained in the interim financial review has not been audited. 

The interpretation IFRIC 15 - Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate was
adopted from the beginning of 2010. The comparative figures starting  from      
1.1.2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the provisions of the new 
interpretation. IFRIC 15 affected not only the figures of Lemminkäinen Group but
also those of the Building Construction business sector. Furthermore, Forssan   
Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to the Infrastructure Construction business  
sector, was transferred at the beginning of January 2010 to the Building        
Products business sector. The Group and business sector-specific figures given  
in this bulletin are pro forma figures.                                         

Standards and interpretations adopted from the beginning of 2010                

- IFRIC 15. Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate. The interpretation  
clarifies whether an agreement for the construction of real estate falls within 
the scope of IAS 11 Construction Contracts or IAS 18 Revenue, and when income   
from such construction projects can be recognised on the basis of percentage of 
completion. In Lemminkäinen Group the new interpretation affects especially the 
income recognition practice for own housing production, the basis of which      
changed on 1 January 2010 from percentage-of-completion to full completion and  

- IFRIC 12 Service Concession Arrangements. The interpretation applies to       
contractual arrangements whereby a private-sector operator participates in the  
development, financing, operation of public services or the maintenance of      

- IFRS 3 (Revised), Business combinations. The revised standard continues to    
apply the acquisition method to business combinations, with some significant    
changes. For example, all costs directly associated with the transaction are to 
be expensed as incurred. Contingent consideration is to be recorded at fair     
value even if its realisation may be presumed unlikely at the transaction date. 
Subsequent changes in contingent liabilities are recorded at fair value through 
income, and not as an adjustment to goodwill, as was the practice before the    
adoption of the interpretation. In a step acquisition, previously acquired      
equity interests are recorded at fair value at the acquisition date. Goodwill   
may be calculated based on the parent company's share of net assets or it may   
include goodwill related to the non-controlling interest.                       

- IAS 27 (Revised), Consolidated and separate financial statements. The revised 
standard requires the effects of all transactions with non-controlling interests
to be recorded in equity if there is no change in control. Thus, transactions   
with non-controlling interests will no longer result in goodwill or the         
recognition of gains or losses through profit or loss. The standard also        
specifies the accounting when control is lost. Any remaining interest in the    
entity is remeasured to fair value and a gain or loss is recognised through     
profit or loss.                                                                 

- IAS 17 (Revised), Leases. The revised standard requires the classification of 
land areas as finance leasing or some other leasing agreements in accordance    
with the general classification criteria of IAS 17. The revision does not have  
any essential bearing on the figures presented in the Interim Financial Review. 

An assessment indicates that the following interpretations and standards have no
essential bearing on Lemminkäinen Group's Interim Financial Review: IAS 1       
(Revised), IAS 18 (Revised), IAS 38 (Revised), IAS 39 (Revised), IFRS 2         
(Revised), IFRS 5 (Revised), IFRS 8 (Revised), IFRIC 9, IFRIC 16, IFRIC 17 and  
IFRIC 18.                                                                       

Effects of new interpretations of IFRS standards in the future                  

The standards and interpretations published by IASB and listed below will come  
into force in 2011 or thereafter. The Group has decided against their early     
adoption and will apply them in future accounting periods.                      

An assessment indicates that the following interpretations and standards have no
essential bearing on Lemminkäinen Group's financial statements: IAS 24          
(Revised), IFRIC 14, IFRIC 19.                                                  


1) Consolidated income statement                                                
2) Consolidated statement of comprehensive income                               
3) Consolidated statement of financial position                                 
4) Consolidated cash flow statement                                             
5) Consolidated statement of changes in equity                                  
6) Consolidated income statement, quarterly                                     
7) Segment information                                                          
8) Economic trends and financial indicators                                     
9) Share-specific indicators                                                    
10) Guarantees and contingent liabilities                                       
11) Legal proceedings                                                           

1) CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                

|                               | 7-9/  | 7-9/    | 1-9/   | 1-9/    | 1-12/   |
| EUR mill.                     | 2010  | 2009    | 2010   | 2009    | 2009    |
| Net sales                     | 610.4 | 568.6   | 1,373. | 1,440.4 | 1,965.5 |
|                               |       |         | 6      |         |         |
| Operating income and expenses | -565. | -567.0  | -1,322 | -1,403. | -1,909. |
|                               | 7     |         | .6     | 7       | 6       |
| Depreciation                  | 13.6  | 12.5    | 27.9   | 26.7    | 34.3    |
| Share of the results of       | 1.7   | 1.1     | 1.2    | 1.1     | 1.5     |
| associates                    |       |         |        |         |         |
| Operating profit/loss         | 32.9  | -9.8    | 24.3   | 11.2    | 23.2    |
| Financial expenses            | 8.6   | 10.5    | 30.7   | 41.0    | 54.1    |
| Financial income              | 2.1   | 4.1     | 13.8   | 15.6    | 20.7    |
| Profit/loss before taxes      | 26.4  | -16.1   | 7.4    | -14.2   | -10.2   |
| Income taxes                  | -6.7  | -8.1    | -4.3   | -10.3   | -13.6   |
| Profit/loss for the           | 19.7  | -24.2   | 3.1    | -24.5   | -23.8   |
| accounting period             |       |         |        |         |         |
| Distribution of the           |       |         |        |         |         |
| profit/loss for the           |       |         |        |         |         |
| accounting period             |       |         |        |         |         |
| To shareholders of the parent | 20.1  | -24.0   | 2.9    | -25.5   | -26.2   |
| company                       |       |         |        |         |         |
| To non-controlling interest   | -0.4  | -0.3    | 0.2    | 1.0     | 2.4     |
| EPS calculated from profit/loss attributable to |        |         |         |
| parent company shareholders                     |        |         |         |
| Earnings per share, diluted   | 1.08  | -1.41   | 0.15   | -1.49   | -1.54   |
| and undiluted, EUR            |       |         |        |         |         |


|                                | 7-9/  | 7-9/    | 1-9/    | 1-9/   | 1-12/  |
| EUR mill.                      | 2010  | 2009    | 2010    | 2009   | 2009   |
| Profit/loss for the accounting | 19.7  | -24.2   | 3.1     | -24.5  | -23.8  |
| period                         |       |         |         |        |        |
| Translation difference         | -1.5  | 1.6     | 2.3     | 2.1    | 3.4    |
| Hedging of net investment      |       |         |         |        |        |
| in foreign subsidiary          |       | 0.1     |         | -0.4   | -0.4   |
| Cash flow hedge                | 0.3   | -0.1    | 0.2     | -0.5   | -0.2   |
| Change in fair value           | -0.1  |         | 0.0     |        |        |
| Other comprehensive income,    | -1.3  | 1.7     | 2.6     | 1.2    | 2.8    |
| total                          |       |         |         |        |        |
| Comprehensive income for the   | 18.3  | -22.5   | 5.6     | -23.3  | -21.0  |
| accounting period              |       |         |         |        |        |
| Distribution of comprehensive income   |         |         |        |        |
| for the accounting period              |         |         |        |        |
| To shareholders of  the parent | 18.7  | -22.2   | 5.5     | -24.3  | -23.4  |
| company                        |       |         |         |        |        |
| To non-controlling interest    | -0.4  | -0.3    | 0.2     | 1.0    | 2.4    |

3) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION                                 

| EUR mill.                                 | 9/2010   | 9/2009    | 12/2009   |
| Non-current assets                        |          |           |           |
| Tangible assets                           | 182.3    | 185.4     | 184.6     |
| Goodwill                                  | 83.9     | 77.7      | 78.3      |
| Other intangible assets                   | 10.0     | 2.4       | 2.7       |
| Investments                               | 14.2     | 12.7      | 12.8      |
| Deferred tax asset                        | 20.1     | 16.5      | 14.3      |
| Other non-current receivables             | 7.2      | 6.8       | 7.5       |
| Total                                     | 317.6    | 301.4     | 300.1     |
| Current assets                            |          |           |           |
| Inventories                               | 386.3    | 429.1     | 374.7     |
| Trade and other receivables               | 449.7    | 479.9     | 305.1     |
| Cash funds                                | 52.1     | 121.1     | 74.4      |
| Total                                     | 888.0    | 1,030.2   | 754.3     |
| Assets, total                             | 1,205.7  | 1,331.5   | 1,054.4   |
| Shareholders' equity and liabilities      |          |           |           |
| Share capital                             | 34.0     | 34.0      | 34.0      |
| Share premium account                     | 5.8      | 5.8       | 5.8       |
| Hedging reserve                           | -1.8     | -2.2      | -2.0      |
| Fair value reserve                        | 0.0      |           |           |
| Invested unrestricted equity reserve      | 63.1     |           |           |
| Translation differences                   | 0.6      | -3.0      | -1.7      |
| Retained earnings                         | 225.6    | 261.6     | 261.6     |
| Profit/loss for the period                | 2.9      | -25.5     | -26.2     |
| Equity attributable to shareholders of    | 330.3    | 270.7     | 271.5     |
| the parent company                        |          |           |           |
| Non-controlling interest                  | 4.6      | 22.7      | 23.2      |
| Shareholders' equity, total               | 334.9    | 293.4     | 294.8     |
| Non-current liabilities                   |          |           |           |
| Deferred tax liabilities                  | 19.6     | 19.4      | 19.0      |
| Pension liabilities                       | 0.5      | 0.3       | 0.7       |
| Provisions                                | 1.7      | 2.4       | 1.8       |
| Financial liabilities                     | 222.2    | 58.4      | 290.7     |
| Other liabilities                         | 3.9      | 2.4       | 2.4       |
| Total                                     | 248.0    | 82.9      | 314.6     |
| Current liabilities                       |          |           |           |
| Accounts payable and other liabilities    | 384.5    | 497.9     | 328.4     |
| Provisions                                | 7.3      | 7.2       | 8.3       |
| Financial liabilities                     | 230.9    | 450.2     | 108.4     |
| Total                                     | 622.7    | 955.1     | 445.0     |
| Shareholders' equity and liabilities,     | 1,205.7  | 1,331.5   | 1,054.4   |
| total                                     |          |           |           |

4) CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                             

|                                           | 1-9/    | 1-9/       | 1-12/     |
| EUR mill.                                 | 2010    | 2009       | 2009      |
| Profit/loss before taxes                  | 7.4     | -14.2      | -10.2     |
| Depreciation                              | 27.9    | 26.7       | 34.3      |
| Other adjustments                         | 9.1     | 24.3       | 33.9      |
| Cash flow before change in working        | 44.4    | 36.8       | 58.0      |
| capital                                   |         |            |           |
| Change in working capital                 | -92.0   | 2.2        | 52.4      |
| Financial items                           | -21.9   | -23.3      | -30.2     |
| Direct taxes paid                         | -12.7   | -19.2      | -16.0     |
| Cash flow from operating activities       | -82.2   | -3.5       | 64.2      |
| Cash flow provided by investing           | 11.8    | 8.1        | 11.9      |
| activities                                |         |            |           |
| Cash flow used in investing activities    | -31.2   | -23.3      | -30.5     |
| Share issue for cash consideration        | 39.5    |            |           |
| Change in non-current receivables         | 0.3     | -0.5       | 0.0       |
| Drawings of loans                         | 244.6   | 458.7      | 562.3     |
| Repayments of loans                       | -201.1  | -548.6     | -764.6    |
| Dividends paid                            | -2.1    | -18.0      | -18.0     |
| Cash flow from financing activities       | 81.2    | -108.4     | -220.2    |
| Change in cash funds                      | -20.4   | -127.0     | -174.6    |
| Cash funds at beginning of period         | 74.4    | 250.1      | 250.1     |
| Translation difference of cash funds      | -1.9    | -1.9       | -1.1      |
| Cash funds at end of period               | 52.1    | 121.1      | 74.4      |

5) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                  

A = Share capital                                                               
B = Share premium account                                                       
C = Hedging reserve                                                             
D = Fair value reserve                                                          
E = Invested unrestricted equity reserve                                        
F = Translation difference                                                      
G = Retained earnings                                                           
H = Non-controlling interest                                                    
I = Shareholders' equity total                                                  

| EUR      | A    | B     | C    | D    | E     | F     | G     | H     | I    |
| mill.    |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Shareholders'   |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| equity          |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| 1.1.2009 | 34.0 | 5.8   | -1.7 |      |       | -4.7  | 276.9 | 27.3  | 337. |
|          |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       | 6    |
| Profit/l |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| oss for  |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| the      |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| accounti |      |       |      |      |       |       | -25.5 | 1.0   | -24. |
| ng       |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       | 5    |
| period   |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Translation     |       |      |      |       | 2.1   |       |       | 2.1  |
| difference      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Hedging of net  |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| investment      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| in foreign      |       |      |      |       | -0.4  |       |       | -0.4 |
| subsidiary      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Cash     |      |       | -0.5 |      |       |       |       |       | -0.5 |
| flow     |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| hedge    |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Comprehensive income,   | -0.5 |      |       | 1.7   | -25.5 | 1.0   | -23. |
| total                   |      |      |       |       |       |       | 3    |
| Dividend        |       |      |      |       |       | -15.3 | -2.0  | -17. |
| distribution    |       |      |      |       |       |       |       | 3    |
| Change   |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| in       |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| non-controlling |       |      |      |       |       |       | -3.6  | -3.6 |
| interest        |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Transact |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| ions     |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| with     |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| owners,  |      |       |      |      |       |       | -15.3 | -5.6  | -20. |
| total    |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       | 9    |
| Shareholders'   |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| equity          |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| 30.9.200 | 34.0 | 5.8   | -2.2 |      |       | -3.0  | 236.1 | 22.7  | 293. |
| 9        |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       | 4    |

| EUR      | A    | B     | C    | D    | E     | F     | G     | H     | I    |
| mill.    |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Shareholders'   |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| equity          |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| 1.1.2009 | 34.0 | 5.8   | -1.7 |      |       | -4.7  | 276.9 | 27.3  | 337. |
|          |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       | 6    |
| Profit/l |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| oss for  |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| the      |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| accounti |      |       |      |      |       |       | -26.2 | 2.4   | -23. |
| ng       |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       | 8    |
| period   |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Translation     |       |      |      |       | 3.4   |       |       | 3.4  |
| difference      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Hedging of net  |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| investment      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| in foreign      |       |      |      |       | -0.4  |       |       | -0.4 |
| subsidiary      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Cash     |      |       | -0.2 |      |       |       |       |       | -0.2 |
| flow     |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| hedge    |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Comprehensive income,   | -0.2 |      |       | 3.0   | -26.2 | 2.4   | -21. |
| total                   |      |      |       |       |       |       | 0    |
| Dividend        |       |      |      |       |       | -15.3 | -2.0  | -17. |
| distribution    |       |      |      |       |       |       |       | 3    |
| Change   |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| in       |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| non-controlling |       |      |      |       |       |       | -4.5  | -4.5 |
| interest        |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Transact |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| ions     |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| with     |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| owners,  |      |       |      |      |       |       | -15.3 | -6.5  | -21. |
| total    |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       | 8    |
| Shareholders'   |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| equity          |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| 31.12.20 | 34.0 | 5.8   | -2.0 |      |       | -1.7  | 235.4 | 23.2  | 294. |
| 09       |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       | 8    |

| EUR      | A    | B     | C    | D    | E     | F     | G     | H     | I    |
| mill.    |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Shareholders'   |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| equity          |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| 1.1.2010 | 34.0 | 5.8   | -2.0 |      |       | -1.7  | 235.4 | 23.2  | 294. |
|          |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       | 8    |
| Profit/l |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| oss for  |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| the      |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| accounti |      |       |      |      |       |       | 2.9   | 0.2   | 3.1  |
| ng       |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| period   |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Translation     |       |      |      |       | 2.3   |       |       | 2.3  |
| difference      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Cash     |      |       | 0.2  |      |       |       |       |       | 0.2  |
| flow     |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| hedge    |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Change in fair  |       |      | 0.0  |       |       |       |       | 0.0  |
| value           |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Comprehensive income,   | 0.2  | 0.0  |       | 2.3   | 2.9   | 0.2   | 5.6  |
| total                   |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Share issue to  |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| investors       |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| for cash        |       |      |      | 39.5  |       |       |       | 39.5 |
| consideration   |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Share issue to          |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| non-controlling         |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| interest for cash       |      |      | 24.3  |       |       |       | 24.3 |
| consideration           |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Transaction     |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| expenses        |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| of share |      |       |      |      | -0.7  |       |       |       | -0.7 |
| issues   |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Gains on        |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| share-based     |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| payments |      |       |      |      |       |       | 0.1   |       | 0.1  |
| Direct entries,         |      |      |       |       | -10.0 |       | -10. |
| non-controlling         |      |      |       |       |       |       | 0    |
| interest                |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| acquisit |      |       |      |      |       |       | 0.1   |       | 0.1  |
| ion      |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Dividend        |       |      |      |       |       |       | -1.9  | -1.9 |
| distribution    |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Change   |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| in       |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| non-controlling |       |      |      |       |       |       | -16.9 | -16. |
| interest        |       |      |      |       |       |       |       | 9    |
| Transact |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| ions     |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| with     |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| owners,  |      |       |      |      | 63.1  |       | -9.8  | -18.8 | 34.5 |
| total    |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| Shareholders'   |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| equity          |       |      |      |       |       |       |       |      |
| 30.9.201 | 34.0 | 5.8   | -1.8 | 0.0  | 63.1  | 0.6   | 228.5 | 4.6   | 334. |
| 0        |      |       |      |      |       |       |       |       | 9    |

6) CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT, QUARTERLY                                     

|                                | 7-9/  | 4-6/    | 1-3/    | 10-12/ | 7-9/   |
| EUR mill.                      | 2010  | 2010    | 2010    | 2009   | 2009   |
| Net sales                      | 610.4 | 478.8   | 284.4   | 525.1  | 568.6  |
| Operating income and expenses  | -565. | -449.0  | -308.0  | -505.9 | -567.0 |
|                                | 7     |         |         |        |        |
| Depreciation                   | 13.6  | 9.6     | 4.7     | 7.6    | 12.5   |
| Share of the results of        | 1.7   | -0.2    | -0.2    | 0.4    | 1.1    |
| associates                     |       |         |         |        |        |
| Operating profit/loss          | 32.9  | 20.0    | -28.5   | 12.0   | -9.8   |
| Financial expenses             | 8.6   | 10.0    | 12.1    | 13.1   | 10.5   |
| Financial income               | 2.1   | 5.0     | 6.7     | 5.2    | 4.1    |
| Profit/loss before taxes       | 26.4  | 15.0    | -33.9   | 4.0    | -16.1  |
| Income taxes                   | -6.7  | -5.2    | 7.6     | -3.3   | -8.1   |
| Profit/loss for the accounting | 19.7  | 9.8     | -26.4   | 0.7    | -24.2  |
| period                         |       |         |         |        |        |
| Distribution of the            |       |         |         |        |        |
| profit/loss for the accounting |       |         |         |        |        |
| period                         |       |         |         |        |        |
| To shareholders of the parent  | 20.1  | 9.5     | -26.7   | -0.7   | -24.0  |
| company                        |       |         |         |        |        |
| To non-controlling interests   | -0.4  | 0.3     | 0.3     | 1.4    | -0.3   |
| EPS calculated from profit/loss attributable to  |         |        |        |
| parent company shareholders                      |         |        |        |
| Earnings per share, diluted    | 1.08  | 0.60    | -1.52   | -0.04  | -1.41  |
| and undiluted, EUR             |       |         |         |        |        |

7) SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                          

IFRS 8 Operating Segment Reporting requires that reported segment information be
based on internal segment reporting to management, which in Lemminkäinen Group  
means the President of Lemminkäinen Corporation, who is the chief operative     
decision-maker. Internal segment reporting to management covers net sales,      
depreciation, operating profit, non-current assets, inventories and trade       

The segment information reported to management is generally prepared according  
to the same principles as those applied in the consolidated financial           
statements. Imputed items are not considered in segment reporting. Such items   
include, among others, depreciation of assets acquired by finance leasing,      
interest separated from payments and warranty provisions. In segment reporting  
to management, finance leasing arrangements are treated as ordinary rental      
agreements, which deviate from the accounting principles of IFRS financial      
statements. Associated companies are combined in segment reporting in proportion
to ownership share using the line-by-line method. In IFRS financial statements  
associated companies are combined by the equity method. In segment reporting,   
intersegment sales are not allocated to segments, owing to their minimal        
magnitude, and are not reported to management.                                  

The interpretation IFRIC 15 - Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate was
adopted from the beginning of 2010. The comparative figures starting  from      
1.1.2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the provisions of the new 
interpretation. IFRIC 15 affected not only the figures of Lemminkäinen Group but
also those of the Building Construction business sector. Furthermore, Forssan   
Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to the Infrastructure Construction business  
sector, was transferred at the beginning of January 2010 to the Building        
Products business sector. The Group and business sector-specific figures given  
in this bulletin are pro forma figures.                                         

BLDCO = Building Construction                                                   
INFRA = Infrastructure Construction                                             
TECBS = Technical Building Services                                             
BLDPR = Building Products                                                       
OTHER = Other operations                                                        
ELIM = Group eliminations                                                       
SEGM = Segments total                                                           
RECON = Reconciling items                                                       
TOTAL = Group total, IRFS                                                       

| EUR mill. |      |      |      |      |      |     |        |       |        |
| 1-9/2010  | BLDC | INFR | TECB | BLDP | OTHE | ELI | SEGM   | RECON | TOTAL  |
|           | O    | A    | S    | R    | R    | M   |        |       |        |
| Net sales | 552. | 591. | 165. | 115. | 8.5  | -51 | 1,382. | -8.7  | 1,373. |
|           | 4    | 9    | 1    | 5    |      | .1  | 3      |       | 6      |
| Depreciat | 1.8  | 23.8 | 0.7  | 2.5  | 0.8  |     | 29.5   | -1.6  | 27.9   |
| ion       |      |      |      |      |      |     |        |       |        |
| Operating | 10.6 | 17.2 | 3.2  | 2.9  | -11. |     | 23.0   | 1.3   | 24.3   |
| profit/lo |      |      |      |      | 0    |     |        |       |        |
| ss        |      |      |      |      |      |     |        |       |        |

The reconciling items for net sales comprise EUR -13.0 million from the equity  
share treatment of associated companies and the treatment difference between    
entries made to net sales and other income.                                     

The reconciling items for operating profit comprise EUR 3.8 million in personnel
expenses, EUR 1.8 million from the IFRS treatment of finance leasing, EUR -0.2  
million from the equity share treatment of associated companies and EUR -4.1    
million in other closing entries.                                               

| EUR mill. |      |      |      |      |      |     |        |       |        |
| 1-9/2009  | BLDC | INFR | TECB | BLDP | OTHE | ELI | SEGM   | RECON | TOTAL  |
|           | O    | A    | S    | R    | R    | M   |        |       |        |
| Net sales | 602. | 594. | 168. | 115. | 8.3  | -33 | 1,455. | -15.2 | 1,440. |
|           | 4    | 4    | 6    | 3    |      | .3  | 6      |       | 4      |
| Depreciat | 2.1  | 23.1 | 0.6  | 2.6  | 0.6  |     | 29.0   | -2.3  | 26.7   |
| ion       |      |      |      |      |      |     |        |       |        |
| Operating | 21.7 | 27.8 | 9.0  | 8.6  | -58. |     | 8.9    | 2.3   | 11.2   |
| profit/lo |      |      |      |      | 3    |     |        |       |        |
| ss        |      |      |      |      |      |     |        |       |        |

The reconciling items for net sales comprise EUR -12.9 million from the equity  
share treatment of associated companies and the treatment difference between    
entries made to net sales and other income.                                     

The reconciling items for operating profit comprise EUR 1.3 million in personnel
expenses, EUR 1.4 million from the IFRS treatment of finance leasing, EUR 0.0   
million from the equity share treatment of associated companies and EUR 0.4     
million in other closing entries.                                               

| NET SALES                                | 1-9/     | 1-9/       | 1-12/     |
| EUR mill.                                | 2010     | 2009       | 2009      |
| Building Construction                    | 552.4    | 602.4      | 868.7     |
| Infrastructure Construction              | 591.9    | 594.4      | 768.0     |
| Technical Building Services              | 165.1    | 168.6      | 233.8     |
| Building Products                        | 115.5    | 115.3      | 154.2     |
| Other operations                         | 8.5      | 8.3        | 10.3      |
| Group eliminations                       | -51.1    | -33.3      | -52.5     |
| Segments total                           | 1,382.3  | 1,455.6    | 1,982.6   |
| Reconciling items                        | -8.7     | -15.2      | -17.1     |
| Group total, IFRS                        | 1,373.6  | 1,440.4    | 1,965.5   |

| OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS                     | 1-9/    | 1-9/       | 1-12/     |
| EUR mill.                                 | 2010    | 2009       | 2009      |
| Building Construction                     | 10.6    | 21.7       | 36.4      |
| Infrastructure Construction               | 17.2    | 27.8       | 22.0      |
| Technical Building Services               | 3.2     | 9.0        | 12.2      |
| Building Products                         | 2.9     | 8.6        | 10.4      |
| Other operations                          | -11.0   | -58.3      | -61.7     |
| Segments total                            | 23.0    | 8.9        | 19.4      |
| Reconciling items                         | 1.3     | 2.3        | 3.8       |
| Group total, IFRS                         | 24.3    | 11.2       | 23.2      |

| NET SALES, QUARTERLY           | 7-9/  | 4-6/    | 1-3/    | 10-12/ | 7-9/   |
| EUR mill.                      | 2010  | 2010    | 2010    | 2009   | 2009   |
| Building Construction          | 214.5 | 169.2   | 168.7   | 266.3  | 180.1  |
| Infrastructure Construction    | 314.6 | 226.0   | 51.3    | 173.6  | 304.3  |
| Technical Building Services    | 55.1  | 55.8    | 54.2    | 65.2   | 52.6   |
| Building Products              | 50.5  | 44.7    | 20.3    | 38.9   | 48.8   |
| Other operations               | 2.8   | 2.9     | 2.8     | 2.1    | 2.9    |
| Group eliminations             | -23.1 | -15.8   | -12.2   | -19.2  | -8.8   |
| Segments total                 | 614.5 | 482.6   | 285.2   | 526.9  | 579.9  |
| Reconciling items              | -4.1  | -3.8    | -0.8    | -1.8   | -11.3  |
| Group total, IFRS              | 610.4 | 478.8   | 284.4   | 525.1  | 568.6  |

| OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS,         | 7-9/  | 4-6/    | 1-3/    | 10-12/ | 7-9/   |
| QUARTERLY                      |       |         |         |        |        |
| EUR mill.                      | 2010  | 2010    | 2010    | 2009   | 2009   |
| Building Construction          | 2.7   | 6.7     | 1.2     | 14.7   | 1.2    |
| Infrastructure Construction    | 28.0  | 13.5    | -24.3   | -5.8   | 33.3   |
| Technical Building Services    | 1.7   | 0.4     | 1.1     | 3.2    | 3.8    |
| Building Products              | 3.2   | 3.4     | -3.7    | 1.8    | 6.1    |
| Other operations               | -3.9  | -3.7    | -3.4    | -3.4   | -56.0  |
| Segments total                 | 31.8  | 20.3    | -29.1   | 10.5   | -11.5  |
| Reconciling items              | 1.1   | -0.3    | 0.6     | 1.5    | 1.8    |
| Group total, IFRS              | 32.9  | 20.0    | -28.5   | 12.0   | -9.8   |

| ASSETS                                   |          |            |           |
| EUR mill.                                | 9/2010   | 9/2009     | 12/2009   |
| Building Construction                    | 428.6    | 420.6      | 357.9     |
| Infrastructure Construction              | 353.3    | 357.5      | 253.9     |
| Technical Building Services              | 31.2     | 30.1       | 30.5      |
| Building Products                        | 65.9     | 61.5       | 55.3      |
| Other operations                         | 44.3     | 45.4       | 43.6      |
| Segments total                           | 923.2    | 915.2      | 741.1     |
| Assets unallocated to segments           |          |            |           |
| and Group eliminations, total            | 282.5    | 416.3      | 313.3     |
| Group total, IFRS                        | 1,205.7  | 1,331.5    | 1,054.4   |

8) ECONOMIC TRENDS AND FINANCIAL INDICATORS                                     

|                                           | 9/2010   | 9/2009    | 12/2009   |
| Return on equity, %                       | 1.0      | -7.8      | -7.5      |
| Return on investment, %                   | 5.1      | 3.1       | 5.4       |
| Operating profit, % of net sales          | 1.8      | 0.8       | 1.2       |
| Equity ratio, %                           | 30.8     | 24.4      | 31.0      |
| Gearing, %                                | 119.7    | 132.1     | 110.2     |
| Interest-bearing net debt, EUR million    | 401.0    | 387.5     | 324.7     |
| Gross investments, EUR million (incl.     | 44.5     | 32.4      | 41.5      |
| leasing purchases)                        |          |           |           |
| Order book, EUR mill.                     | 1,230.0  | 1,096.1   | 1,064.5   |
| - of which orders outside Finland, EUR    | 252.3    | 296.6     | 224.4     |
| mill.                                     |          |           |           |
| Average number of employees               | 8,339    | 8,761     | 8,626     |
| Employees at end of period                | 8,920    | 9,010     | 7,759     |
| Net sales, EUR mill.                      | 1,373.6  | 1,440.4   | 1,965.5   |
| - of which operations outside Finland,    | 416.5    | 392.5     | 527.6     |
| EUR mill.                                 |          |           |           |
| % of net sales                            | 30.3     | 27.2      | 26.8      |

9) SHARE-SPECIFIC INDICATORS                                                    

|                                              | 9/2010 | 9/2009    | 12/2009  |
| Earnings per share, EUR                      | 0.15   | -1.49     | -1.54    |
| Equity per share, EUR                        | 16.81  | 15.90     | 15.95    |
| Market capitalisation, EUR mill.             | 485.2  | 451.1     | 411.9    |
| Share price at end of period, EUR            | 24.70  | 26.50     | 24.20    |
| Trading volume during period, 1000 shares    | 3,167  | 1,238     | 1,918    |
| Number of issued shares, 1000 shares         | 19,645 | 17,021    | 17,021   |
| Weighted average number of shares over the   | 19,645 | 17,021    | 17,021   |
| period, 1000 shares                          |        |           |          |

10) GUARANTEES AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                       

| EUR mill.                                | 9/2010   | 9/2009     | 12/2009   |
| Securities for own commitments           |          |            |           |
| Property mortgages                       | 80.0     | 80.0       | 80.0      |
| Business mortgages                       | 1,218.8  | 1,218.8    | 1,221.3   |
| Bonds pledged as security                | 0.3      | 0.4        | 0.6       |
| Deposits                                 | 0.1      | 0.1        | 0.1       |
| Total                                    | 1,299.2  | 1,299.3    | 1,302.0   |
| Guarantees                               |          |            |           |
| On behalf of others                      | 9.8      | 37.9       | 34.7      |
| Bonds pledged as security                |          |            |           |
| On behalf of others                      | 0.1      |            |           |
| Minimum lease payments of irrevocable lease         |            |           |
| agreements                                          |            |           |
| One year or less                         | 16.7     | 12.2       | 11.1      |
| Over one year but no more than five      | 30.5     | 25.1       | 24.9      |
| years                                    |          |            |           |
| Over five years                          | 18.5     | 20.8       | 20.7      |
| Total                                    | 65.7     | 58.0       | 56.7      |
| Purchase commitments of investments      | 4.6      | 8.1        | 11.1      |
| Derivative contracts                     |          |            |           |
| Forward foreign exchange contracts       |          |            |           |
| Nominal value                            | 54.6     | 40.6       | 36.6      |
| Fair value                               | 1.6      | -0.8       | -1.7      |
| Currency options, calls purchased        |          |            |           |
| Nominal value                            | 0.0      | 2.0        | 0.0       |
| Fair value                               | 0.0      | 0.2        | 0.0       |
| Currency options, puts written           |          |            |           |
| Nominal value                            | 0.0      | 2.0        | 0.0       |
| Fair value                               | 0.0      | 0.0        | 0.0       |
| Interest rate options, calls purchased   |          |            |           |
| Nominal value                            | 0.0      | 0.8        | 0.0       |
| Fair value                               | 0.0      | 0.0        | 0.0       |
| Interest rate options, puts written      |          |            |           |
| Nominal value                            | 0.0      | 0.8        | 0.0       |
| Fair value                               | 0.0      | 0.0        | 0.0       |
| Interest rate swap contracts             |          |            |           |
| Nominal value                            | 53.8     | 65.3       | 59.6      |
| Fair value                               | -2.4     | -3.8       | -3.2      |
| Commodity derivatives                    |          |            |           |
| Volume, mill.                            | 25.3     |            |           |
| Fair value, €                            | -0.4     |            |           |

The fair value of contracts is the gain or loss arising from closure of the     
contract based on the market price on the accounting date.                      

11) LEGAL PROCEEDINGS                                                           

In 2009 the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) fined a number of Finnish asphalt
industry companies for violations of the Act on Competition Restrictions.       

At present, 29 municipalities and the Finnish State (Finnish Transport Agency)  
have brought actions for the recovery of damages from Lemminkäinen and other    
asphalt companies in the District Court of Helsinki. The claimants contend that 
restrictions of competition have caused them damages. The capital amount of the 
claims presented against Lemminkäinen is at present about EUR 73 million. The   
claims presented in the statements of claim differ from each other as regards   
their amounts and grounds.                                                      

The decision rendered by the SAC in 2009 as it stands does not mean that        
Lemminkäinen or the other asphalt industry companies actually caused the parties
ordering asphalt works any damages. The SAC's decision does not concern the     
individual contracts that the claimants are citing in support of their claims.  
Neither does the decision concern the pricing of individual contracts, nor has  
the SAC considered the claim that pricing deviating from the market price had   
been used in the contracts.                                                     

Lemminkäinen's initial position is that the claims are without foundation       

The claims will be brought separately before the District Court of Helsinki and 
heard in the order determined by the court. It is likely that district court    
proceedings will continue into 2011.                                            

No provision for future expense has been made in respect of the statements of   
claims submitted so far to the district court by the municipalities and the     
Finnish Road Administration.                                                    

Lemminkäinen will provide further updates on the matter in connection with      
interim financial reviews or, if necessary, as separate releases.