Announcement on the results of government debt securities primary placement auction

| ISIN code of the security                         |      LV00005 32794       |
| Date of competitive multi-price auction           |        03.11.2010        |
| Date of non-competitive fixed rate auction        |        04.11.2010        |
| Settlement date                                   |        05.11.2010        |
| Maturity date                                     |        06.05.2011        |
| Supply value for competitive multi-price auction  |        8 000 000         |
| (LVL)                                             |                          |
| Total value bid at competitive multi-price        |        49 000 000        |
| auction (LVL)                                     |                          |
| Total value placed via competitive multi-price    |        8 000 000         |
| auction (LVL)                                     |                          |
| Number of participants at competitive multi-price |            10            |
| auction                                           |                          |
| Top admissible yield as specified by State        |           1.25           |
| Treasury (%)                                      |                          |
| Average volume-weighted and top bid yield in      |   0.840 % and 0.960 %    |
| executed bids                                     |                          |
| Supply value for non-competitive auction (LVL)    |        2 000 000         |
| Total value bid at non-competitive auction (LVL)  |        7 500 000         |
| Total value placed via non-competitive auction    |        2 000 000         |
| (LVL):                                            |                          |
| Number of participants at non-competitive auction |            5             |

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