Global Health Ventures Announces Start of European Clinical Trials for X-Excite

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 23, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global Health Ventures Inc. (OTCBB:GHLV), a specialty pharmaceutical company focused on sublingual (under the tongue) drug delivery, is pleased to announce that it has begun the testing of X-Excite in men. The first group of 6 patients has already received the clinical dose of X-Excite, a sublingual formulation of sildenafil citrate. Sildenafil citrate is used to make one of Pfizer Incorporated's largest sellers, Viagra®. The company shall continue the trials with another 18 patients.

"We are very pleased with the progress that we have been making in our program for the development of X-Excite and continue to meet our milestones timely," said Dr. Hassan Salari, Global Health President & CEO.

The current trial which is an open-label, single institution, 2-Arm pharmacokinetic study is designed to test the drug bioavailability and efficacy in men. The clinical dose of X-Excite is a sublingual formulation of sildenafil citrate versus Pfizer Incorporated's largest seller Viagra®. The trial has been approved by the European Union (EMEA) and adheres to all rules and regulation of regulatory authorities in Europe. The trial is expected to be completed in 2-3 months.

X-Excite is a sublingual formulation of sildenafil citrate. Sildenafil citrate is used to make one of Pfizer Incorporated's largest sellers, Viagra®. It is scientifically known that sublingual delivery is the fastest way to get a drug into the blood and bypass the liver as first passage to the body. Many of the side effects of drugs are due to their liver metabolism and use of liver as first passage to the body. Global Health's sublingual delivery, which delivers the drug directly to the blood, should have fewer side effects, in theory, than similar erectile dysfunction drug on the market known as Viagra®.

About Sublingual Technology

The Company's sublingual formulation is designed to enhance drugs to be delivered to the body without the need for injection. This design enables the vast majority of pharmaceutical drugs to be rapidly absorbed through the mucosal membrane (tissues of the mouth) quickly and efficiently. This technology works well for drugs that need faster results and have major side effects associated with gastrointestinal and/or liver breakdown. It is scientifically accepted that sublingual drug delivery route is the fastest and most efficient way of drug delivery after direct injection. The technology is tested against 40 major drugs and all can benefit from it.

About Global Health Ventures

Global Health Ventures (OTCBB:GHLV) is a specialty pharmaceutical company with expertise in drug delivery and formulation. The Company has a proprietary platform technology for drug delivery via the sublingual (under the tongue) route. This unique method delivers drugs to the bloodstream quickly with minimal drug breakdown in the liver or gastrointestinal system, a process that can greatly reduce side effects associated with the drugs. The Company's lead therapeutic product is a male sexual enhancement drug that is delivered via sublingual route and is called X-Excite. In experimental studies, X-Excite has been shown to reach the blood stream rapidly, producing maximal effect and having less of the unwanted side effects associated with oral delivery route. X-Excite is presently in clinical development in Europe. The Company's second drug "Relax-B" is also under development in Canada for anxiety. And, the third drug will be an anti-migraine drug. The Company plans to use the same technology to deliver a vast number of other FDA approved and non-approved drugs that require faster delivery, or reduced hepatic and gastrointestinal side effects. These include stress, sleeping disorders, pain killers, anti-allergy medications, heart and lung medication, migraine and addiction replacement therapies.

Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements - This press release includes forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including the success of the products in commercializing and developing. Further, the risks involve the ability of the Company to raise capital to fund its operations and the capital requirements for the development and marketing of its products. Investors are encouraged to review the risk factors listed or described from time to time in the Company's filings (10K) with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


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