Securitas launches a public offer to the shareholders and the warrant holders in Niscayah

Securitas launches a public offer to the shareholders and the warrant
holders in Niscayah

Securitas AB, a global knowledge leader within specialised guarding and
security services, today announces a public offer to acquire all shares
and warrants of Niscayah Group AB, a global technical security services

This press release may not, directly or indirectly, be distributed or
published in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, South
Africa or the United States. The offer is not being made to (and
acceptances will not be accepted from) persons in those countries or
elsewhere where their participation requires further documentation,
filings or other measures in addition to those required by Swedish law.
This press release has been published in Swedish and English. In the
event of any discrepancy in content between the language versions, the
Swedish version shall prevail.

  · The acquisition of Niscayah is an important strategic step in order
for Securitas to improve the abilities to offer its customers
comprehensive security programmes in the form of specialised physical
security solutions within guarding, technical security solutions as well
as consulting and crisis management services.
  · Securitas estimates that the acquisition will create cost synergies
of approximately SEK 200 million annually, with full effect from 2013.
Restructuring costs are estimated to amount to approximately SEK 250
million in 2011 and 2012. The acquisition is expected to be accretive to
earnings per share from 2013 when the cost synergies are fully realised.
  · The Offer to the shareholders of Niscayah consists of new class A
and class B shares in Securitas. For every 4.19 class A and class B
shares respectively in Niscayah, each shareholder will receive one (1)
class A and class B share in Securitas respectively.
  · The Offer represents a premium of approximately 34 percent compared
to Niscayah's volume weighted average share price of approximately SEK
11.97 during the last three months up to and including May 13, 2011
being the last day of trading prior to announcement of the Offer.
  · Niscayah's largest shareholders, Latour, SäkI and MSAB believe that
there is a strong industrial rationale behind the acquisition and have
stated that they support the Offer.
  · The acceptance period of the Offer is expected to commence on June
20, 2011 and expire on July 18, 2011. An extraordinary general meeting
in Securitas will be held on June 13, 2011 to adopt the necessary
resolutions to issue the consideration shares.

“Niscayah complements Securitas through its strategic expertise on how
security technologies can be integrated into a comprehensive solution
for the highest possible quality, cost efficiency and customer value.
The acquisition of Niscayah allows Securitas to, with its own resources,
master specialised security services, security technology and qualified
security advice, which significantly strengthens Securitas
competitiveness." says Alf Göransson, Securitas' President and CEO.

Please see the press release in its entirety attached.

Press conference today at 11.00 (CET) for further information

In respect of the Offer, Securitas will arrange a press conference
today, May 16, at 11.00 (CET), at Securitas' Head Office, Lindhagensplan
70, Stockholm, with President and CEO Alf Göransson. Media and analysts
are welcome, no pre announcement is needed.

The press conference can also be followed on the Internet, please go to

To participate in the press conference, please dial in five minutes
before the press conference starts, on:

Sweden: +46 (0)8 505 598 53

UK: +44 (0) 203 043 24 36

A recorded version of the web cast of the press conference will be made
available on Securitas' website after the press conference.

For more information please contact:

Gisela Lindstrand, Senior Vice President Corporate Communications and
Public Affairs, phone +46 10 470 30 11, mobile +46 70 287 86 62, or

Micaela Sjökvist, Head of Investor Relations, phone +46 10 470 30 13,
mobile +46 76 116 74 43, or email

Securitas AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the
Securities Market Act and the Takeover Rules. The information was
submitted for publication on May 16, 2011 at 08.00 (CET).

