Report on transactions in Netop Solutions shares by executives, directors and other senior employees of Netop Solutions and their related parties


Announcement No. 9-2011


August 29, 2011


Report on transactions in Netop Solutions shares by executives, directors and other senior employees of Netop Solutions and their related parties


Pursuant to section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act, Netop Solutions A/S is required to file information on transactions in Netop Solutions shares by executives, directors and other senior employees of the Company. 



Name Kent F. Madsen
Relation/category of related parties Chief Technical Officer
Trading date 26 August 2011
Issuer Netop Solutions
ISIN Code DKK0010288125
Type Shares
Market Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen
Transaction Buy
Number of shares traded 1315
Market value of shares traded, DKK 10,320



Netop Solutions A/S

Netop develops and sells software solutions enabling swift, stable and secure transfer of video, screen images, sound and data over the Internet. The company has three core business areas: Administration, Education and Communication. Netop’s unique and cost-saving Administration solutions makes work easier for IT professionals through secure remote control solutions. Netop’s market-leading Education solutions for classroom management and corporate e-learning help students and teachers achieve optimum results through virtual teaching. Netop’s Communication solutions allow customers, business partners and colleagues to meet easily and safely in virtual space through chat, video or voice over the Internet. At 31 December 2010, Netop had 122 employees and subsidiaries in the USA, the UK, Romania and Switzerland. The company sells its solutions to public and private sector customers in more than 80 countries. Netop Solutions A/S is listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S. Netop generated revenue of DKK 92.1 million in 2010. For more information, go to:


Translation In the event of any inconsistency between this document and the Danish language version, the Danish language version shall be the governing version.



         CEO Kurt Bager
         Tel.: +45 45 90 25 25
