Statkraft SF - Preliminary results for 2011

Please find the enclosed preliminary results for 2011

Statkraft SF's business
The purpose of Statkraft SF is to own all the shares in, and provide loans to, Statkraft AS. In addition, Statkraft SF owns certain assets that for technical reasons may not be owned by Statkraft AS. This applies to power plants that have been reverted to state ownership and are leased to third parties and to plants that will be owned by Statkraft on reversion to state ownership, in addition to certain overseas investments (Asian Power Invest AB and Nordic Hydropower AB).

The consolidated financial statements for Statkraft SF will, with the exception of the retained assets and individual items on the liabilities side, be identical with the consolidated financial statements for the Statkraft AS sub-group. See reported fourth quarter and preliminary results for 2011 for Statkraft AS.

The differences between the respective income statements of Statkraft SF and Statkraft AS primarily relate to revenues and expenses associated with ongoing operation of the retained assets. These differences are relatively modest.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Statkraft SF - prelimenary financial result 2011