Daylight Saving Time (DST) test in Sapri member test environment

Lysaker, 12 March 2012

N2EX invites all members to test the Daylight Saving Time (DST) shift in the Sapri member test environment on Wednesday 14 March 2012.

Sunday, 25 March 2012, 01.00 GMT, clocks are turned forward one hour, giving only 23 delivery hours that day.

A test will be run as a normal auction on Wednesday 14 March, with gate closure 15.00 GMT. Market results will be published 15.15 GMT. Participants must choose delivery date 25 March in the Sapri Trade Client. Orders can be placed from Monday 12 March and onwards.

The intention of the test is to ensure that all participants are familiar with how the Day-Ahead Auction will be structured for the DST shift.

A PDF document explaining how the DST shift affects the Sapri auction can be downloaded, please see attachment below.

Members can enter the Sapri test environment by following the link below:

If you have any further questions, please contact N2EX:

N2EX Trading Operations, phone +44 207 065 8140/+47 6710 9190,

