"Toys In The Attic", "Deceptz", "Patient Zero" and Catalog Promotions Lead Aggressive Late Summer Release Slate for Hannover House

Los Angeles, CA, June 15, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The late summer, early fall months of August, September and October will be the busiest release period in history for independent studio Hannover House, Inc., (OTC Markets:  HHSE).  The fast growing entertainment distributor has slated four films to open theatrically, three new release books, seven "E-Books", three  new-release video titles and catalog promotions containing a total of twenty-six unique films packaged within six separate DVD multipacks. 

The new release theatrical titles are "Toys in the Attic" (animated  / general audiences), "The Weather Station" (foreign / thriller), "Asalto Al Cine" (Spanish / action) and Borrar de la Memoria" (Spanish / Drama).  New release videos are "Buried Alive" (horror), "Patient Zero" (Sci-Fi)and "Deceptz" (urban / action).  Catalog promotions and repriced video items are "Animal Clinic" (family), "American Fighter Pilot" (documentary / aviation), "Turtle: The Incredible Journey" (documentary / nature) and "All's Faire in Love" (comedy).  Multipack video releases on DVD are "The Unexpendables Pack" (action), "Family Movie Night" (family), "Martial Arts Marathon" (action), "Chimera Collection" (horror), "Antonio Aguilar Colecion" (Spanish) and the "Jules Verne Collection" (animation / family).

Additional information will be released separately on each of the new theatrical and video titles.  Theatrical and video releases for November and December will also be announced separately.

"We are excited about this ambitious release slate," said Eric Parkinson, Hannover House C.E.O.  "This line up represents a balanced assortment of both mainstream and targeted releases, and a variety of pricing and packaging configurations to meet the current needs of the retail community.  We look forward to setting new sales records for the company in both the third and fourth quarters of this year, due in large part to the items released during this August through October timeframe."

HANNOVER HOUSE - Release Schedule Overview

August - October 2012

The Titles on this Exhibit do not represent a complete list of  Hannover House properties and upcoming releases;  final titles, dates, artwork and pricing subject to change.

NR DVD - "The Unexpendables Pack" - Street Date Aug. 7, 2012 (DVD Multipack / Action-Adventure).  $14.95 srp;  3 full length features together at a collectible price ("Baretta's Island" starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu; "Abraxas" starring Jesse Ventura and Jim Belushi;  "Black Ops: Predator Drone" starring David Carradine and Frank Zagarino).

THEAT - "Toys in the Attic" - Theatrical Opening Aug. 24, 2012 (NY, LA and Selected Markets / Expansion dates throughout September & October);  Award-winning, stop-motion animated feature, starring Forest Whitaker, Joan Cusack and Cary Elwes; directed by Jiri Barta, English adaptation directed by Vivian Schilling.  This title is expected to be the company's top grossing theatrical release to date, and is forecasted to be the company's top grossing DVD / Blu-ray and Video-On-Demand revenue generating title when released in January, 2013 to these markets.

NR DVD - "Family Movie Night" - Street Date Sept. 4, 2012  (DVD Multipack / Family), $9.95 suggested retail;  4 full length features at a collectible price ("Grand Champion" starring Bruce Willis and Julia Roberts;  "Savage Land" starring Graham Greene and Charlotte Ross;  "Come Away Home" starring Leah Thompson and Paul Dooley; "Joyriders" starring Martin Landau and Kris Kristopherson).

RP DVD - "Antonio Aguilar Colecion" - Street Date Sept. 4, 2012  (DVD Multipack / Spanish-Dramas), $9.95 srp;  Four full length features starring one of Latin America's  top box office legends.

NR DVD -"Martial Arts Marathon" - Street Date September 4, 2012 (DVD Multipack / Martial Arts), $9.95 srp;  Eight full length feature films plus one feature documentary together for a very collectible price.

NR DVD - "Buried Alive" - Street Date September 4, 2012 (DVD), $9.95 suggested retail;  Horror / Thriller.

NR  DVD, BD- "Patient Zero" - Street Date October 2, 2012.  DVD: $14.95 srp, BD: $19.95 srp;  Sci-Fi / Horror (Zombies).

THEAT - "The Weather Station" - Sept. 21, 2012, NY, LA, CHI Limited Theatrical launch.  Russian language thriller.

NR BOOK - "One of the Lucky Ones" - October 2, 2012, Tradeback edition by Brenda Hancock (non-fiction / biography / WW II / Jewish Culture).  $14.95 suggested retail;  True story of Nicole Holland, a young, Jewish girl living in Paris during the Nazi occupation, and her participation in the French resistance. 

NR BOOK - "Sable Shore" - October 2, 2012, Tradeback edition by James Danielson (fiction / drama / mid-life crisis / thriller).  $14.95 suggested retail;   Mystery unfolds when a man searching for meaning in his life finds an unlikely romance and a murderous plot.

NR BOOK- "Blind Vision" - October 2, 2012, Hardcover edition by Vivian Kaplan (fiction / Jewish Culture), $19.95 srp;  Insightful look into the lives of people hiding their Jewish heritage for cultural, financial and sometimes literal survival.

RP DVD - "Animal Clinic" - Oct. 2, 2012, DVD repriced to $14.95 suggested retail;  Animal Planet television feature repriced for mass merchant accessibility.

RP DVD - "American Fighter Pilot" - Oct. 2, 2012, DVD 3-pack repriced to $14.95 suggested retail;  CBS Television series about the lives and careers of military aviators from Executive Producers TONY SCOTT ("Top Gun") and RIDLEY SCOTT ("Black Hawk Down").

RP DVD, BD - "Turtle: The Incredible Journey" - Oct. 2, 2012, DVD repriced to $9.95 srp; BD to $14.95 srp;  Popular selling nature documentary, repriced for mass merchant accessibility.

RP DVD, BD - "All's Faire In Love" - Oct. 2, 2012, DVD repriced to $9.95 srp, BD to $14.95 srp;  Comedy starring Christina Ricci and Cedric the Entertainer.

NR DVD - "Jules Verne Collection" - Oct. 2, 2012, three full-length animated features together, priced at only $9.95 suggested retail..

THEAT - "Asalto Al Cine" - Oct. 5, 2012, NY, LA, CHI Limited Theatrical launch.  Sundance competition title.

NR DVD - "Chimera Collection" - Oct. 16, 2012, DVD-3-pack of first release 2011 Horror Film productions (3-full length features) at only $14.95 suggested retail;

NR DVD - "Deceptz" - Oct. 16, 2012, DVD release of urban-thriller at $14.95 suggested retail;

NR E-BOOKS - 7 Hannover titles will be released to various E-Book platforms on October 23, 2012; pricing to vary based on platform and reseller.  Titles include:  "Blood, Money & Power" and "Made in the USA" (Barr McClellan";  "Quietus" and "Sacred Prey" (Vivian Schilling); "Blind Vision", "One of the Lucky Ones" and "Sable Shore."

THEAT - "Borrar de la Memoria" - Oct. 26, 2012, NY, LA, CHI Limited Theatrical launch.  True story of a slaughter of protesting students by the Mexican government.

KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS:   NR:  "New Release";  RP: "Repricing";  THEAT: "Theatrical Release"; BD: Blu-Ray;  SRP: Suggested Retail Price.


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