Notification of Extraordinary General Meeting in Fingerprint Cards AB (publ)

The shareholders in Fingerprint Cards AB (publ), reg. no 556154-2381 (the
“Company”) are hereby invited to an Extraordinary General Meeting on Wednesday,
September 5, 2012, at 6:00 p.m., at the Scandic Park Hotel, Karlavägen 43 in
Stockholm, Sweden.

Notice of Attendance
Shareholders who wish to attend the General Meeting must:
(i)      be recorded in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB on August
30, 2012, and
(ii)     notify the Company of their intent to attend the General Meeting,
stating name, personal or corporate identity number, and the number of shares
held in the Company, by mail to the address: Fingerprint Cards AB, P.O. Box
2412, SE-403 15 Gothenburg, Sweden, or by fax +46(0)31-137385, or by e-mail:, no later than on August 30, 2012, at 4:00 p.m.

Should a shareholder wish to bring one or two assistants to the General Meeting,
this must be informed of in connection with the notice of attendance.
Shareholders who hold their shares through nominees must, well in advance of
August 30, 2012, request that such nominee temporarily registers the shares in
the shareholder’s name in order to be entitled to attend the General Meeting.
Such registration must be completed with Euroclear Sweden AB on August 30, 2012.

Number of Shares and Votes
At the time of publication of this notification, the total number of class A
shares in the Company is 1,200,000, each representing 10 votes, corresponding to
12,000,000 votes, and the total number of class B shares in the Company is
42,409,586, each representing 1 vote, corresponding to 42,409,586 votes. Thus,
at the time of issuance of this notification, there is a total of 43,609,586
shares and a total of 54,409,586 votes in the Company. The Company does not hold
any of its own shares.

Shareholders represented by proxy shall issue a proxy for the representative. A
proxy form is available at the Company’s website and will be
sent free of cost to the shareholders who so request and state their address.
Representatives of legal entities shall submit a certified copy of a
registration certificate or similar documentation for the legal entity. Such
registration certificate or similar documentation may not be issued more than
one (1) year prior to the date of the General Meeting. The proxy in original,
and, where applicable, the registration certificate or similar documentation,
should be submitted to the above address well in advance of the General Meeting.

Business at the General Meeting
Proposal for Agenda

1)         Opening of the General Meeting;

2)         Election of Chairman at the General Meeting;

3)         Preparation and approval of voting list;

4)         Approval of the agenda;

5)         Election of two persons to approve the minutes;

6)         Determination of whether the General Meeting has been duly convened;

7)         Resolution on issue of share warrants and resolution on approval of
transfer of share warrants, etcetera;

8)         Cancellation of certain previously issued share warrants;

9)         Closing of the General Meeting.

Item 7 - The Board of Directors’ proposal for resolution on issue of share
warrants and approval of transfer of share warrants, etcetera

Shareholders jointly representing approximately 22 percent of the votes and 3
percent of the capital in the Company have declared that they support the Board
of Directors’ proposal for resolution on issue of share warrants under this
Item. The proposal is essentially the following.

 1. The Board of Directors proposes that the Company shall issue a maximum of
4,818,000 share warrants. The right to subscribe for the share warrants shall,
with deviation from the shareholders’ preferential right, be allotted to
Fingerprint Security System Databärare AB, reg. no 556239-5938 (the
“Subsidiary”), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company. Subscription must be
completed no later than September 6, 2012. The share warrants will be issued
without consideration. The Subsidiary shall transfer the share warrants
according to what is stated in Item B below.

Each share warrant entitles its holder to subscribe for one new class B share in
the Company. Subscription of shares in accordance with the terms and conditions
of the share warrants may be made as from September 6, 2015 up to and including
October 6, 2015. The subscription price will correspond to 250 percent of the
quoted volume-weighted average purchase price for class B shares in the Company
on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm from August 22, 2012 up to and including September 4,
2012. The increase in the Company’s share capital upon full exercise of the
share warrants will amount to SEK 963,600, and corresponds to a dilution of
approximately 8.8 (9.4) percent of the total number of shares in the Company and
approximately 7.3 (7.8) percent of the total number of votes in the Company
considering the shares that can be issued upon full exercise of the previously
issued share warrants and the share warrants which may be issued in accordance
with this proposal for resolution. The dilution numbers within parenthesis are
calculated with the exclusion of the share warrants that are proposed to be
cancelled under item 8 of the agenda and the share warrants in the share warrant
program 2010/2012 which expire on August 31, 2012 and which are not expected to
be utilized for subscription of shares (the subscription price for a share is
SEK 7.48).

The reason for deviation from the shareholders’ preferential right is that the
employees, by investing themselves, shall partake of and work for a positive
value trend of the Company’s share during the entire period covered by the
proposed program, as well as to enable the Company to recruit competent and
committed personnel.

 1. The Board of Directors proposes that the General Meeting approves the
Subsidiary’s transfer of share warrants on the following terms and conditions.

The following four categories shall be entitled to acquire share warrants from
the Subsidiary:

|Category             |Maximum number |Maximum number of|
|                     |of             |warrants to      |
|                     |warrants/person|category         |
|A (the CEO)          |2 308 000      |2 308 000        |
|B (other senior      |850 000        |2 000 000        |
|executives, maximum 4|               |                 |
|persons)             |               |                 |
|C (maximum 6 persons)|50 000         |300 000          |
|D (maximum 7 persons)|30 000         |210 000          |
|                     |               |4 818 000        |

The right to acquire share warrants from the Subsidiary shall only be given
persons who at the end of the application period have not been notified of
termination of employment, or resigned. Allotment is conditional upon it being
possible to legally implement the acquisition of share warrants, and that this
according to the assessment of the Board of Directors can be done using
reasonable administrative and financial resources. Application for acquisition
of share warrants can be made as from August 22, 2012 up to and including
September 4, 2012, and in lots corresponding to either the highest number of
share warrants offered or reduced by lots of 1,000 share warrants. Allotment
shall be made in full lots of share warrants and to the full number the person
with the right to acquire has applied for, if not a reduction is made due to the
number of applications exceeding the number of issued share warrants.

The share warrants shall be transferred on market terms at a price established
on the basis of a market value calculated by an independent valuation institute
using the Black & Scholes valuation model. The Company’s Board of Directors may
decide to cancel share warrants that are not transferred to employees and share
warrants that have been re-purchased from employees. Cancellation shall be
registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.

 1. The Board of Directors proposes that the General Meeting authorizes the
Company’s Board of Directors to implement the issue resolution in accordance
with Item A above and to ensure that the Subsidiary’s Board of Directors
implements the transfer of the share warrants in accordance with Item B above.
It is further proposed that the Board of Directors is authorized to make such
minor adjustments to the General Meeting’s resolution which may prove necessary
in connection with registration of the share warrants with the Swedish Companies
Registration Office and affiliation of the share warrants with Euroclear Sweden

Item 8 - Cancellation of certain previously issued share warrants
The Board of Directors proposes that the General Meeting decides to cancel in
total 345,000 share warrants that are held by the Subsidiary:
-          105,000 share warrants from the share warrant program 2010:2; and
-          240,000 share warrants from the share warrant program 2011/2014.

The cancellation shall be registered with the Swedish Companies Registration

Majority requirement, etcetera
For a resolution in accordance with Item 7 to be valid, the resolution must be
supported by shareholders representing at least nine-tenths of the votes cast
and the shares represented at the General Meeting. A General Meeting in the
Subsidiary must also approve the resolution on transfer in accordance with Item
7 B above.

Documentation, etcetera
Complete proposals for the resolution and documentation in accordance with
Chapter 14, Section 8 of the Swedish Companies Act (Sw. aktiebolagslagen
(2005:551)) will be available at the Company’s office and on the Company’s
website,, no later than from August 15, 2012. Copies of this
documentation will automatically be sent to shareholders who have registered for
the General Meeting and who have provided their postal address.

Disclosures at the Meeting
If any shareholder so requests and the Board of Directors deems that it can be
done without causing material harm to the Company, the Board of Directors and
the CEO shall provide disclosures about circumstances that may affect the
assessment of (i) an item on the agenda, or (ii) the Company’s relationship to
another group company.


Gothenburg, August, 2012
Fingerprint Cards AB (publ)
The Board of Directors

For further information, please contact:
Johan Carlström, CEO of Fingerprint Cards AB (publ), +46 (0)31-60 78 20,
Fingerprint Cards AB (publ), P.O. Box 2412, SE-403 16 Gothenburg, Sweden
Fingerprint Cards AB (FPC) is listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm (FING B) and has
its head office in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Fingerprint Cards AB (publ) discloses this information pursuant to the Swedish
Securities Market Act (Sw. lagen (2007:528) om värdepappersmarknaden) and the
Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (Sw. lagen (1991:980) om handel med
finansiella instrument). The information was issued for publication on August
14, 2012, at 08:10 a.m.
About Fingerprint Cards AB (publ)
Fingerprint Cards AB (FPC) markets, develops and produces biometric components
and technologies that through the analysis and matching of an individual’s
unique fingerprint verify the person’s identity. The technology consists of
biometric sensors, processors, algorithms and modules that can be used
separately or in combination with each other. The competitive advantages offered
by the FPC’s technology include unique image quality, extreme robustness, low
power consumption and complete biometric systems. With these advantages and the
ability to achieve extremely low manufacturing costs, the technology can be
implemented in volume products such as smart cards and mobile phones, where
extremely rigorous demands are placed on such characteristics. The company’s
technology can also be used in IT and Internet security, access control, etc.
Important information
Issuance, publication or distribution of this press release in certain
jurisdictions could be subject to restrictions. The recipient of this press
release is responsible for using this press release and the constituent
information in accordance with the rules and regulations prevailing in the
particular jurisdiction. This press release does not constitute an offer or an
offering to acquire or subscribe for any Fingerprint Cards securities in any
Please note that this is an unofficial translation of the Swedish original
version. In the event of any discrepancies, the Swedish version shall prevail.
