TTS completes acquisition of NMF

TTS Group ASA has completed the acquisition of Neuenfelder Maschinenfabrik GmbH (NMF) at a price of MNOK135 (17.5 MEUR).

NMF supplies heavy lift cranes and has 130 employees located in Hamburg, Germany. The product range of NMF will complement and strengthen TTS's market position for marine and offshore cranes.

The expected turnover for NMF in 2012 is around MNOK 660 (88 MEUR). At the end of May 2012 NMF had an order reserve of MNOK 713 (95 MEUR).

NMF (est. 1970) designs, develops and assembly cranes for the marine sector. It is the marked leader for heavy lift cranes (above 150 tons) with more than 60% market share. In addition, NMF also supplies heavy-lift cranes for the offshore windmill industries.

NMF will be a part of TTS activity in Germany, where TTS has a turnover of around MNOK 750 (100 MEUR). The synergy between TTS and NMF will be significant, particularly in sales and marketing, services and assembly.

Bergen 20. August 2012


Johannes D. Neteland
President and CEO
Mob: +47 918 46 906

Arild Apelthun
Mob: +47 918 19 265

Miao Reinlund
VP, Communications
Mob: +47 900 65 883

TTS Group ASA Tel: +47 55 94 74 00 / Fax: +47 55 94 74 01

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.