Financial calendar for 2013

To NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen and
the Luxembourg Stock Exchange
21. August 2012
Announcement no. 88/2012

Financial calendar for 2013

BRFkredit a/s has scheduled announcements for the following dates


25 February 2013
Announcement of financial statements for 2012
The annual report for 2012 is expected to be available in printed form in early March 2013.

24 April 2013
Annual General Meeting of BRFkredit a/s

23 May 2013
Interim Report for Q1 2013

27 August 2013
Interim Report for the six months ended 30 June 2013

21 November 2013
Interim Report for Q3 2013

Yours faithfully
BRFkredit a/s

Ulrikke Ekelund
Chief Economist
Direct tel.:+45 4526 2257, Cell: +45 2019 9238

Please observe that the Danish version of this announcement is prevailing.
