Cash from K-stores - Kesko and Nordea increase cooperation


The testing of cashback service will begin in 30 K-markets in November. The aim is to extend the service to K-food stores within next year. Starting from spring 2013, Nordea customers can attach a K-Plussa identifier to Nordea's MasterCards to gain Plussa benefits without a separate K-Plussa card.

- Customers at K-stores frequently inquire about cashback service, says Kesko's President and CEO Matti Halmesmäki.

- I'm pleased that we can serve our customers even better than before by offering them the possibility to withdraw cash at K-store checkouts. The nearly 1,000 K-food stores all over Finland provide an excellent possibility for it.  

K-Plussa feature also to Nordea's MasterCards

Customers value the diversified K-Plussa customer loyalty benefits and in the future, the benefits will be made even more easily available to Nordea's customers. Starting from spring 2013, the K-Plussa feature can also be attached to Nordea's MasterCards, so that the customer no longer needs a separate K-Plussa card for gaining Plussa benefits. The co-branding card makes shopping faster and the customer needs to carry one card less in his wallet.

- The new card feature is a welcome additional benefit for our customers, which we are confident will increase customer satisfaction, says Pekka Nuuttila of Nordea.

Further information:
Senior Vice President, CFO Jukka Erlund, Kesko Corporation, tel. +358 1053 22113Head of Bank Activities in Finland, Pekka Nuuttila, Nordea, tel. +358 9 165 42530Chief Press Officer Kati Tommiska, Nordea, tel. +358 9 165 42325 

Kesko ( is one of the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World. We are a retail specialist whose chains have about 2,000 stores in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Russia, and Belarus. Our stores offer quality to the daily lives of consumers.

K-Plussa is the widest customer loyalty programme in Finland: there are 3.8 million K-Plussa cardholders in 2.2 million households.