Stable earnings

CEO Per Lindberg comments on the development during Q3 2012:

“The year’s third quarter shows continued stability of order bookings, net sales
of SEK 2 628 million and an operating profit of SEK 161 million. I am fairly
satisfied with this result, as it takes into account two maintenance shutdowns
and the impact of a stronger Swedish krona. During the quarter we announced
price increases for containerboard. Price increases announced earlier for kraft
and sack paper show through in third quarter earnings, although at a level
somewhat below expectations. This was a factor in a 2% price increase for
packaging paper during the quarter.

The contribution of our Finnish production units to the business is developing
according to plan and benefits from the acquisition are shown. In the course of
the next quarter, our short-term service agreement with UPM expires. We will
then operate independently in order processing, IT systems and operations. This
will create better opportunities to obtain synergies from the acquisition.
Because the Finnish acquisition sharply reduces our exposure to the market pulp
market, we will no longer report our sales of market pulp separately. Instead,
as of this quarter, this business will form part of the Packaging & Speciality
Paper business area.

Work on preparations to complete the combination with Korsnäs and plan for
integration of the companies is in full swing. We await decisions from the
competition authorities concerned in mid-November. The combination is still
assessed to take place during the fourth quarter of 2012.

Against that background, we are looking forward to a fourth quarter in which we
can launch the next phase in the company’s expansion, with new and exciting
opportunities for BillerudKorsnäs. Despite increasing signals of a challenging
economic scenario and a currently tougher currency situation, I face the future
full of confidence.”

Solna, 25 October 2012
Billerud Aktiebolag (publ)

Per Lindberg
President and CEO

For further information please contact:
Per Lindberg, President and CEO, +46 8 553 335 01 or +46 70 248 15 17
Susanne Lithander, CFO, +46 8 553 335 07 or +46 73 037 08 74

The information is such that Billerud AB (publ) is obligated to publish under
the Swedish Securities Market Act. Submitted for publication at 07.02 CET on 25
October 2012.
Billerud – “The Natural Part in Smarter Packaging”. Packaging manufacturers and
brand owners are offered added value in the form of brand-strengthening,
productivity-boosting and environment-enhancing packaging solutions. Billerud
has a world-leading market position within primary fibre-based packaging paper.
Billerud has annual sales of around SEK 11 billion and is listed on NASDAQ OMX

