Cybercom’s rights issue oversubscribed

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The subscription period for the rights issue in Cybercom Group AB (publ) ended
on 23 October 2012 and a preliminary summation shows that the rights issue has
been fully subscribed. Subscription by exercise of subscription rights
preliminarily represents approximately 98 per cent of the shares offered and
subscription without subscription rights preliminarily represents approximately
29 per cent of the shares offered. Cybercom receives approximately SEK 126
million through the rights issue before transaction costs.

Allotment of shares that were subscribed for without subscription rights have
been made in accordance with the principles outlined in the prospectus that has
been prepared in connection with the rights issue. Notification regarding
allotment of shares to those who have subscribed for shares without subscription
rights are expected to be distributed around 29 October 2012. No notification
will be distributed to those who have not been allotted any shares. Through the
rights issue, Cybercom’s share capital increases by SEK 9,021,974.75 from SEK
36,087,899 to SEK 45,109,873.75 in aggregate. The number of shares increases by
144,351,596 from 36,087,899 to 180,439,495 in aggregate.

Last day for trading in the interim share (BTA) is 29 October 2012. The new
shares subscribed for by exercising of subscription rights are estimated to be
traded on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm from 5 November 2012, and the new shares
subscribed for without subscription rights are estimated to be traded from 8
November 2012. The final outcome of the rights issue is expected to be made
public around 31 October 2012.

Cybercom Group AB (publ) discloses this information pursuant to the Securities
Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was
submitted for publication on 25 October 2012, 07:30 CET.

For further information please contact:

Niklas Flyborg, President and CEO +46 70 594 96 78
Camilla Öberg, CFO +46 73 398 50 01
Kristina Cato, Communication and IR manager +46 70 864 47 02

About Cybercom

Cybercom is an IT consulting company that assists leading companies and
organisations to benefit from the opportunities of the connected world. The
company’s areas of expertise span the entire ecosystem of communications
services. Cybercom’s domestic market is the Nordic region, and in addition the
company offers global delivery capacity for local and international business.
Cybercom was founded in 1995 and has been quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm
exchange since 1999.


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This press release does not contain or constitute an invitation or an offer to
acquire, subscribe for or otherwise trade in shares, subscription rights or
other securities in Cybercom Group AB (publ). Any invitation to the persons
concerned to subscribe for shares in Cybercom Group AB (publ) has only been made
through the prospectus Cybercom Group AB (publ) published on 8 October 2012.

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