Espoo, Finland, 2012-10-25 07:45 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

Dovre Group Plc              Interim report                           October 25, 2012 at 08:45 a.m.


Dovre Group’s net sales still growing strongly

(Unless otherwise stated, last year’s corresponding period in parentheses.)


July – September 2012

  • Net sales EUR 23.1 (17.7) million – growth 31%
  • Project Personnel: net sales EUR 19.9 (15.4) million – growth 30%
  • Consulting: net sales EUR 2.0 (1.4) million – growth 40%
  • Software: net sales EUR 1.2 (0.9) million – growth 32%
  • Operating result EUR 1.0 (0.9) million – growth 7%
  • Operating result 4.3% (5.3%) of net sales
  • Result for the period EUR 0.6 (0.8) million – change EUR -0.2 million
  • Earnings per share EUR 0.01 (0.01)
  • Net cash flow from operating activities EUR 1.1 (0.5) million

January – September 2012

  • Net sales EUR 68.4 (53.7) million – growth 27%
  • Project Personnel: net sales EUR 58.3 (46.1) million – growth 26%
  • Consulting: net sales EUR 6.5 (4.9) million – growth 34%
  • Software: net sales EUR 3.8 (2.9) million – growth 31%
  • Operating result EUR 3.4 (4.0) million
  • Comparable operating result EUR 3.4 (2.3) million – growth 48%
  • Comparable operating result 5.0% (4.3%) of net sales
  • Result for the period EUR 2.2 (2.5) million. Comparable result EUR 2.2 (1.3) million
  • Earnings per share EUR 0.04 (0.04). Comparable earnings per share EUR 0.04 (0.02)
  • Net cash flow from operating activities EUR 1.5 (0.3) million

Comparables for 2011 exclude the gain from the closure of the defined benefit pension plan in Norway in Q1 (impact on the operating result approx. EUR 1.7 million and the result for the period approx. EUR 1.2 million).

In 2012, net sales and comparable operating result are expected to grow over 20% from 2011. The guidance has not been changed.

The interim report is unaudited.



  7-9 7-9 Change 1-9 1-9 Change 1-12
(EUR million) 2012 2011 % 2012 2011 *) % 2011 *)
Net sales 23.1 17.7 30.8 % 68.4 53.7 27.4 % 72.5
Operating result 1.0 0.9 6.8 % 3.4 4.0 -14.6 % 4.9
% of Net sales 4.3 % 5.3 %   5.0 % 7.4 %   6.8 %
Result for the period 0.6 0.8 -26.9 % 2.2 2.5 -9.9 % 3.2
% of Net sales 2.4 % 4.3 %   3.2 % 4.6 %   4.4 %
Net cash flow from operations 1.1 0.5 100.5 % 1.5 0.3 437.5 % 2.0
Debt-equity ratio (Gearing), % -29.0 % -26.8 % 8.2 % -29.0 % -26.8 % 8.2 % -34.6 %
Earnings per share, EUR              
  Basic 0.01 0.01   0.04 0.04   0.05
  Diluted 0.01 0.01   0.04 0.04   0.05

*) Including one-time item



Our net sales continued on a strong growth path in the third quarter of 2012, with net sales growing 31% compared to the third quarter of 2011. Project Personnel, our biggest division, increased its net sales by almost 30% and Consulting and Software by over 30%. Geographically, our net sales grew most strongly in Norway and Australia.

In the third quarter of 2012, our operating profit was affected by investments in business operations and development. The Group’s operating result was EUR 1.0 million, EUR 0.1 million higher than in the third quarter of 2011. Both Consulting and Software improved their operating result significantly.

In January – September 2012, our net sales grew by 27%. All our business divisions experienced strong growth. Again, geographically our net sales grew most strongly in Norway and Australia.

During the period under review, the Group’s comparable operating result was EUR 3.4 million, which was approx. EUR 1.1 million and 48% higher than in January – September 2011. All our business divisions improved their operating result.

In the first half of 2012, we acquired a minority share in SaraRasa, a renewable energy project developer based in Singapore, and invested in SaraRasa Bioindo Pte. Ltd., which is the company’s first development project. The project is progressing according to plan. In the third quarter of 2012, SaraRasa Bioindo agreed a financing round with the Finnish Fund for Industrial Cooperation (Finnfund).

In the third quarter of 2012, our Consulting division expanded its operations in the renewable energy market. Initially, the division focuses specifically on projects in bio-renewables in Europe and South East Asia. The move is part of the division’s current operations and for its part strengthens our ability to operate in a new, growing market sector.



General economic insecurity has not affected investment levels among Project Personnel division’s customers in the Oil and Gas industry. Thus, we expect demand for the division’s services to remain strong in key market areas. Market demand supports opportunities for growth, but the highly competitive market creates pressure on profitability.

Current market outlook in the Nordic countries, an important market for the Group’s Consulting and Software divisions, is positive. However, economic instability in Europe may affect customers’ investment levels in the second half of 2012.

We will continue developing the Group in accordance with our strategy and long-term goals.

In 2012, net sales and comparable operating result are expected to grow over 20% from 2011. The guidance has not been changed.

This future outlook is based on forecasts approved by Dovre Group’s Board of Directors.


Espoo, October 24, 2012

Dovre Group Plc
Board of Directors

For additional information, please contact

Janne Mielck, CEO
tel. +358-20-436 2000


NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Major media




Dovre Group OVK Q3 2012_EN.pdf