Stable operations, zoning plan work in final stages

Third quarter

  · Rental revenue SEK 6.7 M (6.7)
  · Operating profit SEK 4.1 M (50.7)
  · Profit before tax SEK 1.8 M (48.0)
  · Unrealized changes in property value SEK -0.4 M (47.2)
  · Investments in continuing operations SEK 0.4 M (0.8)
  · Profit after tax SEK 1.2 M (35.7)

The period January - September

  · Rental revenue SEK 20.0 M (20.5)
  · Operating profit SEK 26.7 M (82.2)
  · Profit before tax SEK 19.7 M (80.6)
  · Unrealized changes in property value SEK 13.9 M (77.5)
  · Investments in continuing operations SEK 1.1 M (2.5)
  · Profit after tax SEK 14.5 M (60.1)

CEO Andreas Philipson comments

The third quarter was characterized by the completion of the zoning plan for our
development property in Haga Norra. This process is currently in its final phase
where focus has been on a close dialogue with the City of Solna and stakeholders
in the local area. We expect that the zoning plan will be approved by the City
of Solna before the end of this year.

In parallel with these efforts, the work of identifying commercial tenants to
the area continues. This effort is progressing according to plan and we see a
steady increase in both interest and attention for our future plans.

The level of activity is still high in the local area with for example the
inauguration of Friends Arena this coming weekend. Last week ground was also
broken for the building of Mall of Scandinavia which plans to opens its doors in
autumn 2015. This adds to the interest in our development property. Haga Norra
is centrally located in the new Solna-Stockholm district, which is now merging.
The high number and the large size of investments in this area together
contribute to our view of Haga Norra as an attractive alternative for both
commercial space and housing.

Our operations continued to see stable development. Profit before tax amounted
to SEK 19.7 M in the nine month period, compared to SEK 80.6 M for the
corresponding period last year. For the third quarter profit before tax was SEK
1.8 M (48.0). The difference in the result is mainly due to higher unrealized
value changes in the previous year.

For further information, please contact:
Andreas Philipson, CEO
Tel. +46-70-209 77 60

This information is such that Catena AB (publ) must release it publicly in
accordance with the Swedish Securities and Clearing Operations Act and/or the
Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was released to the public on
October 25, 2012, at 08.00 pm.

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