Interim Report 2012/13 Q2

Second Quarter (1 July – 30 September 2012)

  · Net revenue for the second quarter increased by 3 percent to MSEK 556 (539).
  · Market demand was in line with last year during the second quarter of the
financial year, albeit somewhat affected by the current economic uncertainty.
  · Operating profit increased by 18 percent to MSEK 53 (45), equivalent to an
operating margin of 9.5 percent (8.3). This is the highest margin so far for a
single quarter. Acquisitions and a growing proportion of proprietary products
contributed to the improvement in earnings.
  · Three companies were acquired during the quarter, with total annual revenue
of approximately MSEK 170.
  · Profit after finance items increased by 19 percent to MSEK 50 (42).
  · Cash flow from operating activities amounted to MSEK 210 (177) during the
most recent twelve-month period, equivalent to earnings per share of SEK 9.38
  · Earnings per share after dilution amounted to SEK 5.99 for the most recent
twelve-month period (SEK 5.63 for the 2011/12 financial year).
  · The return on equity for the most recent twelve-month period was 23 percent,
as compared with 22 percent for the 2011/12 financial year. The equity ratio at
the end of the period stood at 40 percent, as compared with 46 percent at the
beginning of the financial year.

First six months (1 April – 30 September 2012)

  · Net revenue for the first six months increased by 3 percent to MSK 1,122
  · Operating profit increased by 13 percent to MSEK 102 (90). The operating
margin increased to 9.1 percent (8.2).
  · Profit after finance items increased by 15 percent to MSEK 97 (84).
  · Profit after taxes increased to MSEK 71 (63).

Stockholm 25 October 2012

Lagercrantz Group AB (publ)
For additional information, contact:
Jörgen Wigh, President & CEO, Lagercrantz Group AB, telephone +46 8 700 6670
Bengt Lejdström, Lagercrantz Group AB, telephone +46 8 700 6670.
This information is disclosed in accordance with the Securities Markets Act, the
Financial Instruments Trading Act or according to the agreement with NASDAQ OMX
Stockholm Exchange. The information was submitted for publication on 25 October
2012 at 08:00.

   Lagercrantz is a technology group in the areas of electronics, electricity,
communication and related fields. The Group’s companies deliver all its
specialised products and solutions to other companies (B2B) and several of the
companies are world-leaders in their respective niches. Lagercrantz is active in
eight countries in Northern Europe and in China. The Group has about 900
employees and revenue of approximately MSEK 2,300. The Company’s shares are
listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm since 2001.
   The business is organised in four divisions. Division Electronics offers
special products in embedded electronics, industrial wireless communication,
RFID and lighting control. Division Mechatronics offers electric connections
systems, electric installation materials, electric and electro-mechanical
components and cabling. Division Communications offers products, systems,
services and support in network access, digital image transmission/technical
security, and software. Division Niche Products is the Group’s new division from
April 2012. Here a number of interesting market positions will be built up
primarily by acquiring profitable companies in interesting niches and with a
large element of proprietary products.

