Reference is made to stock exchange notice of 18.10.2012 regarding registration of capital reduction in TTS Group ASA.

The capital reduction was registered at the Register of Business Enterprises 25 October. The reduction amount, NOK 365 015 751.94 will be disbursed to the shareholders at time of the registration. Disbursement per share will be made in accordance with the amount of outstanding shares at the time of the registration. The shareholders and the amount of outstanding shares at the time of the registration will appear from the shareholder register of 30 October. Disbursement to the shareholders is expected 6 November 2012. Disbursement amount will be NOK 4.2147 per share.

The final allocation of the reduction amount between share capital and share premium account, was NOK 33 776 207.40 and NOK 331 239 544.54, respectively. New nominal value per share is NOK 0.11, and the share will be registered with this nominal value as from 26 October 2012. The new share capital is NOK 9 526 622.60.

As from 26 October the share will be traded ex right to the disbursement amount.

Bergen, 26 October 2012

Contact persons:

Johannes D. Neteland
President & CEO
Tel +47 918 46 906

Arild Apelthun
Tel +47 918 19 265

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.