Rella Holding A/S: Information on Q3 2012


Announcement No. 22/2012                                                                                         

Copenhagen, 26 October 2012

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S

Nikolaj Plads 6

DK - 1007 København K


Information on Q3 2012


Rella Holding A/S’ Business

Rella Holding A/S’ business is to hold B-shares in the media Group Aller Holding A/S. 

As Aller Holding A/S only publishes financial information once a year through the Annual Report mid-January, Rella Holding A/S does not publish quarterly reports, as such reports would only have very limited information value.

During Q3 2012, Rella Holding A/S did not purchase additional B-shares in Aller Holding A/S. The holding  is therefore unchanged: nominal value DKK 9,327,000 or 58.2% of Aller Holding A/S’ outstanding shares when adjusted for Aller Holding A/S’ treasury shares as at 30 September 2011. It should be noted that the B-shares are non-voting.

Purchase of treasury shares

In conformity with authorizations given at the Company’s latest two Annual General Meetings, Rella Holding A/S purchased a total of 1,056,540 treasury shares during the year’s first three quarters, out of which 154,161 shares were bought during Q3 2012. The average purchase price for the shares acquired during Q3 2012 amounted to DKK 33.7 per share. The market price as at 30 September 2012 was DKK 35.0 per share.

The total holding of treasury shares as at 30 September 2012 amounted to 873,511 shares, cf. the table below:

Holding as at 1 January 2012                                1,016,971 shares

Purchased during 1st Half 2012                              902,379 shares

Cancelled June 2012                                           -1,200,000 shares

Purchased during Q3 2012                                     154,161 shares

Holding as at 30 September 2012                           873,511 shares 

Bank debt

As at 30 September 2012, Rella Holding A/S’ bank debt amounted to DKK 131.4m including accrued interest. The current interest rate is 4.0% p.a.

Rella Holding A/S’ Current Accounting Year

For the full current accounting year 2012, Rella Holding A/S is still expecting a net profit of appr. DKK 32m, cf. the Company’s interim report for 1st half 2012. 

Kind regards,

Rella Holding A/S

Contact: Jens Arnth-Jensen, CEO. Telephone.:  0045 45 42 45 17. Mobile: 0045 28 49 19 48.

For further information on Aller Holding A/S and Rella Holding A/S, please refer to the companies’ respective websites, and


20121026 Rella - Information on Q3 2012.pdf