Camposol Holding Plc reports Third Quarter 2012 Results

Camposol Holding Plc. reported sales of USD 38.3 million in the third quarter of 2012, down 22.5% from Q311, mainly explained by lower volumes of avocado, due to climatic conditions in Peru and record high production in USA and Mexico, which adversely affected prices in the US market.

EBITDA before fair value adjustments (b.f.v.a.) of USD 4.4 million, 70.8% lower than Q311.  EBITDA margin decreased to 11.5%. Last twelve months (LTM) EBITDA as of September 30th 2012 was USD 21.1 million compared to USD 26.3 million for the LTM as of September 30th 2011.

As of September 30th, the Company maintains a Cash Balance of USD 25.8 million.

Volume sold during Q312 was 14,575 MT, down 16.63% compared to the same period in 2011 and average prices were USD 2,627, down 17% from USD 2,826 during the same period in 2011.

The long term growth prospects for exotic fruits & vegetables markets are excellent.  Avocado and mango are growing, with headroom for increased per capita consumption in key markets.  In the case of asparagus, although consumption is stable, supply is falling due mainly to reduced exports from China.  Company expects good demand for all fresh produce in general and for avocado specifically in both the United States and Europe.

There has been a mild "El Niño" effect during 2012 which has caused us to experience a warm winter.  This lack of cold hours needed for the growth of the plants had a negative effect on our volumes of avocado this year and will affect those of asparagus in the third and fourth quarter.

Executive Chairman Samuel Dyer Coriat and CFO Jorge Ramirez will host a conference call today, Tuesday October 30th at 03:00 pm CET/ 08:00 am Lima. For details on the conference call, please visit Camposol's website:

Please see the full report and presentation enclosed (or click on the links below of this release if received by e-mail).

Executive Chairman Samuel Dyer Coriat and CFO Jorge Ramirez will host a conference call today, Tuesday October 30th at 03:00 pm CET/ 08:00 am Lima.  For details on the conference call, please visit Camposol's website: (Press / News)

Please see the full third quarter 2012 report and presentation enclosed (or click on the links below of this release if received by e-mail.

For further information, please contact:

Executive Chairman, Samuel Dyer Coriat

CFO, Jorge Ramirez

Phone: +511 621-0804


CAMPOSOL is the leading agro industrial Company in Peru, involved in the cultivation, processing and commercialization of agricultural products such as asparagus, peppers, avocados, mangos, grapes and easy peelers. These are exported as fresh, preserved or frozen products mainly to markets in Europe and the United States of America. CAMPOSOL encompasses a totally integrated business from the production of raw material in the fields to processing in the industrial plant and subsequent commercialization in Europe and the United States. CAMPOSOL has 24,496 own hectares of which about 7,252 are already used for agricultural purposes, operates in 2 different locations in the Peruvian coast, and has one fully owned processing plant for fresh, preserved and frozen products. The Company has on average 8,000 part and full time employees.

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Camposol Q3 2012 Presentation Camposol Q3 2012 Report