Aéroports de Paris : Consolidated revenue at 30 September 2011 pro forma

Following the changes in presentation occurred at the 2011 full year results and 2012 half year results publications, the consolidated revenue at 30 September 2011 pro forma is as follows:

In  millions of Euros 9M 2011
as published
9M 2011
pro forma
Aviation 1,141 1,141 -
Retail & Services 734 616 (119)
Retail 350 230 (120)
Car parks 119 119 -
Industrial services 39 39 -
Rentals 73 74 +1
Others 153 153 -
Real Estate 179 179 -
Ground Handling and Related Services 149 0 (149)
Ground handling 104 0 (104)
Security 45 0 (45)
Airport Investments 0 9 +9
Other activities 147 184 +37
Hub télécom 80 80 -
ADPI 55 55 -
Alyzia Sûreté 0 45 +45
ADPM 8 0 (8)
Eliminations (266) (249) +17
Consolidated revenue 2,084 1,880 (204)


2012 Third quarter Revenue: conference call Thursday 15 November 2012 at 9:00 (CET):

  • Please call:   

  • + 33 (0)1 70 77 09 38 from France 

  • + 44 (0) 203 367 9453 from other countries 

  • A replay of the call will be available from 12:00 pm (CET) by dialling: 

  • + 33 (0)1 72 00 15 00 from France 

  • + 44 (0) 203 367 9460 from other countries 

  • Pin code: 278 417 # 

Presentation is available on our website: www.aeroportsdeparis.fr


Aéroports de Paris: Consolidated revenue at 09 30 11