STMicroelectronics First to Simplify Complex Multimedia Routing with New DisplayPort 1.2 Device

Delivers complete cross-conversion flexibility for multi-format, multi-display applications

Geneva, October 31, 2012 - STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications and a top player in ICs for home multimedia, today added the STDP43 series of products to its innovative DisplayPort portfolio. These Systems-on-Chips (SoCs) are the world's first high-speed active-protocol bi-directional media-routing devices that manage audio and video data from various sources and send this data to multiple displays. The devices support DisplayPort 1.2 and HDMI 1.4, the latest versions of the two most common digital-display interface technologies used in computer and consumer electronics. The STDP43 SoCs are catalytic in the rapidly expanding markets for next-generation digital signage, universal docking stations and video hubs required by the new generation of notebooks and PCs based on the latest Intel and AMD CPUs that support the multi-stream features of DisplayPort 1.2.

The STDP43 series offers powerful routing logic for managing today's complex display options, such as in data centers, video-walls, and control centers, where content sharing to multiple displays is a critical requirement. Using dual-mode receivers and transmitters in various configurations, ST's new SoCs can split, combine, route and convert DisplayPort 1.2 and HDMI 1.4 signals into full HD on multiple daisy-chained displays with color depth up to 48 bits per pixel, or into 4Kx2K (4096x2160p = 4 times Full HD) on a single display.

"The STDP43 SoC adds a very versatile product to ST's strong mix of DisplayPort 1.2 solutions," said Todd Meany, General Manager of ST's Display Product Division (DPD). "Laptop and display designers are cheering ST's media-routing concept that allows for more flexibility and faster implementation of complex media functionality from docking stations and media hubs. In addition, multimedia data centers now have more options to expand their designs by taking full advantage of the multi-stream feature."

The STDP43 series' industry firsts include:

  • First single-chip solution to combine two DisplayPort or HDMI streams into a DisplayPort 1.2 MST (Multi-Stream) output.
  • First to convert DisplayPort 1.2 MST signal into two DisplayPort or HDMI outputs.
  • First to transport up to 8 A/V streams on a single connector/cable from one device to another.
  • First discrete DisplayPort receiver with DisplayPort GTC (Global Time Code) feature for Audio inter-channel synchronization.

Other important features and benefits include:

  • Total link bandwidth of 21.6 Gbps that supports largest format displays and all 3D formats, up to 4K2K 60Hz  / 3D Full HD 120Hz video & 7.1 Ch audio
  • Supports video splitting up to 4K2K; a single STDP43 SoC can drive two 4K2K displays. Cascading of multiple STDP43 devices allows driving multiple 4K2K displays.
  • Supports Mobility DisplayPort (MyDP) feature; able to receive and display MyDP signal from smart phones and tablets via passive cable.

ST's STDP43 series devices - the Dual-Mode DisplayPort 1.2 splitter (STDP4320) and the Dual-Mode DisplayPort 1.2 concentrator (STDP4328) - are sampling now, with mass production scheduled for Q2 2013.

About STMicroelectronics
ST is a global leader in the semiconductor market serving customers across the spectrum of sense and power technologies and multimedia convergence applications. From energy management and savings to trust and data security, from healthcare and wellness to smart consumer devices, in the home, car and office, at work and at play, ST is found everywhere microelectronics make a positive and innovative contribution to people's life. By getting more from technology to get more from life, ST stands for life.augmented.

In 2011, the Company's net revenues were $9.73 billion. Further information on ST can be found at

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Michael Markowitz
Director Technical Media Relations
+1 781 591 0354
