Press release

Q3 2012 Revenues

Altran continues its healthy growth
Q3 2012 revenues: €344.2m

Organic growth (1) of 4.3%

Consolidated sales came out at €344.2m in Q3 2012, versus€336m in Q3 2011. This implies organic growth (1) of 4.3% and economic growth (2) of 3.8% on year-earlier levels.

Organic growth (1) in Q3 2012 breaks down as follows: 1.2% in France,  7.3% in Northern Europe,  2.0% in Southern Europe and  60.0% in the  Rest of the World zone, which essentially comprises the US, China and India.

Quarterly revenue trends:

(€m) Q3 2011 Q4 2011 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Q3 2012
Revenue, excluding contributions of companies acquired and/or divested (A) 330.1 364.6 370.4 362.2 344.2
Contribution of companies acquired and/or divested (B) 5.9 6.0 0.7 (0.7) -
Total revenueS (a)+(b) 336.0 370.6 371.1 361.5 344.2

Over the first nine months, Group revenues came out at €1076.8m, versus €1048.9m at end-September 2011. This implies organic growth (1)  of 4.5%, of which 3.2% in France, 6.4% in Northern Europe, 1.3% in Southern Europe and 43.0% in the ROW zone, and economic growth (2) of 4.0%.

Headcount and invoicing rate
At 30 September 2012, the total headcount stood at 17,794 employees (including 15,815 consultants), implying a net increase of 257 staff members on end-June 2012 levels.
The invoicing rate came out at 84.1% at end-September compared with 84.8% at end-June 2012 due, mainly, to the recruitment of new consultants in September to carry out missions in the fourth quarter.

Commenting on Altran's Q3 2012 revenues, Group Chairman and Chief Executive Philippe Salle said, "Altran's Q3 revenues confirm growth trends observed in the first half. This solid performance in the third quarter was largely achieved on the back of the Group's positioning which is mainly focused on R&D.  This makes us confident that 2012 will be a year of profitable growth for the Group, in line with the financial objectives set out in the strategic plan communicated to the Market.

About Altran

As global leader in innovation and high tech engineering consulting, Altran accompanies its clients in the creation and development of their new products and services. Altran has been providing services for thirty years to key players in the Aerospace, Automotive, Energy, Railways, Finance, Healthcare and Telecoms sectors. Covering every stage of project development from strategic planning through to manufacturing, Altran's offers capitalise on the Group's technological know-how in four key areas: Product Lifecycle Management, Mechanical Engineering, Systems Engineering and Embedded Systems, and IT Systems.
In 2011, the Group generated sales of €1420m. Altran has a staff of more than 17,000 employees (including 15,000 consultants) and 500 major clients in over 20 countries.

Investor relations
Altran Group
Philippe Salle
Chairman and Chief Executive
Tel: 33 1 46 17 49 66

Olivier Aldrin
Executive Vice-President and CFO
Tel: 33 1 46 17 49 69
Financial press relations
Publicis Consultants
Veronique Duhoux
Tel: 33 1 44 82 46 33

Caroline Decaux
Tel: 38 1 44 82 46 33

