Purchase Program

Press release:
Purchase program own shares Melexis NV
Intermediate declaration by the Board of Directors
Ieper, Belgium - November 5th, 2012 at 18.00 hrs CET

The board of directors of Melexis NV has decided on October 15, 2012 to start with the purchase of own shares Melexis NV.
Sub-subsidiary Melexis Technologies NV will no longer continue the program to purchase shares Melexis NV.
Melexis NV announces today that it acquired 1,785 own shares during the period October 26, 2012 till November 2, 2012.

Purchase date
week 43 - 44
Number of
Average Price
(in EUR)
Lowest Price    
(in EUR)
Highest Price
(in EUR)
Total Amount
(in EUR)
week 43 - 44

After the transactions, Melexis NV holds 1.785 own shares, representing 0.00% of shares outstanding.
Melexis Technologies NV holds 344.356 shares of Melexis NV, representing 0.85% of shares outstanding.
The total number of Melexis NV shares outstanding amounts to 40.400.000.


Melexis Share Buy Back Program