HIGHCO : Shareholding as 31/10/2012

Information concerning the total number of voting rights and shares

According to provisions of the article 223-16 of the Règlement Général AMF
and of the article  L.233-8 II of the French Code de commerce

Date of settlement
of information
Total number of shares Number of shares without voting rights (*) Number of voting rights for threshold calculation
Number of actual voting rights (exercisable at shareholders' meeting)
Octobre, 31-2012 11 210 666 833 373 11 385 800 10 552 427
September, 28-2012 11 210 666 827 222 11 385 800 10 558 578
August, 31-2012 11 210 666 822 697 11 385 800 10 563 103
July, 31-2012 11 210 666 823 239 11 387 800 10 564 561
June, 30-2012 11 210 666 825 296 11 383 300 10 558 004
May, 31-2012 11 210 666 816 192 11 383 300 10 567 108
April, 30-2012 11 210 666 806 734 11 386 300 10 579 566
March, 30-2012 11 210 666 784 749 11 378 259 10 593 510
February, 29-2012 11 210 666 862 082 11 389 417 10 527 335
January, 31-2012 11 210 666 852 614 11 395 117 10 542 503
December 31-2011 11 210 666 852 608 11 378 117 10 525 509

(*) exclusively own shares held by HighCo S.A.
(**) theoretical voting rights for threshold calculation including suspended voting rights article 223-11 of AMF's general regulation)

About HighCo

HighCo, operating in 13 countries across Europe, is the leading non-media communications group specialized in mass-market retail and consumer goods. Through its two complementary divisions, SHOPPER and DATA, HighCo connects with the consumer all along the customer path, implements promotional campaigns and analyses and processes data.

  • "CONNECT SHOPPER": coupon issuing, promotion, in-store media, services 

  • "PROCESS DATA": clearing, promo management, monitoring, logistics 

HighCo employs nearly 900 staff members in France, Benelux, Spain, United Kingdom and Central Europe and is listed in compartment C of NYSE Euronext Paris. HighCo is included within Gaïa Index, selection of 70 CSR-minded midcaps.

Vos contacts


Olivier Michel                               

Directeur général et financier        

+33 1 77 75 65 06        

Cynthia Lerat
Relations Presse
+33 1 77 75 65 16


HighCo : Shareholding as 31/10/2012