Launch of the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science

Press Release                                                      
20 December 2012                                        


For more information, please contact:
Jean-Charles Simon / Géraldine Fontaine   +33 (0) 1 58 44 75 58
Communications and Public Affairs

Antonio Moretti                                               +33 (0) 1 58 44 77 15
Investor Relations Director

Launch of the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science

SCOR announced the launch of the "SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science" today.

The SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science will lend its support to various different kinds of project, within the framework of its orientations and means, but in principle with no limitations in terms of geographical location, academic discipline or formalities. For example, this support may involve financing university chairs or specific research projects, launching calls for projects, being involved in conferences and publications, sponsoring scientific awards, and so on.

The Foundation will benefit from annual financial support from SCOR in order to support new projects, and will take responsibility for some of the Group's existing scientific research operations. In total, the Foundation will be responsible for a range of annual commitments amounting to around EUR 1 million.

The Foundation, the creation of which was registered in the Official Journal of Associations and Foundations of 28 July 2012, is chaired by André Lévy-Lang. The Foundation's Board of Directors will notably ensure that it functions properly and will present comprehensive public reports on its activities. The Foundation will also be supported by a very high-level interdisciplinary and international scientific board, which will help it to define its strategic priorities and to select projects to support.

The members of the Scientific Board are Laurent Abel (Inserm), Thibault Damour (Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques), Georges Dionne (HEC Montreal), Pierre-Louis Lions (Collège de France), Erwann Michel-Kerjan (Wharton Business School), Nikolai Shapiro (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris), Didier Sornette (ETH Zurich), Jean Tirole (Toulouse School of Economics) and James W. Vaupel (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research).

André Lévy-Lang, Chairman of the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science, comments: "I am very happy that SCOR has chosen to extend its support for scientific research and teaching through the creation of this Corporate Foundation. With the assistance of a remarkable international Scientific Board, the Foundation is in an ideal position to undertake a consistent, ambitious and fully-deserved programme of support for scientific teams and projects."

Denis Kessler, SCOR Chairman and CEO, comments: "The creation of the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science marks a new phase in SCOR's commitment to scientific disciplines, and beyond this to its contribution to society as a whole. By the nature of its business, and given the strong scientific culture of its teams, SCOR has always been an active partner to the world of research and university-level teaching. We wanted to push this even further by implementing, outside of the Group, a foundation dedicated to Science."

Further information on the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science is available at:

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SCOR Press Release