Helsinki, Finland, 2012-12-21 16:35 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ixonos, Stock Exchange Release, 21.12.2012 17.35 EET

Not to publish in or distributed to The United States of America, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, South Africa or Japan





Ixonos Plc ("Ixonos" or "Company")is preparing a share issue (“Share Issue”) directed at the company's present shareholders and intended to raise maximum of  EUR 4.3 million.  The Board of the Directors is going to propose to extraordinary shareholder’s meeting that the meeting will authorize the Board of Directors to decide on a rights issue of maximum of 40 million new shares against payments in one or multiple share issues. The Share Issue is pending, among other things to the approval of the extraordinary shareholder’s meeting on 15th January 2013. The funds raised in the Share Issue, Company is planning to use to carry forward its’ change project and to strengthen its’ balance sheet.  Pohjola Corporate Finance Ltd will act as a lead manager in planned share issue. 

Of the Company’s shareholders Turret Oy Ab ("Turret") (approx. 22,8 percent of shares), SEB Life International Assurance Company as investment in Policy  (approx. 5,8 percent of shares), Ilari Koskelo (approx. 2,9 percent shares), The Chairman of the Board  Pertti Ervi (Approx. 0,27 percent of shares), The future CEO and President Esa Harju (Approx. 0,13 percent of shares) and other persons from company management, Representing a total of approx. 31.9 percent of company shares have given a subscription commitment in full the new shares that their holding’s entitle them to subscribe for.  

In Addition Turret has given underwriting commitment to shares that are not subscribed for in the issue with maximum amount of EUR 0,5 Million and Ilari Koskelo with maximum of EUR 0,5 Million. The underwriting commitment given by Turret is conditional upon the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority having granted Turret a permanent exemption from the obligation pursuant to the Finnish Securities Market Act to make a mandatory public offer for the remainder of the shares and other securities entitling to shares issued by the Company in case Turret’s ownership, as a result of the Share Issue, exceeds 30 per cent of the voting rights attached to the Company’s shares. If the given underwriting commitments are used, such underwritings are only used to the extent the ownership of the parties having given the underwriting  does not, as a result of the use of the subscription commitment and the underwriting commitment, exceed 30 per cent of the voting rights attached to the Company’s shares.

The Board of Directors of Company will determine later all the provisions of share issue, including number of issued shares and the subscription price, after the extraordinary shareholders meeting has grant the Board of Directors to decide of the share issue. The planned share issue is intended to carry through before end on February 2013 in accordance with the market conditions.   

The invitation to extraordinary general meeting has been published today with a separate stock exchange release. The Board proposals to extraordinary general meeting and other information concerning to extraordinary general meeting is available in Company web pages www.ixonos.com in Finnish.



Helsinki, 21.December 2012





The Board of directors



Additional Information


Pertti Ervi, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, tel, +33 6 8583 9153


Timo Leinonen CFO, Senior Vice President. +358 400 793 073 email. timo.leinonen@ixonos.com



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The issue, exercise and/or sale of securities in the offering are subject to specific legal or regulatory restrictions in certain jurisdictions. The Company and Pohjola Corporate Finance Oy assume no responsibility in the event there is a violation by any person of such restrictions.

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Ixonos_stock exchange release_share issue_2013.pdf