Delisting of Certificate issued by Credit Suisse AG London Branch (195/12)

As from January 4, 2013, ART0677 and ART0678 certificates issued by Credit Suisse AG London Branch will be delisted from the list for certificates upon request from the issuer,

Issuer: Credit Suisse AG London Branch
Type of security: ART0677
ISIN: CH0140171635
Last trading date December 28, 2012
Short name: AC1512BRIC6LCS
Term: Delisted from January 4, 2013
Underlying asset: Basket of emerging market underlying assets  


Issuer: Credit Suisse AG London Branch
Type of security: ART0678
ISIN: CH0140191344                                                                                        
Last trading date December 28, 2012                                                                                   
Short name: AC2OMX6LCS
Term: Delisted from January 4, 2013
Underlying asset: Basket of securities liked to OMX 30 index  


 For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Andreas Jensen or Carl Wikland, telephone +46 8 405 60 00, or

