RoodMicrotec: 11% sales growth in second half 2012

Zwolle - 10 January 2013

Preliminary sales figures 2012

The preliminary annual sales in 2012 of RoodMicrotec N.V. were EUR 11.978 million (2011: EUR 15.717 million), a 24% decrease compared to 2011. The total level of the semiconductor industry remains clearly below that of 2011.

In the second half of 2012 we realised sales of EUR 6.290 million, an 11% increase compared to sales in the second half of 2011 (EUR 5.688 million).
This is in line with the global semiconductor industry, which also showed a positive development in the second half of 2012.

Business units

Preliminary sales result per half year:

(x EUR 1,000) HY 2 2012 HY1 2012 Movement
Test 2,193 2,360 -7.1%
Supply Chain Management 1,465 992   +47.7%
Failure & Technology Analysis 1,139 778   +46.4%
Test Engineering 352 353 +0.0%
Qualification & Reliability 1,141 1,205 -5.3%
Total 6,290 5,688    10.6%

Preliminary sales result compared to 2011:

(x EUR 1,000) 2012 2011 Movement.
Test 4,553 7,264   -37.3%
Supply Chain Management 2,457 3,556 -30.9%
Failure & Technology Analysis 1,917 1,667   +15.0%
Test Engineering 705 887 -20.5%
Qualification & Reliability 2,346 2,343 +0.0%
Total 11,978 15,717 -23.8%

Contrary to the original outlook, the market was very weak indeed in the first half of 2012. In addition, our sales were affected negatively by the replacement by a major IDM of old products by new products, which so far have far lesser sales, as well as by a bankruptcy of one of our larger customers.
Both in the third and fourth quarter of 2012, RoodMicrotec's sales were well above those of the first two quarters. Economic reservations among our customers and postponement of projects continued to harm us into the past quarter, especially in the last weeks of December. Both suppliers and customers closed down operations relatively unexpectedly in the week before Christmas and up to the new year, which is exceptional in our industry.

Despite this, there have been positive developments in the order portfolios of the various business units. Also, sales in all sectors were equal to or better than in the first half of 2012. Especially the Supply Chain Management and Failure & Technology Analysis business units showed a strong recovery compared to the first half of 2012.

'The macroeconomic uncertainty impacts not only the developments of the semiconductor industry, but also RoodMicrotec's. Still, the semiconductor industry showed a positive development in the second half of 2012, as did RoodMicrotec. Looking back on 2012, it was a turbulent year, and the first half of 2012 was especially disappointing. But I remain convinced that with our strategy we are on the right track and that we will be able to profit from further growth in the global market', said Philip Nijenhuis, RoodMicrotec CEO.



After disappointing market developments in 2012, in 2013 4.5% growth of the global market is being forecast and 5.2% in 2014, according to the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS). However, these figures are still below the multi-year average of 6%. Analogous to the forecasts of the WSTS for 2013 and beyond, RoodMicrotec anticipates a recovery of its business and the realisation of its growth objectives. We aim to grow at a faster rate than the global market, which we have done almost without fail in the last 9 years.
The ongoing increase of the number of applications backs up our confidence that we will once again grow more strongly than the market in 2013.
However, the macroeconomic developments force us to remain cautious. For this reason, we do not pronounce any concrete predictions for 2013.


We have recently appointed an experienced Sales and Marketing Manager, as well as an experienced engineer. However, recruiting engineers with a background in electronics of physics remains one of our highest priorities.


26 February 2013 Publication annual figures 2012
26 February 2013 Conference call for press and analysts
14 March 2013 Publication annual report 2012
25 April 2013 Annual general meeting of shareholders
14 May 2013 Publication trading update
9 July 2013 Publication sales figures first half 2013
29 August 2013 Publication interim report 2013
29 August 2013 Conference call for press and analysts
14 November 2013 Publication trading update
9 January 2014 Publication annual sales figures 2013
27 February 2014 Publication annual figures 2013
27 February 2014  Conference call for press and analysts
13 March 2014 Publication annual report 2013
24 April 2014 Annual general meeting of shareholders
13 May 2014 Publication trading update
10 July 2014 Publication trading figures
28 August 2014 Publication interim report 2014
28 August 2014 Conference call for press and analysts
13 November 2014 Publication trading update

The financial data has not been audited.

Forward-looking statements
This press release contains a number of forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates and prognoses of the board of management and on the information currently available to the company. The statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties which are hard to evaluate, such as the general economic conditions, interest rates, exchange rates and amendments to statutory laws and regulations. The board of management of RoodMicrotec cannot guarantee that its expectations will materialise. Furthermore, RoodMicrotec does not accept any obligation to update the statements made in this press release.

About RoodMicrotec
With 40 years' experience as an independent value-added service provider in the area of micro and optoelectronics, RoodMicrotec offers fabless companies, OEMs and other companies a one-stop shopping proposition. With its powerful solutions RoodMicrotec has built up a strong position in Europe.

Our services comply with the industrial and quality requirements of the high reliability/space, automotive, telecommunications, medical, IT and electronics sectors.
Certified by RoodMicrotec concerns inter alia certification of products to the stringent ISO/TS 16949 standard that applies to suppliers to the automotive industry. The company also has an accredited laboratory for test activities and calibration to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard.

The value-added services comprise inter alia extended supply chain management, failure & technology analysis, qualification & burn-in, test- & product engineering, production test (including device programming and end-of-line service), ESD/ESDFOS assessment & training, quality & reliability consulting, supply chain management and total manufacturing solutions with partners.

RoodMicrotec has branches in Germany (Dresden, Nördlingen, Stuttgart), the UK (Bath) and the Netherlands (Zwolle).

Further information:
Philip Nijenhuis, CEO
Telephone         +31 (0) 38 4215216


RoodMicrotec - Preliminary Sales 2012