Umicore - Transparency declaration by BlackRock Inc.: Disposal of voting securities

BlackRock Inc., located at 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL, has notified the FSMA and Umicore that on 18 February 2011 it has crossed the statutory threshold of 5 %, holding 4.96 % of Umicore's shares and voting rights.

name date threshold # voting rights denominator % voting rights
BlackRock, Inc. 18/02/2011 0 120,000,000 0.00%
BlackRock (Luxembourg) S.A. 18/02/2011 1,427,610 120,000,000 1.19%
BlackRock (Netherlands) B.V. 18/02/2011 19,278 120,000,000 0.02%
BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited 18/02/2011 733,305 120,000,000 0.61%
BlackRock Advisors, LLC 18/02/2011 50,659 120,000,000 0.04%
BlackRock Asset Management Australia Limited 18/02/2011 41,657 120,000,000 0.03%
BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited 18/02/2011 54,382 120,000,000 0.05%
BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG 18/02/2011 88,289 120,000,000 0.07%
BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited 18/02/2011 167,203 120,000,000 0.14%
BlackRock Japan Co., Ltd. 18/02/2011 315,592 120,000,000 0.26%
BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. 18/02/2011 52,988 120,000,000 0.04%
BlackRock Fund Advisors 18/02/2011 581,607 120,000,000 0.48%
BlackRock Fund Managers Limited 18/02/2011 31,328 120,000,000 0.03%
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A. 18/02/2011 1,989,201 120,000,000 1.66%
BlackRock International Limited 18/02/2011 8,581 120,000,000 0.01%
BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited 18/02/2011 10,692 120,000,000 0.01%
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited 18/02/2011 240,026 120,000,000 0.20%
BlackRock Investment Management, LLC 18/02/2011 145,573 120,000,000 0.12%
BlackRock Investment Management (Dublin) Limited 18/02/2011 0 120,000,000 0.00%
TOTAL 18/02/2011 < 5.00% 5,957,971 120,000,000 4.96%

The chain of control has been described as follows:

BlackRock Inc. is the ultimate controller but the legal entities detailed above are the discretionary Investment Managers who holds the shares and exercise the voting rights. 
The declaration can be found on:

For more information

Investor Relations:

Geoffroy RASKIN                                     +32 2 227 71 47                    

Evelien GOOVAERTS                              +32 2 227 78 38