BioInvent International AB Annual General Meeting

Lund, Sweden – 25 April 2013 – BioInvent International AB (OMXS: BINV)

BioInvent’s Annual General Meeting on 25 April resolved on a reduction of the
company’s share capital and the statutory reserve for the purpose of covering
loss while at the same time better adapt the size of the share capital to the
company’s business. The AGM further resolved to implement an employee incentive
program and to authorize the Board of Directors to issue new shares. Dharminder
Chahal and Jonas Jendi were elected as new Board members.
The AGM voted in favour of adopting the income statements and balance sheets for
the Group and the parent company, and decided that the accumulated loss of SEK
-17,140,719 should be carried forward.

In accordance with the Board’s proposal, the AGM resolved on the reduction of
the share capital, without retirement of shares and without repayment to the
shareholders. The reduction means that the quotient value of the shares is
reduced by SEK 0.23, from SEK 0.50 to SEK 0.27. The purpose is to cover the
accumulated loss accounting-wise, while at the same time better adapting the
size of the share capital to the company’s business.

The AGM discharged the Board members and the CEO from liability, reelected the
ordinary board members Lars Backsell, Lars Ingelmark, Elisabeth Lindner and
Björn O. Nilsson, and newly elected Dharminder Chahal and Jonas Jendi.
Björn O. Nilsson was reelected Chairman of the Board.

Further, the AGM resolved that the Board’s fees shall remain unchanged at SEK
400,000 for the Chairman of the Board and SEK 160,000 for each of the other
members of the Board not employed by the Company. In addition hereto, it was
decided that the fee for the Chairman of the Audit Committee shall amount SEK
50,000, that the fee for each of the other members in the Audit Committee shall
amount to SEK 40,000 and that the fee for each of the members in the
Remuneration Committee shall amount to SEK 20,000. Fee for Committee work shall
however not be paid to the Chairman of the Board.

The AGM also resolved in accordance with the Board’s proposal on guidelines for
remuneration of executive management.

Furthermore, the AGM authorized the Board of Directors to resolve on the issue
of new shares, with or without a deviation from the shareholders’ preferential
right, of a maximum number of shares which corresponds to 15 per cent of the
registered share capital, for the purpose of increasing the company’s financial
flexibility, to add new company owners of strategic importance and/or the
acquisition of other companies or businesses.

Last, in accordance with the Board's proposal, the AGM resolved to implement a
long term incentive program in the form of an employee option program,
comprising all of the employees of the BioInvent group. The new Employee
Incentive Program 2013/2018 shall include a maximum of 900,000 options.

-- END --

To the editors:

About BioInvent
BioInvent International AB, listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm (BINV), is a
research-based pharmaceutical company focused on discovery and development of
innovative antibody-based drugs against cancer. The Company's pipeline currently
includes three product candidates for the treatment of cancer.

The company's competitive position is underpinned by n-CoDeR®, a proprietary
antibody development platform. The scope and strength of this platform is also
used to develop antibody-based drugs in collaboration with partners who finance
the development of the new drug, and provide BioInvent the right to milestone
payments and royalties on sales. These partners include Bayer HealthCare,
Daiichi Sankyo, Mitsubishi Tanabe and Servier. More information is available at

For further information, please contact:

Cristina Glad                                                          Björn O.
President and CEO                                                 Chairman of
the board
+46 (0)46 286 85 51                                               +46 (0)70-218
15 00
+46 (0)708 16 85 70

BioInvent International AB (publ)
Co. reg. No. 556537-7263
Visiting address: Sölvegatan 41
Mailing address: 223 70 LUND
Phone: +46 (0)46 286 85 50

Legal disclaimer
The press release contains statements about the future, consisting of subjective
assumptions and forecasts for future scenarios. Predictions for the future only
apply as the date they are made and are, by their very nature, in the same was
as research and development work in the biotech segment, associated with risk
and uncertainty. With this in mind, the actual outcome may deviate significantly
from the scenarios described in this press release.

Information disclosed in this press release is provided herein pursuant to the
Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading
Act. The information was submitted for publication at 12.45 p.m. CET, on 25
April, 2013.

