General Manager in the US resigns

Michael Petruny resigns from his position as General Manager of Olerup Inc.
after three years at the current position. Anders Karlsson, CEO of Allenex but
also CEO and Chairman of Olerup Inc. immediately takes over the operational
responsibility as Olerup Inc. General Manager until a successor is appointed.

For more information please contact:

Anders Karlsson, CEO Allenex AB, and ph.: +4670-918 00 10, e-mail:

Allenex AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities
Markets Act and /or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was
submitted for publication on June 07, 2013, at 14.00 CET. Allenex is a life
science-company that develops, manufacture, market and sell products for safer
transplants of organs and bone marrow on the global market. Allenex is listed on
NASDAQ OMX Stockholm Small Cap (ticker: ALNX). 54 persons are employed in the
Allenex group.

